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Pair Died Week Apart of Natural Causes
Police say the actor may have been unaware his wife had died before him
大象传媒 News
Paisley Patterns
Billy Kay talks to buddies who celebrate the history and culture of Paisley.
大象传媒 Radio Scotland
Paisley: A Life
How Ian Paisley went from divisive demagogue to a participant in the Irish peace process.
大象传媒 One Northern Ireland
Paisley: Genesis to Revelation - Face to Face with Eamonn Mallie
Ian Paisley answers questions on his role in Northern Ireland's troubled past
大象传媒 One Northern Ireland
Paisley鈥hild of Wrath鈥an of God
A portrait of Ian Paisley, the politician and religious leader from Northern Ireland.
大象传媒 One
Pakistan After the Deluge
Lyse Doucet visits Pakistan to find out how it is coping after July's devastating floods.
大象传媒 Radio 4
Pakistan Launches Retaliatory Strikes into Iran
The missile strikes come after Iran carried out strikes on Pakistan on Tuesday
大象传媒 News
Pakistan's Long Game
Owen Bennett-Jones examines the long game Pakistan played in the US defeat in Afghanistan.
大象传媒 Radio 4
Pal Joey
A singer in San Francisco dreams of owning a club. With Frank Sinatra and Rita Hayworth.
大象传媒 Two
Palace for the People
Five of communism's palaces revealed by those who designed, built and worked in them.
大象传媒 Four
The Pale Horse
Dramatisation of Agatha Christie's atmospheric murder mystery. Dramatised by Joy Wikinson.
大象传媒 Radio 4
Palestine: Britain's Colonial Crimes
The UK government is being urged to make a formal apology for alleged war crimes.
大象传媒 News
Palestinian Prisoners Arrive In Ramallah
Israeli & Thai hostages released and Palestinian prisoners freed as part of ceasefire deal
大象传媒 News
Palin on Redpath
Michael Palin travels to France in search of a view captured by his favourite artist.
大象传媒 Two
The Pallisers
Jessica Raine and Tim McMullan star in a new adaptation of the novels by Anthony Trollope.
大象传媒 Radio 4
Paloma Faith with The Guy Barker Orchestra
Another chance to enjoy Paloma Faith in concert with The Guy Barker Orchestra.
大象传媒 Radio 2
Paloma Faith: As I Am
Pop star, actor and first-time mum Paloma Faith embarks on an ambitious world tour.
大象传媒 Two
Pam Ayres - The Radio Years
Pam Ayres celebrates her remarkable life and radio career
大象传媒 Radio 4 Extra
Pam Ayres at Christmas
It.'s 'Operation Christmas' with Pam Ayres and Geoffrey Whitehead.
大象传媒 Radio 4
Pam Ayres' Open Road
The poet and broadcaster embarks on a UK road trip, taking in the lives of the locals
大象传媒 Radio 4 Extra
Pam Leeson - The Unhearable
Michelle has Meniere's disease. How will the young and vibrant woman cope?
大象传媒 Radio 4 Extra
Pam St Clement Remembers... EastEnders: Pat and Frank's Affair
Pam St Clement remembers one of the most iconic episodes of EastEnders.
大象传媒 Four
Pam Zinnemann-Hope - On Cigarette Papers
A poignant true love story that begins in 1930s Germany.
大象传媒 Radio 4
Pamela Branch - The Wooden Overcoat
Newly acquitted killer Benji Cann finds refuge at the Asterisk Club, then turns up dead.
大象传媒 Radio 4 Extra
Pamela Brown - Golden Pavements
Children's drama following the exploits of the Blue Doors theatre group
大象传媒 Radio 4 Extra
Pamela Brown - The Swish of the Curtain
A group of children dream of setting up their very own theatre company
大象传媒 Radio 4 Extra
Pampro Cwn Cymru
Saith ci arbennig sy'n cael pamper Nadolig wrth i ni ddarganfod faint maen nhw wedi hel...
Pan Ddaeth y Frenhines i Gymru
Rhaglen yn olrhain ymweliadau a pherthynas y Frenhines Elizabeth II 芒 Chymru o'i hymwel...
Pan Dwi'n Fawr
Mae plant yn ymuno ag oedolyn i drio rhywbeth yr hoffen nhw ei wneud yn well pan fyddan...
Pan's Labyrinth
Bookish young Ofelia gets drawn to a fantastical world - one as disturbing as her reality.
大象传媒 Two
The Panama Papers
A major investigation reveals how the world's most notorious regimes get around sanctions.
大象传媒 Radio 4
The story of the relationship between Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth.
大象传媒 Four
Pandemic - Scotland and the Flu
Professor John Oxford reveals how Scotland was affected by the flu pandemic of 1918.
Pandemic 1918
Series on the flu pandemic that devastated much of the planet just over 100 years ago.
大象传媒 Radio 4
A Pandemic Poem: Where Did the World Go?
A powerful and moving poetic examination of the pandemic with people from across Britain.
大象传媒 Two
Pandemic: How The Flu Changed Wales
Scientist John Oxford examines the impact of the Great Spanish Flu Pandemic on Wales.
大象传媒 Radio Wales
Pandemic: Scotland and the Flu
Professor John Oxford on how Scotland was affected by the flu pandemic of 1918.
大象传媒 Radio Scotland
The Pandemic's New Poor
Following the lives of four workers who have been struggling to survive.
大象传媒 News
The Pandemic's New Poor
Following the lives of four workers who have been struggling to survive.
大象传媒 News
Pandemig: 1918 / 2020
Yng nghysgod Covid-19, Dr. Llinos Roberts o Gaerfyrddin sy'n archwilio stori Ffliw Sba...
Panic Attack
Quiz in which contestants battle against their nerves, to stay in control of the game.
大象传媒 One Northern Ireland
Panic Patterns
Contemporary thriller by Zoe Strachan and Louise Welsh, two of Scotland's best novelists.
大象传媒 Radio Scotland
Panic Room
Psychologists Dr Lucy Atcheson and Felix Economakis help severe phobics face their fears
大象传媒 Three
The Panic Room
Psychologists Dr Lucy Atcheson and Felix Economakis help severe phobics face their fears
大象传媒 Three
Panjabi Hit Squad
The biggest hip hop, Bollywood and bhangra anthems with Dee and Rav
大象传媒 Asian Network
Investigative documentary series revealing the truth about the stories that matter.
大象传媒 One
Investigative documentary series revealing the truth about the stories that matter.
大象传媒 News
Current affairs programme, featuring interviews and investigative reports on a wide variety of subjects.
大象传媒 Russian TV
Panorama: The Challenge of the 60s
Experts assess predictions made about the world's future in a 1960 edition of Panorama.
大象传媒 Four
Panto Shane
Shane Williams a'i ffrindiau sy'n paratoi pantomeim penigamp i ni. Shane Williams and f...
Panto Shane a'r Belen Aur
Hanes Shane Williams ar ffurf pantomeim! Shane Williams' fairytale story is brought to ...
Panto y Ffermwyr Ifanc
Adloniant ysgafn yng nghwmni Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru. Entertainment with Wales' Young Farm...
Pantomeim y Ffermwyr Ifanc
Pantomein y ffermwyr ifanc: Cantre'r Canol a'r Tylwyth Teg. Mae dynion drwg am droi Can...
Michael Billington interviews the actor and writer John Morley, who loved pantomime.
大象传媒 Radio 4 Extra
Pantomime in Port Talbot: Balls of Steel
Following preparations for the 50th anniversary of Port Talbot's Christmas pantomime.
大象传媒 One Wales
The Pantomime Life of Joseph Grimaldi (Omnibus)
The story of how a world-famous clown became a superstar of Georgian panto.
大象传媒 Radio 4 Extra
The Pantomime Life of Joseph Grimaldi
Kenneth Cranham reads Andrew McConnell Stott's account of the world-famous clown
大象传媒 Radio 4 Extra
Pantomime Special
Hear from the stars of the festive season in Manchester鈥檚 theatres.
大象传媒 Radio Manchester
Rhaglen yn olrhain hanes Neuadd Gymraeg Pantycelyn. Pantycelyn Halls of Residence special.
大象传媒 Radio Cymru
Vaughan Roderick a'i chwaer Sian sy'n ceisio dysgu rhagor am William Williams, Pantycelyn.
大象传媒 Radio Cymru
Olrhain hanes llety myfyrwyr Pantycelyn, wrth i'r neuadd eiconig ail-agor.
大象传媒 Radio Cymru
Paolo Nutini in Concert at Paisley Town Hall
Bryan Burnett introduces Paolo Nutini's homecoming concert at Paisley Town Hall.
大象传媒 Radio Scotland
Paolo's Year
Jackie Brambles talks to Paolo Nutini and celebrates his momentous year.
大象传媒 Radio Scotland
Papadopoulos and Sons
After a financial crisis, a millionaire loses everything apart from a fish and chip shop.
大象传媒 One
Papageno and the poetry of disquiet
Can disquieting poetry damage the vulnerable and suicidal, or can it be a source of help?
大象传媒 Radio 4
Papal Ball
Danny Robins asks if the Catholic Church can inject new morality into Italian football.
大象传媒 Radio 4
Papal Visit to the United Kingdom: Mass at Bellahouston Park, Glasgow
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Mass for the Feast of St Ninian.
大象传媒 Radio Scotland
Paparazzi: Next Generation
Following three months in the lives of four young paparazzi hopefuls in London and LA.
大象传媒 Three