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"My mother was so shocked she went into labour early and had me!"
tells the true behind-the-scenes story of Grace Archer's death on September 22, 1955.
You shared with us your stories of listening to this defining moment, 60 years ago, on and .

Script of the moment where Phil reveals Grace's death - with Norman Painting's amendment to the final line
"My mother was so shocked... she went into labour early and had me!"

"My gran closed her front room curtains as a mark of respect."

"Arriving at the door in floods of tears..."

"Mum says it's the most ashamed she had ever felt"

"All I was concerned about was the horses!"

'Two patients confined to respirators...'

"Looking at my mum crying"

"I was being given a wash in the Belfast sink."

"It was a fairly bright sunny evening."

"My Dad was ill...

"I was traumatised."

"My mum had to comfort me..."

"My father was on the train back from the opening of ITV..."

'It made us all very upset.'