Today Puzzle #792

Puzzle No. 792– Tuesday 28 July 2020
"Stick with Maths" is set of free resources for primary aged children from Premier League Primary Stars. Combining Bobby Seagull's love of maths with football sticker stats, here is a typical question. You are a Player Liaison Officer and you have been asked to drive West Ham players to a party to celebrate staying in the league. Unfortunately, your two-seater car can only take the lightest player.
Noble and Rice together weigh 144kg.
Rice and Antonio together weigh 158kg.
Noble and Antonio together weigh 150kg.
What is the weight of each player? Which player can you take?
Today’s #PuzzleForToday has been set by Bobby Seagull, school maths teacher, author and Cambridge University Doctorate student.
Click here for the answer
Noble - 68kg
Rice - 76kg
Antonio - 82kg
As Noble is the lightest player, he will be given a lift.
There are multiple methods to solve, including trial and improvement. You can set up simultaneous equations:
N + R = 144 (1)
R + A = 158 (2)
N + A = 150 (3)
A = 158 - R
A = 150 - N
So 158 - R = 150 - N
8 = R - N
R = N + 8
Substitute into equation 1
N + N + 8 = 144
Then solve for N = 68. R = 76. A = 82

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