Creamy Roast Onion Soup
Creamy roast onion soup with garlic and parsley oil, grilled cheese and scallion sandwiches

Creamy Roast onion soup
6 medium onions, peeled
5 tablespoons olive oil
Few sprigs fresh rosemary
50g butter
1 litre vegetable stock
2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
Take a sheet of tin foil and cut 4 of the onions in half and place in the middle.
Drizzle over 2 tablespoons of the oil and season with salt. Add the Rosemary and gather up to seal. Place in a 180oc oven and cook until soft - about 45 minutes.
Chop the remaining 2 onions and cook in the butter gently until soft and golden. Add the stock and potatoes and simmer until potatoes are soft. Add the roasted onions plus any juices from their roasting. Simmer for a further 10 minutes then blend to a smooth soup. Check seasoning.
Mix the remaining oil with the parsley and garlic.
Spoon the soup into bowls and drizzle over the oil and serve.
Grilled cheese and scallion sandwiches
8 slices ciabatta bread
100g mature cheddar grated
4 chopped scallions
1 tablespoon creme fraiche
Oil for cooking
Heat a tablespoon of oil and cook the scallions to wilt.
Mix into the cheese with creme fraiche.
Spread on to 4 slices of the bread.
Top with the remaining 4 slices.
Heat a grill pan or frying pan and drizzle top of bread with a little oil.
Place oil side onto pan and then drizzle top. Cook for about 2 minutes each side or until crisp and golden.
Serve on the side with the soup.