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The top 7 things Archers fans would do if they were Editor
After it was announced that , Archers fans dusted down their CVs and crowd sourced some potential storylines.... Here are their top 7 plans...

1. Find the stolen bunting! 馃毃
It's one of Ambridge's most infamous cold cases... can it ever be solved!?
But of course a complicated case like that couldn't be solved in a mere 13 minutes... oh no!
2. Emma and Ed win the lottery 馃挵
Isn't it high time that said goodbye to the chicken factory and could buy all of the ram sperm his heart desired?
3. Harrison proposes to Fallon... 馃拲
After the triumphant collaring of the International Crime Syndicate responsible for the theft of bunting, the obvious next step for is surely...
4. Emma Grundy for PM! 馃懇鈥嶐煉
Emma's prospects for the Parish Council Election are looking rosy, if Archers fans have anything to do with it... next step Westminster?
5. Bring back a favourite character 馃挮

Hard as it is to believe, every so often people choose to leave Ambridge... or even depart this mortal coil. Their absence is felt keenly by those left behind. If Archers fans had the power to lure someone back - who would they choose?
6. Influence Lilian to make her choice 馃惐馃惎
Lilian chooses Matt... no Justin... or someone else entirely...
Stop Lilian from marrying Justin - pusscat and tiger are meant for each other! [Caro Brewster on ]
Stop Lillian getting back with the idiot Matt. Just marry Justin and live in splendid luxury forever more. [Laura Bagnall on ]
What about Elizabeth going off with either Matt or Justin leaving whoever to Lilian. [Frances Hyman on ]
Lilian discovers what she’s been missing all these years is a toy boy; To-beeeeee....! [Helen Winter on ]
7. And let's not forget self care in all of this 馃殤
The role of Archers Editor can be a high-pressure position. Archers fans need to be mindful that they look after themselves while in post...
And finally, some bonus ones...
We can see it now...

If Archers fans had the power to lure someone back - who would they choose? Here's their Top 5...