Inside-out Toffee Apple Crumble

75g butter, softened
75 self raising flour
50g rolled oats
75g Demerara sugar
Toffee sauce
75g butter
50g light brown sugar
150ml double cream
Generous pinch of salt
Six large eating apples
1. Preheat your oven to 200藲C/180藲 fan/Gas 6. Core the apples and slice off a sliver from the bottom to help them stand upright. Score the skins a few times.
2. Place all crumble ingredients into a bowl along with a large pinch of salt and rub with your fingers until large clumps form. Spread onto a line tray and bake for 10 minutes whilst you make the sauce.
3. Over a medium heat melt the butter with the sugar and cream. When smooth and an amber caramel colour remove from the heat and throw in the salt. Stir to disperse.
4. When the crumble is ready remove from the oven and cool slightly. Lower the oven to 170藲C/150藲 fan/Gas 3. In the cavity of each apple spoon in the crumble, add a teaspoon of the sauce (save the rest for serving), cover in foil and bake for 50-60 minutes checking halfway through if they need basted. The apples should be soft but still holding their shape when ready.
5. Serve hot with the extra toffee sauce and some plain yogurt or cream.
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