Key Stage 1 Frameworks
Quick links the the interactive assembly frameworks to download / print (pdf files).
Saying sorry; asking forgiveness; making up after falling out
New beginnings / feelings and values / learning about oneself
The life of the Buddha; caring for all living things
The life of the Prophet Muhammad; caring for animals
Values for a good life; The 5 Pillars of Islam
The story of Hanukkah; the miracle of the oil; remembering
The life of Guru Nanak; deciding what is important in life
Standing up for what you believe
Working together; appreciating help; respecting others
The life of Moses; the Exodus; Passover; leadership
Who is a neighbour? The Good Samaritan; the teaching of Jesus
Yom Kippur - Saying sorry
The story of Jonah and the Whale; saying sorry; asking forgiveness
Celebrating Ramadan/Eid; gift-giving; appreciating what is important
Dan carries Jesus on his back into Jerusalem
Exploring Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection and ascension.
Exploring Diwali, including Rama and Sita
Celebrating the Birthday of Guru Nanak - suitable for KS1 and KS2A
Two stories about the life of Guru Nanak
Hanukkah and the miracle of the oil
The story of the very first Christmas
Christmas: the story of the carol 'Silent Night'
Calendar events
St Andrew; celebrating special days; patron saints
Black History Month; significant individuals; courage; caring for others
New Year / the start of Spring term
Anti-Bullying Week: 12-16/11/2018
Dan carries Jesus on his back into Jerusalem