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Help and advice

The Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES) improves the lives of trans people of all ages by changing the way that society treats them. The charity works with all those who can make these changes happen, including families, teachers, employers, clinicians, the providers of commercial and government services, politicians and people in the media.
Phone: 01372 801554

The Beaumont Society is a national self help body run by and for those who cross-dress or are trans-sexual. They welcome all transgender people and their partners, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, creed or colour, and all varieties from nervous new transgender people to those who are experienced and confident in their second gender. A membership fee appies.
Information Line: 01582 412220

The Gender Trust is a registered charity in a position to help adults throughout the United Kingdom who are Transsexual, Gender Dysphoric, Transgender, or those whose lives are affected by gender identity issues.

A list of support group in Scotland is available via the Scottish Transgender alliance website:

LGBT Youth Scotland provides a range of services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people aged 12 – 25 including 1-2-1 support, online support and youth groups. They also work closely with professionals and organisations to ensure that LGBT young people are effectively supported and services are inclusive. Go to, call 0131 555 3940 or email

Broken Rainbow UK runs a national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Domestic Violence helpline providing confidential support to all members of the LGBT community, their families, friends and agencies supporting them. Their trained LGBT helpline workers can help build a safety plan, discuss housing options, give general information about legal rights, local support services, discuss making a police report and provide confidential listening support. Contact them on 0300 999 5428, the line is open Monday through Thursday 10am–5pm, with extended hours on Monday and Thursday until 8pm. You can also contact them by email or by online chat at

Specialist Transgender helpline workers are available on Tuesday 1pm-5pm. For more information visit