Pr貌gram 1 (Sreath 8)

½ chas feòil-uain
1 bad ròs-Moire
1 buntàta milis
8 clòbhan creamha
Piobar dubh garbh
Ola chroinn-ola
Meannt ùr
Duilleag banana
- Suath an ola air gach taobh dhen fheòil. Dèan gearraidhean san fheòil gu ruige a’ chnàimh agus cuir na clòbhan creamha ann an cuid dhen na claisean.
- Cuir geugan ròis-Moire don na claisean eile.
- Seàsan le salann is piobar.
- Sgaoil an duilleag banana agus cuir grunn dhuilleagan meannt na bhroinn mus tèid an fheòil air a mhuin. Sgaoil duilleagan meannt a bharrachd air an fheòil.
- Paisg an duilleag banana mu thimcheall na feòla, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil i suainte gu tur. Ceangal gu teann le sreang.
- Cuir ann am basgaid uèir.
½ gigot of lamb
1 bunch rosemary
1 sweet potato
8 cloves garlic
Sea salt
Course ground black pepper
Olive oil
Fresh mint
Banana leaf
- Rub oil on all sided of the gigot. Score the meat to the bone and insert cloves of garlic into some of the scores.
- Insert sprigs of rosemary into the other scores.
- Season all over with salt and black pepper.
- Lay out the banana leaf and place a few mint leaves on the banana leaf before placing the gigot on top. Scatter some more mint leaves on top.
- Wrap the banana leaf around the gigot, ensuring that the meat is completely wrapped. Tie securely with string.
- Place in a wire basket.
1 earball mac-làmhaich, air a ghearradh na fhileadan
8 slisean hama Parma
50g cnothan giuthais
50 càise parmesan
2 chlòbha creamh
80g lus-an-rìgh
150ml ola chroinn-ola
- Airson a’ phesto a dhèanamh, cuir na cnothan giuthais agus bad mòr de lus-an-rìgh ann an inneal-bleithidh agus bleith, beag air bheag a’ cur an ola chroinn-ola ris.
- Bleith an càise parmesan dhan taois. Sèasan le salann is piobar agus bleith a-rithist.
- Sgaoil duilleag banana a-mach agus cuir na slisean hama Parma air a mhuin.
- Sgaoil beagan pesto air a’ hama, gus a bheil e còmhdaichte.
- Cuir an t-iasg air a mhuin agus sèasan le salann is piobar.
- Cuir an tìom agus am pearsal air muin an èisg.
- Rollaig an lìonadh mu thimcheall an èisg gus a bheil a’ hama ga shuaineadh – agus an duilleag banana teann mu thimcheall air cuideachd.
- Ceangal gu teann le sreang.
- Cuir ann am basgaid uèir.
1 monk fish tail, filleted
8 slices Parma ham
50g pine nuts
50g parmesan
2 cloves of garlic
80g large fresh basil
150ml olive oil
- For the pest put pine nuts, garlic and large bunch of basil, into blender and blitz, gradually adding the olive oil.
- Grate parmesan cheese into the mixture, once it has been blended. Season with salt and pepper and continue to blend.
- Lay out a banana leaf and lay out the slices of Parma ham on first.
- Spread a layer of pesto on top of the pancetta, to cover all the pancetta.
- Then lay the monk fish on top and season with salt and pepper.
- Lay sprigs of thyme and parsley on top.
- Bring the monk fish together around the filling and wrap the pancetta round it, rolling the banana leaf tightly round it.
- Tie securely with string.
- Place in a wire basket.
1 cearc slàn
1 liomaid
Geugan tìom
½ uinnean
Grunn chlòbhan creamha
1 spàinn-bheag paprika smoicte
1 spàinn-bheag piobar cayenne
1 spàinn-bheag sìol soilire
Ola chroinn-ola
Salann garbh
- Cuir an creamh am broinn na circe cuide ris an leth uinnein, tìom agus leth liomaid.
- Measgaich am paprika leis an ola agus bruisig air a’ chearc.
- Sèasan le salann, piobar agus cuir crathadh de shìol soilire air a mhuin, cuide ri rùsg leth liomaid.
- Cuir an tìom air a mhuin.
- Sgaoil gu lèor dhuilleagan banana a thèid a shuaineadh mu thimcheall na circe agus ceangal gu teann le sreang, a’ feuchainn gun a bhith ga cheangal ro theann gus nach reub na duilleagan.
- Cuir ann am basgaid uèir.
1 whole chicken
1 lemon
A few sprigs of thyme
½ onion
A few cloves of garlic
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp celery seeds
Course salt
- Put the garlic into the chicken cavity along with half an onion, thyme, half a lemon.
- Mix the paprika with the oil and brush over the top of the chicken.
- Season with salt, pepper and a sprinkle celery seeds on top, along with zest of half a lemon.
- Add the thyme on top.
- Spread out enough banana leaves to wrap around the chicken and tie securely with string, avoiding tying too tightly, to avoid the banana leaves breaking.
- Place in a wire basket.
Cas feòil-muice, leis a’ chnàmh fhathast ann
Bad phearsail, air a ghearradh
1 spàinn-mhòr siùcar donn
4 - 6 clòbhan creamha
1 spàinn-bheag sìol cumin
1 spàinn-bheag piobar dubh garbh
1 spàinn-bheag allspice
1 spàinn-bheag paprika smoicte
1 spàinn-bheag caineal
1 spàinn-bheag piobar cayenne
2 tiolaidh dearg, nan dà leth, sìol air fhàgail annta
6 clòbhan creamha, air an sliseadh
Leth phìos chnò-mheannt, air a bleith
Geugan tìom
Bloigh salainn
- A’ cleachdadh smiste agus soitheach-pronnaidh, pronn na spìosraidhean nach eil air am bleith mur tha.
- Cuir na spìosraidhean uile ann am bobhla le ola gu leòr gus taois a dhèanamh.
- Cuir dhà no thrì gheugan tìom ris, a’ toirt na duilleagan far na geugan. Cuir am pearsal ris agus measgaich gu math.
- Sgaoil an taois air gach taobh dhen fheòil, an craiceann cuideachd.
- Sgaoil gu leòr dhuilleagan banana a-mach gus a shuaineadh mu thimcheall na feòla. Cuir leth dhen chreamh air na duilleagan agus cuir an fheòil air a mhuin.
- Cuir trì clòbhan creamha eile air muin na feòla leis a’ chòrr dhen tìom agus na tiolaidhean.
- Suain na duilleagan banana timcheall na feòla, ga cheangal gu teann le sreang.
- Cuir ann am basgaid uèir.
Boned pork leg
Bunch parsley, chopped
1 tbsp brown sugar
4 - 6 cloves
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp course black pepper
1 tsp allspice
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 red chillies, halved with seeds in.
6 cloves garlic, sliced
Grating of nutmeg, using half a piece of nutmeg.
A few sprigs of thyme
Pinch of salt
- Using pestle and mortar, crush the spices that are not already ground.
- Place all the spices in a bowl with enough oil to mix into a paste.
- Add a few sprigs of thyme, rubbing the thyme off the stalk, add the chopped parsley and mix well.
- Spread the paste over the pork on all sides, including the skin.
- Lay enough banana leaves out to wrap the pork. Place half the garlic on the banana leaves and lay the pork on top.
- Place another 3 cloves of garlic on top along with the rest of the thyme and the chillies.
- Wrap the banana leaves around the pork, tying securely with string.
- Place in a wire basket.
Càl dearg
Buntàta milis, na dhà leth
Ola chroinn-ola
2 chlòbha creamh, air a phronnadh
Dias Coirce Innseanaich
Currain, le beagan dinnsear agus cumin
- Fàg an dias coirce slàn agus geàrr an còrr dhen ghlasraich nan cnapan mòra. Cuir na luibhean ris.
- Measgaich an ola chroinn-ola, creamh pronn, ròs-Moire agus tìom còmhla ann am bobhla.
- Bruisig an glasraich leis an ola luibheach agus seàsan le salann is piobar.
- Suainich gach nith le foidhle.
- Cuir ann am basgaid uèir.
Buntàta mòra
Ola chroinn-ola
Cnap ime
Suath buntàta slàn le ola chroinn-ola, a’ cur an ròs-Moire, creamh, cnap ime, piobar agus salann ris.
Suainich le foidhle.
Cuir ann am basgaid uèir.
Creamh slàn
Uinnean dearg
1 leigeas, air a sgioblachadh
- Geàrr an creamh slàn, na h-uinneanan agus an leigeas nan dà leth.
- Cuir luibhean agus druthag ola nam measg agus seàsan le salann is piobar.
- Suainich le foidhle.
- Cuir ann am basgaid uèir.
1 marag dhubh shlàn, leis a’ chraiceann air a thoirt dheth.
Suainich ann am foidhle.
Cuir ann am basgaid uèir.
Cleachd glasraich agus luibhean sam bith a thogras tu.
Red cabbage
Sweet potato, cut in half
Olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Corn on the cob
Carrots, with a little fresh ginger & cumin
- Leave the corn whole and cut the rest of the vegetables into large chunks. Add aromatics.
- Mix the olive oil, crushed garlic, rosemary and thyme together in a bowl.
- Brush the vegetables with the mix and season with salt and pepper.
- Wrap them individually in foil.
- Place in a wire basket.
Large potatoes
Olive oil
Knob of butter
Black pepper
Rub whole potatoes with olive oil, add rosemary, garlic, knob of butter, black pepper and salt.
Wrap in foil.
Place in a wire basket.
Whole head of garlic
Red onion
1 leek, trimmed
- Cut the head of garlic, onions and leek into halves.
- Add aromatics, drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper.
- Wrap them in foil.
- Place in a wire basket.
1 whole black pudding with skin removed.
Wrap in foil.
Place in a wire basket.
Use any vegetables and aromatics of your choice.
Ann an còcaireachd traidiseanta Hangi, bhiodh biadh a leithid iasg agus buntàta milis air am bruich ann an toll a chaidh a chladhach san talamh. An-diugh, thathas a’ bruich feòil-muice, feòil-uain, buntàta, peapag agus càl cuideachd.
Gu traidiseanta, bha Hangi ga shuaineadh le duilleagan lìn, ach ann an Hangi an latha an-diugh, tha e nas coltaichte gun dèidheadh clobhd muilt, foidhle no basgaidean uèir a chleachdadh.
Tha na basgaidean gan cur air clachan teth aig bonn toll a chaidh a chladhach san talamh. Tha am biadh air a chòmhdach le clobhd fliuch agus càrn de dh’ùir a tha a’ glacadh ‘s a’ cumail teas nan clachan.
Tha an Hangi air fhàgail san talamh airson eadar trì is ceithir uairean a thìde, a rèir na tha ann de bhiadh. Tha am pròiseas seo a’ fàgail gu bheil feòil chaoin agus glasraich blasta ri ithe aig a’ cheann thall, a tha a’ gabhail a-steach blasan smoicte an ùir.
In traditional Hangi cooking, food such as fish and sweet potato, were cooked in a pit dug in the ground. Today, pork, lamb, potato, pumpkin and cabbage are also included.
Hangi was traditionally wrapped in flax leaves, but a modern Hangi is more likely to use mutton cloth, aluminium foil and wire baskets.
The baskets are placed on hot stones at the bottom of a hole dug into the ground. The food is covered with a wet cloth and a mound of dirt that traps the heat from the stones.
The H膩ng墨 is left in the ground for about three to four hours, depending on the amount of food. The result of this process is tender meat and delicious vegetables, infused with smoky, earthy flavours.
4 spàinntean-mòra ola chroinn-ola extra virgin
2 chlòbha creamh, air an gearradh gu mìn
1 sgalaid, air a ghearradh gu mìn
8 spàinntean-mòra de dhuilleagan meannt, air an gearradh
2 spàinn-mhòr fìon-geur fìon dearg
Salann & piobar
½ spàinn-bheag siùcar castair
- Cuir pana beag air teas meadhanach agus cuir an ola chroinn-ola ris.
- Nuair a tha an ola teth, fraidhig an creamh airson mionaid no dhà gus an tig dath òir-dhonn air.
- Measgaich turas no dhà gus an bith dath ionnan air.
- Cuir leth dhen mheannt ris. Bruich airson mionaid eile agus cuir am fìon-geur fìon dearg ris agus slaop airson 30 diog eile.
- Thoir am pana far an teas agus measgaich am meannt a th’ air fhàgail na lùib.
- Seàsan le salann is piobar agus cuir siùcar ris, ma tha e a dhìth.
- Gabh fhad ‘s a tha e teth.
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 shallot, finely chopped
8 tbsp finely chopped fresh mint
2 tbsp good quality sweet red wine vinegar
Salt & pepper
½ tsp castor sugar
- Place a small saucepan over a medium heat and add the olive oil.
- When the oil is hot, add the garlic and fry for a couple of minutes until golden brown.
- Stir once or twice to ensure it colours evenly.
- Add half the mint. Cook for a further minute then add the red wine vinegar and simmer for 30 seconds more.
- Remove from the heat and stir in the remaining mint.
- Season with salt and pepper and add sugar, if needed, to balance the flavours.
- Serve hot.
Pìosan circe a chaidh a ròstadh ro-làimh
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh
1 uinnean dearg, air a shliseadh
1 curran, air a ghearradh
1 stob soilire, air a ghearradh
1 glainne Vermouth
Dhà no thrì geugan tìom
Druthag ola
Cnap ime
Bùrn fuar
1 spàinn-mhòr flùr
- Teasaich an ola agus an t-ìm ann an sgeileid mhòr eu-domhainn.
- Cuir na h-uinneanan, an creamh, an curran agus an soilire ris agus an uair sin na pìosan circe. Cuir an tìom ris a’ phana.
- Bruich airson mionaid no dhà mus tèid am flùr a mheasgachadh a-steach.
- Cuir am vermouth ris agus lùghdaich beagan, a’ cur druthag bùirn ris.
- Bruich agus lùghdaich airson timcheall air 30 mionaidean.
- Cuir an grèibhidh tro shìoltachan.
Chicken portions that have been pre-roasted
1 onion, roughly sliced
1 red onion, roughly sliced
1 carrot, roughly chopped
1 celery stick, roughly chopped
1 glass of Vermouth
A few sprigs of thyme
Splash of oil
Knob of butter
Cold water
1 tbsp flour
- Heat the oil and butter in a large shallow pan.
- Add the onions, garlic, carrot & celery and then add the chicken portions. Add thyme
- Allow to cook for a few minutes before mixing the flour through.
- Add the vermouth and allow to reduce a little, adding a splash of water.
- Cook and allow to reduce for approximately 30 minutes.
- Strain the sauce and serve.