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Pr貌gram 6 (Sreath 7)


Airson an taobh a-staigh:

600g feòil isbean feòil-muice
700g mions feòil-muice
200g hama strìogach, nach eil smoicte, air a ghearradh
1 uinnean mòr, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 spàin-bheag ròs-Mhuire, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 spàin-bheag tìm, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 spàin-bheag pearsail, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 ugh air a bhuaileadh
Bloigh math salainn
Piobar dubh

  • Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann am bobhla agus measgaich le do làmhan.
  • Còmhdaich agus cuir dhan frids gus a bheilear deiseil a chleachdadh.

Airson a' phastraidh bùrn teth:

450g flùr plèan
100g flùr arain
100g geir
75g ìm, na chiùbaichean
200ml bùrn
½ spàin-bheag salainn

  • Cuir am bùrn agus a’ gheir ann am pana agus teasaich gus an ruigear ìre goil.
  • Cuir am flùr ann am bobhla leis an t-ìm agus an salann.
  • Suath an t-ìm dhan fhlùr gus am bith e mar chriomagan arain.
  • Measgaich am bùrn dhan fhlùr agus measgaich le forc, ag obair cho luath 's a ghabhas mus fuaraich an taois.
  • Nuair a tha an taois fuar gu leòr a làimhseachadh, fuin na bhàlla, còmhdaich agus fàg gu aon taobh.

  • Ro-theasaich an àmhainn gu 170C (fan). Cuir sìos an teas gu 160C nuair a thèid am pàidh dhan àmhainn.
  • Cuir pàipear-fuine am bonn tiona cèice.
  • Nuair a thathar deiseil am pàidh a dhèanamh, cuir flùr air a' bhòrd agus fuin am pastraidh gu math.
  • Geàrr dheth gu leòr pastraidh airson mullach a dhèanamh dhan phàidh agus fàg gu aon taobh.
  • Roilig a-mach an còrr dhen phastraidh agus gu cùramach, cuir am broinn an tiona, ga bhruthadh air bonn agus cliathaichean an tiona.
  • Lìon am pastraidh leis an fheòil, ga lìonadh chun a' mhullach.
  • Roilig am pastraidh airson a' mhullach air bòrd le flùr.
  • Bruisig cliathaichean a' phastraidh anns an tiona le na h-uighean air am bualadh.
  • Cuir am mullach air a mhuin agus dùin na cliathaichean le bhith a' bruthadh na h-oirean ri chèile. Scòr le forc gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil e dùinte ceart.
  • Dèan toll am meadhan a' mhullaich le sgian, gus smùid a leigeil às.
  • Bruisig am mullach leis an ugh.
  • Cuir am pàidh dhan àmhainn agus cuir sìos an teas gu 160C, airson timcheall air 2 uair a thìde.
  • Thoir am pàidh às an àmhainn, a' dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil e uile bruich. Leig leis fuarachadh.
  • Nuair a tha e air fuarachadh, thoir am pàidh às an tiona.

Airson crìoch a chur air:

300ml stoc circe
6 duilleagan gelatine

  • Sùgh an gelatine ann am bùrn fuar airson 5 mionaidean. Thoir às agus fàisg am bùrn a bharrachd às. Teasaich an stoc gus a bheil e cha mhòr a' goil. Thoir far an teas agus measgaich an gelatine ann. Leig leis fuarachadh.
  • Cleachd funail airson an stoc agus an gelatine a dhòirteadh am meadhan a’ phàidh, far a bheil an toll, ga chur ann beag air bheag.
  • Cuir am pàidh dhan frids agus leig leis fuarachadh agus cruadhachadh – fad na h-oidhche mas urrainn.


For the filling:

600g pork sausage meat
700g pork mince
200g unsmoked streaky bacon, chopped
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 tsp rosemary, finely chopped
1 tsp thyme, finely chopped
1 tsp parsley, finely chopped
1 beaten egg
A good pinch of salt
Black pepper

  • Place the mince and sausage meat and all the other ingredients in a bowl and mix together with your hands.
  • Cover with cling film and place in the fridge until you are ready to use it.

For the hot water pastry:

450g plain flour
100g bread or strong flour
100g lard
75g butter, cubed
200ml water
½ tsp salt

  • Pre-heat the oven to 170C (fan). Reduce to 160C when the pie goes in the oven.
  • Put the water and lard into a pan and heat together to reach boiling point.
  • Put the flour into a bowl with the butter and salt.
  • Rub butter into the flour to a breadcrumb consistency.
  • Stir the water into the flour and mix together with a fork, working it as quickly as you can before the mixture cools.
  • When the mixture is cool enough to handle, knead it into a ball, cover in cling film and set aside.
  • Pre-heat the oven to 170C (fan). Reduce the heat to 160C when the pie goes in the oven.
  • Line a deep cake tin with greaseproof paper and grease with lard.
  • When you are ready to make the pie, dust your surface with flour and knead the pastry well.
  • Cut off enough pastry for the lid of the pie and set that aside.
  • Roll out the rest of the pastry and place it carefully into the tin, pressing down on the bottom and sides of the tin.
  • Trim excess pastry from the edges of the tin.
  • Fill the pastry with the meat, filling it right up to the top.
  • Roll out the pastry for the lid on a dusted surface.
  • Brush the edges of the pastry in the tin, with beaten egg.
  • Place the lid on top and seal by pinching the edges with your fingers and scoring with a fork to make sure it is well sealed.
  • Make a hole in the centre of the lid with a knife, to allow steam to escape.
  • Brush the top well with beaten egg.
  • Place the pie in a pre-heated oven and reduce the heat to 160C, for approximately 2 hours.
  • Remove the pie from the oven, checking that it’s cooked through. Allow to cool.
  • Once cool, carefully remove the pie from the tin.

To finish

300ml chicken stock
6 gelatine leaves

  • Soak the gelatine in cold water for about 5 minutes, then remove and squeeze out the excess water. Heat the stock until almost at boiling point. Remove it from the heat and stir in the gelatine. Leave to cool.
  • Use a funnel to pour the stock and gelatine mixture into the centre of the pie, where you have left a hole, pouring in a little at a time.
  • Place the pie in the fridge and allow to cool and set, preferably overnight.


4 spàintean-mòra Port
4 spàintean-mòra silidh dearcan-dearga
1 làn spàin-bheag pùdar sgeallain
1 làn spàin-bheag dinnsear tioraim
Rùsg 1 liomaid
Rùsg 1 orainsear
Sùgh leth liomaid
Sùgh 1 orainsear

  • Teasaich an silidh agus am port ann am pana.
  • Measgaich na gritheidean eile còmhla ann am bobhla.
  • Measgaich a h-uile càil còmhla anns a' phana, ga thoirt chun a' ghoil agus an uair sin ga lùghdachad.


4 tbsp Port
4 tbsp redcurrant jelly
1 heaped tsp mustard powder
1 heaped tsp dried ginger
Zest of 1 lemon
Zest of 1 orange
Juice of ½ lemon
Juice of 1 orange

  • Heat the redcurrant jelly and port in a pan.
  • Mix in the other ingredients together in a bowl.
  • Mix all the ingredients into the pan, bring to the boil and allow to reduce.


1 uinnean mòr, air a ghearradh
3 clòbhan creamh, air an gearradh gu mìn
2 churran, na chiùbaichean
2 bhuntàta, na chiùbaichean
2 stob soilire, na chiùbaichean
25g ìm
2 spàin-mhòr ola
1 ubhal ithe (Granny Smith) na chiùbaichean
1 spàin-mhòr tiutnaidh mango
1 spàin-mhòr pùdar coraidh meadhanach-teth
1 spàin-mhòr puree tomàta
100g rìs basmati, bruich
1 liotair bùrn goileach
2 phoit stoc circe, air an leaghadh ann am bùrn teth
Salann a rèir blais
Iogart Grèigeach agus coireaman air a ghearradh mar sgeadachadh

  • Teasaich an ola agus an t-ìm ann am pana mòr. Cuir an t-uinnean ris agus fraidhig airson dhà no thrì mhionaidean.
  • Cuir an creamh ris agus fraidhig airson dhà no thrì mhionaidean eile.
  • Cuir am buntàta, na currain agus an soilire ris agus fraidhig airson dhà no thrì mhionaidean eile.
  • Cuir an t-ubhal, am pùdar coiridh, puree tomàta agus an tiutnaidh ris agus fraidhig airson dha no thrì mhionaidean a bharrachd.
  • Cuir na poitean beaga stoc agus am bùrn ris agus thoir chun a' ghoil.
  • Seàsan le salann, ma tha e a dhìth.
  • Cuir mullach air a' phana agus agus goil air a shocair airson timcheall air 20 mionaidean.
  • Thoir far an teas agus leig leis fuarachadh mus tèid a bhleith gus a bheil e mìn.
  • Cuir am pana air ais air an teas agus cuir leth dhen rìs air a bhruich ris, measgaich agus cuir tuilleadh rìs ris ma tha feum air.
  • Sgeadaich leis an iogart agus an coireaman.


1 large onion, chopped
3 gloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 carrots, cubed
2 potatoes, cubed
2 celery sticks, cubed
25g butter
2 tbsp sunflower oil
1 eating apple, (Granny Smith used) cubed
1 tbsp spoon mango chutney
1 tbsp medium curry powder
1 tbsp tomato puree
100g basmati rice, cooked
1 litre boiling water
2 chicken stock pots or cubes, dissolved in hot water.
Salt to taste
Greek yoghurt and chopped coriander for garnish.

  • Heat the oil and butter in a large pan, add onion and fry for a few minutes.
  • Add garlic and continue to fry for a further few minutes.
  • Add potatoes, carrots and celery, fry for another few minutes.
  • Add apple, curry powder, tomato puree, mango chutney and continue to fry for a few minutes.
  • Add the stock pots and water and bring to the boil.
  • Season with salt, if required.
  • Put the lid on the pan and simmer for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool before blending to a smooth consistency.
  • Return the pan to the hob and add half the cooked rice, stir through and add more rice, if required.
  • Serve with a dollop of Greek yoghurt and garnish of chopped coriander.


6 ùbhlan còcaireachd no ùbhlan Granny Smith, air an gearradh nan slisean
6 rolaichean brioche, air an gearradh nan slisean
50g ìm
125g siùcar castair
4 uighean mòra
175ml bàrr dùbailte
Druthag bainne
Steallag sùgh mhìslein

  • Ro-theasaich an àmhainn gu 160C.
  • Leagh leth dhen t-ìm ann am pana agus fraidhig na slisean brioche air gach taobh gus an tig dath òir orra.
  • Fàg gu aon taobh.
  • Ann am pana eile, leagh an còrr dhen t-ìm. Cuir na h-ùbhlan ann le 1 spàin-mhòr siùcar agus bruich airson mu 10 mionaidean, gus an tig dath òir orra.
  • Airson an uigheagain a dhèanamh, buail na h-uighean ann am bobhla mòr cuide ris a’ chòrr dhen t-siùcar, am bàrr agus am mìslean.
  • Cuir am brioche air a thaobh ann an soitheach mòr air a ghrìseadh le ìm, le slisean ubhail eatarra.
  • Cuir cnap no dhà de dh’ìm eadar na slisean.
  • Dòirt an t-uigheagan air a mhuin agus crath beagan siùcair air.
  • Cuir dhan àmhainn airson 20 mionaidean.


6 cooking apples or Granny Smith apples, sliced.
6 brioche buns, sliced.
50g butter
125g caster sugar
4 large eggs
175ml double cream
Splash of milk
Dash of vanilla extract

  • Pre-heat oven to 160C.
  • Melt half the butter in a frying pan and fry the slices of brioche on both sides, until golden.
  • Set aside.
  • In another pan, melt the rest of the butter, tip the apples in with 1 tbsp of caster sugar and cook for about 10 minutes, until golden.
  • To make the custard, beat the eggs in a large bowl along with the remaining castor sugar, double cream and vanilla extract. Whisk well and add a splash of milk.
  • Layer the slices of bread sideways in a large buttered roasting dish or cake tin, with the slices of apple in between the bread slices.
  • Place a few knobs of butter in between the layers.
  • Pour the custard over the layers and sprinkle with a little caster sugar.
  • Place in the oven for 20 minutes.


2 piobar dearg, air an gearradh nam pìosan mòra
300g tomàtothan beaga
5 clòbhan creamh, leis an craiceann orra
2 spàinn-mhòr ola chroinn-ola
40g cnothan giuthais
200g cruithneachd bulgur
400ml stoc glasraich
100g càise feta, na chriomagan
Salann na mara
Piobar dubh
Pearsail air a ghearradh

  • Ro-theasaich an àmhainn gu 180C fan.
  • Cuir na piobaran dearg, na tomàtothan agus an creamh ann an soitheach ròstaidh mòr.
  • Cuir druthag ola chroinn-ola air le crathadh salainn agus piobar dubh.
  • Cuir dhan àmhainn agus ròst airson 10 mionaidean.
  • Thoir às an àmhainn agus cuir na cnothan-giuthais air a’ mhuin agus till dhan àmhainn airson 5 mionaidean.
  • Cuir a' chruithneachd bulgur dhan t-soitheach.
  • Cuir an stoc ris agus measgaich le cùram, a' dèanamh cinnteach na tomàtothan fhàgail slàn.
  • Còmhdaich le foidhle agus cuir air ais dhan àmhainn airson 15 mionaidean.
  • Thoir às an àmhainn, thoir dheth am foidhle agus crath an càise feta agus am pearsail air a mhuin. Seàsan le salann is piobar.
  • Ith e fhad 's a tha e teth.


2 red peppers, cut into chunks
300g cherry tomatoes
5 cloves garlic with skin on
2 tblsp olive oil
40g pine nuts
200g bulgur wheat
400ml vegetable stock
100g feta cheese, crumbed
Sea salt
Black pepper
Chopped parsley

  • Preheat the oven to 180C fan.
  • Place the red peppers, tomatoes and garlic cloves in a large roasting tin.
  • Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and black pepper.
  • Place in the oven and roast for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and scatter the pine nuts over the other ingredients and return to the oven for another 5 minutes.
  • Pour the bulgur wheat into the roasting in with the other ingredients.
  • Add the stock and gently mix, making sure to keep the tomatoes whole.
  • Cover the roasting tin with foil and return to the oven for another 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and remove the foil, scatter the feta cheese and parsley over the other ingredients and season with salt and pepper.
  • Serve hot.


2 ugh mòr
240g fileadan bradain gun chraicinn, gun chnàimhean
200g bradan smoicte
1 liomaid – rùsg agus sùgh
Bad dile, air a ghearradh
Bad pearsail, air a ghearradh
1 spàinn-mhòr capairean, air an gearradh
50g flùr plèan
Bloigh piobar cayenne
100g criomagan arain, Panko as fheàrr
Ola airson fraidhigeadh

  • Bruich na h-uighean airson 6 mionaidean. Nuair a tha iad air am bruich, cuir na h-uighean ann am bobhla le bùrn is deigh. Nuair a tha iad air fuarachadh, thoir dheth na sligean agus tiormaich na h-uighean.
  • Bleith am bradan, am bradan smoicte, rùsg agus sùgh leth liomaid gus taoiseag a dhèanamh. Seàsan.
  • Cuir ann am bobhla mòr agus cuir na lusan agus na capairean na lùib. Measgaich.
  • Dèan dà leth dhen taois agus dèan dà bhàlla leis. Cuir aon dhen na bàllaichean flat nad làimh agus còmhdaich an t-ugh leis gus bàlla a dhèanamh. Dèan seo leis an ugh eile agus fàg gu aon taobh.
  • Cuir trì bobhlaichean a-mach – aon airson flùr agus piobar cayenne.
  • Criomagan arain ann am fear eile.
  • Ugh air a bhualadh dhan bhobhla eile.
  • Còmhdaich gach ugh Scotch dhan fhlùr an tosieach, an uair sin dhan ugh agus mu dheireadh dhan na criomagan arain.
  • Fàg gu aon taobh gus a bheil iad deiseil airson fraidhigeadh.
  • Fraidhig ugh ma seach ann am fraidhear no ann am pana domhainn, air a lìonadh 2/3 le ola, air a theasachadh gu 180C.
  • Fraidhig gach ugh airson timcheall air 5 mionaidean.
  • Fàg air pàipear airson a dhrèanaigeadh.
  • Gabh le pìosan liomaid agus crathadh piobar cayenne.


2 large free-range eggs
240g boneless and skinless salmon fillets
200g smoked salmon
1 lemon - zest and juice
Bunch of fresh dill, chopped
Bunch of fresh parsley, chopped
1 tbsp chopped capers
50g plain flour
Pinch cayenne pepper
100g breadcrumbs, Panko preferable
Vegetable oil for deep frying

  • Boil the eggs for 6 minutes. Once boiled, place the eggs in a bowl of iced water. When they have cooled, carefully remove shells and dry the eggs.
  • Blitz the salmon, smoked salmon, zest and juice of half a lemon to form a paste and season.
  • Transfer to a large bowl and stir in the herbs and capers.
  • Divide the mixture in half and form two balls. Flatten one of the balls of paste in your hand and cover the egg with the paste to form a ball. Repeat with the other egg and set aside.
  • Lay out 3 large bowls, put the flour along with cayenne pepper into one of the bowls.
  • Put the breadcrumbs into another bowl.
  • Crack the remaining egg and whisk in another bowl.
  • Dip each of the scotch eggs into the flour first, then into the egg and finally into the breadcrumbs.
  • Set aside until ready to fry.
  • Deep fry each egg individually in a deep fat fryer or by using a large pan, two thirds full with oil, heated to 180g.
  • Fry for approximately 5 minutes each, until golden.
  • Set aside to drain on kitchen paper.
  • Service with lemon wedges and sprinkle with cayenne pepper.