Pr貌gram 3 (Sreath 7)

4 fileadan sgadain, le na cnàimhean air a thoirt às
4 slisean hama stiallach no pancetta
1 spàin-mhòr sgeallan Frangach
4 duilleagan-labhrais
4 slisean liomaid
Duilleagan lus an rìgh
Ola chroinn-ola
- Ro-theasaich an àmhainn gu 200C.
- Bruisig na fileadan leis an ola chroinn-ola. Còmhdaich leis an sgeallan.
- Seàsan le salann agus cuir pìos hama air a’ mhuin, le duilleagan lus an rìgh.
- Roilig an sgadan agus cuir sliseag liomaid air a’ mhuin, ga chumail ann an àite le bioran beag.
- Cuir air trèidhe àmhainn agus cuir druthag ola chroinn-ola air an sgadan.
- Cuir dhan àmhainn airson 15-20 mionaidean.
4 boned herring fillets
4 slices streaky bacon or pancetta
1 tbsp French mustard
4 bay leaves
4 slices of lemon
Basil leaves
Olive oil
- Preheat oven to 200C.
- Lay the fillets out and brush with olive oil. Then coat with mustard.
- Season with salt and place a slice of bacon on top, add a few basil leaves.
- Roll the herring and place a slice of lemon on top, securing with a cocktail stick.
- Place them in a baking dish and drizzle with olive oil.
- Place in the oven for 15 – 20 minutes.
1 ciopair
2 - 4 spàintean-mòra crème fraiche
1 spàin-mhòr uinnean dearg, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Làn dùirn de chreamh-gàrraidh, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Bloigh paprika smoicte
1 liomaid, rùsg agus sùgh
Piobar dubh
Ola airson fraidhigeadh
- Fraidhig an ciopair ann am beagan ola gus a bheil e air a theasachadh. Faodar an ciopair a bhruich ann an uisge goileach an toiseach, mas e as fheàrr.
- Thoir an fheòil far a’ chnàimh, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun tèid na cnàimhean beaga uile a thoirt às.
- Bris ann am pìosan beagan ann am bobhla.
- Cuir an crème fraiche ris, an t-uinnean, am paprika smoicte, an creamh-gàrraidh agus rùsg is sùgh liomaid.
- Measgaich gu math no dh’fhaodar a bhleith ma thathar ga iarraidh nas mìne.
- Seàsan le piobar dubh agus còmhdaich le cling. Fàg sa fridse gus a bheilear deiseil airson a chleachdadh.
1 kipper
2 – 4 tbsp crème fraiche
1 tbsp red onion, finely chopped
Handful of chives, finely chopped
Pinch smoked paprika
1 lemon, zest & juice
Black pepper
Oil for frying
- Fry the kipper in a little oil until heated through. You can boil the kipper first, if preferable.
- Remove the meat from the bone, making sure you remove all the small bones.
- Break into a bowl, in small pieces.
- Add the crème fraiche, red onion, smoked paprika, chives, add the zest and juice of lemon.
- Mix well or you can blend for a smoother consistency, if preferred.
- Season with pepper and cover with cling film and leave in the fridge until you are ready to serve.
3 - 4 fileadan sgadain gun chnàimhean
250ml bùrn fuar
250ml fìon-geur fìon gheal
1 uinnean geal, air a shliseadh gu mìn
½ spàin-mhòr siùcar
1 spàin-mhòr salann
2 gheug tìom
1 spàin-mhòr sìol sgeallain
1 spàin-mhòr sìol choireamain
1 spàin-bheag eitean piobair
2-3 duilleagan labhrais
Sùgh 1 liomaid
- Cuir am bùrn, am fìon-geur agus na spiosraidhean agus lusan gu lèir ann am pana agus thoir chun a’ ghoil.
- Fhad ‘s a tha sin a’ dol, geàrr an sgadan na phìosan mòra, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach eil cnàimhean idir ann.
- Cuir an sgadan ann am bobhla mòr agus dòirt an t-sùgh liomaid thairis air. Cuir na slisean uinnein ris.
- Nuair a tha am bùrn air goil, dòirt thairis air an sgadan agus còmhdaich le cling.
- Fàg gu aon taobh gus fuarachadh, gus a bheil e deiseil airson ith.
- Airson stòradh, cuir ann an crogan seasgaichte.
3 – 4 boneless herring fillets
250ml cold water
250ml white vinegar
1 white onion, finely sliced
1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp salt
2 sprigs thyme
1 tbsp mustard seeds
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tsp peppercorns
2 – 3 bay leaves
Juice of 1 lemon
- Put water, vinegar and all the aromatics into a large pan and bring to the boil.
- Meanwhile, cut the herring into large bit sized pieces, ensuring there are no bones left behind.
- Put the herring in a large bowl and squeeze the lemon juice over, and add the onion slices.
- Once the liquid has boiled, pour over the herring and cover with cling film.
- Set aside to cool, and it’s ready to serve.
- For storage, place in a sterilised storage jar.
2 filead sgadain, gun chnàimhean
100ml fìon geal
100ml fìon-geur leann-ubhail
50g càl geal, air a bhleith
5 - 6 buntàta beag
2 spàin-mhòr crème fraiche
1 spàin-mhòr sabhs ràcadail
4 - 5 sgalaidean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Dile, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 ubhal ithe, a leithid Granny Smith, air ghearradh na chiùbaichean beaga
Ola chroinn-ola
1 liomaid, rùsg agus sùgh
Eiteanan piobair
Airson a’ bhuntàta
- Ro-theasaich an àmhainn gu 180C.
- Nigh agus geàrr am buntàta na chairtealan, a’ fàgail a’ chraicinn orra.
- Tiormaich am buntàta agus cuir na cairtealan ann an soitheach àmhainn.
- Cuir druthag ola orra agus seàsan le salann curs agus piobar dubh.
- Cuir dhan àmhainn airson 20 mionad, gan tionndaidh às dèidh 10 mionaidean.
- Teasaich beagan ola agus cuir an dile ann. Dòirt thairis air a’ bhuntàta.
Airson an sgadain:
- Thoir pana bùirn chun a’ ghoil.
- Cuir an t-salann, am fìon, fìon-geur leann-ubhaile, dile, duilleag-labhrais agus eiteanan piobair dhan phana agus thoir chun an teas.
- Cuir na fileadan sgadain dhan phana agus cuir sùgh liomaid ann cuideachd.
- Thoir chun a’ ghoil agus goil air a shocair airson 10-12 mionaidean.
- Thoir às a’ phana agus fàg airson dreiseag bheag, agus gabh leis a’ bhuntàta agus an t-sailead càil.
Airson an t-sailead càil:
Ann am bobhla, cuir an càl, na sgalaidean, crème fraiche, rùsg liomaid, ubhal, sabhs ràcadail agus an dile agus seàsan le piobar dubh.
Measgaich gu math agus fàg anns am fridse gus a bheilear deiseil airson ith.
2 herring fillets, boneless
100ml white wine
100ml cider vinegar
50g white cabbage, shredded
5 – 6 small potatoes
2 tbsp crème fraiche
1 tbsp horseradish sauce
4 – 5 shallots, finely chopped
Fresh dill, finely chopped
1 eating apple, such as Granny Smith, cubed into small pieces
Olive oil
1 lemon, zest and juice
Black peppercorns
For the potatoes:
- Preheat the oven to 180C.
- Wash and cut the potatoes into quarters, leaving the skins on.
- Dry the potatoes and place the quarters in a baking dish.
- Drizzle with oil and season with course salt and black pepper.
- Place in the oven for 20 minutes, turning them after 10 minutes.
- Heat some oil and infuse with fresh dill. Pour over the hot potatoes.
For the herring:
- Bring a pan of water to the boil.
- Add salt, wine, cider vinegar, dill, bay leaf and peppercorns into a large pan and bring to the heat.
- Place the herring fillets in the pan and add lemon juice.
- Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 – 12 minutes.
- Remove from the pan and allow to rest, before serving with potatoes and cabbage salad.
For the cabbage salad:
- Into a bowl, put the cabbage, shallots, crème fraiche, zest of lemon, cubed apple, horseradish sauce, dill and season with black pepper.
- Mix well and set aside in the fridge until ready to serve.
4 fileadan sgadain
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
25g ìm
Sùgh ½ liomaid
Rùsg 1 liomaid
1 spàin-mhòr caparan
3 spàintean-mòra pearsail, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 spàin-bheag pùdar sgeallain
Criomagan arain
Piobar dubh
- Ro-theasaich an àmhainn aig 180C.
- Leagh an t-ìm ann am pana agus fraidhig an t-uinnean gus a bheil e bog.
- Cuir na criomagan arain ann am bobhla mòr le na caparan, rùsg liomaid, pearsail, pùdar sgeallain agus seàsan le salann is piobar.
- Measgaich agus cuir an t-uinnean agus an t-ìm na mheasg.
- Geàrr 4 pìosan sreang an aon fad ri bòrd gearraidh agus cuir air bòrd glan – no bòrd gearraidh.
- Cuir na fileadan sgadain thairis air an t-sreang, taobh an craicinn sìos.
- A’ cleachdadh spàin bheag, cuir an aon mheud de lìonadh ann am meadhan gach filead, a’ toirt an aire nach bi cus ann.
- Thoir gach ceann dhen fhilead còmhla agus ceangal an sreang, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach dòirt an lìonadh às.
- Suath soitheach le ìm agus cuir an èisg ann.
- Seàsan le salann agus piobar agus cuir dhan àmhainn. Às dèidh 10 mionaidean, thoir às an àmhainn agus dòirt beagan dhent- ìm leaghte bhon t-soitheach air am muin.
- Cuir air ais dhan àmhainn airson 10 mionaidean eile.
4 herring fillets
1 onion, finely chopped
25g butter
Juice of ½ lemon
Zest of 1 lemon
1 tbsp capers
3 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped
1 tsp mustard powder
Black pepper
- Preheat the oven at 180C.
- Melt the butter in a pan and fry the onions until soft.
- Put the breadcrumbs in a large bowl, add the capers, lemon zest, parsley, mustard powder and season with salt and pepper.
- Mix through and add the onions and melted butter and stir through.
- Cut four lengths of string, the length of a chopping board and lay on a clean surface or on a chopping board.
- Lay the herring fillets over the string, skin-side down.
- Using a small spoon place even amounts of stuffing down the centre of each fillet, being careful not to overfill them.
- Bring both sides of the fillet together and carefully tie the string, ensuring the stuffing isn’t spilling out.
- Butter an oven dish and place the fillets in the dish.
- Season with salt and pepper and place in the oven. After 10 minutes, remove from the oven and baste with butter.
- Return to the oven for a further 10 minutes.
2 sgadan slàn
Ola chroinn-ola
Salann agus piobar dubh
- Tiormaich an sgadan agus bruisig gach taobh agus an taobh a-staigh gu math le ola.
- Seàsan le salann agus piobar air gach taobh.
- A’ cleachdadh basgaid airson iasg a ghriligeadh, cuir an sgadan air a’ bhàrbaidhchiù le druthag de shùgh liomaid.
- Bruich airson mionaid no dhà agus tionndaidh, a’ cur druthag de shùgh liomaid air an taobh eile agus bruich airson mionaid no dhà eile.
Aran a th’ air a dhol beagan cruaidh, air a ghearradh na chiùbaichean
Ola chroinn-ola
1 clòbha creamh, pronn
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana. Cuir an t-aran agus an creamh ris gus an tig dath òir air.
- Tiormaich air pàipear agus leig leis fuarachadh.
Measgachadh de dhuilleagan saileid
1 uinnean dearg, air a shliseadh gu mìn
Dhà no thrì tomàtothan, air an gearradh
Bad pearsail, air a ghearradh
½ ubhal ithe, air a bhleith
Dhà no thrì dhuilleagan lus an rìgh
- Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann am bobhla mòr.
2 spàin-mhòr ola chroinn-ola
1 spàin-mhòr fìon-geur fìon gheal
2 spàin-bheag sgeallan Dijon
1 spàin-bheag siùcar donn
Sùgh ½ liomaid
Sùgh ½ orainseir
- Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann am botal sgeadachadh saileid agus thoir dhà deagh chrathadh gus a bheil a h-uile càil air a mheasgachadh.
2 whole herring
Olive oil
Salt & black pepper
- Dry the herring and liberally brush both sides and the cavity with oil.
- Season with salt and pepper on both sides.
- Using a folding fish grilling basket, place the herring on the barbecue and add a squeeze of lemon juice.
- Cook for a few minutes and turn, adding a squeeze of lemon to the other side and cook for a further few minutes.
Stale bread cut into small cubes.
Olive oil
1 crushed clove of garlic
- Heat oil in a frying pan. Add the bread and garlic and cook until golden and crisp.
- Drain on kitchen paper and allow to cool.
Mixed salad leaves
1 red onion, finely sliced
A few tomatoes, roughly chopped
Bunch of parsley, chopped
½ eating apple, grated
A few basil leaves
- Place all the ingredients in a large bowl.
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
2 tsp Djon mustard
1 tsp brown sugar
Juice of ½ lemon
Juice of ½ orange
- Put all the ingredients in a salad dressing bottle and shake well to mix through.
4 fileadan sgadain
Druthag mhath de ola chroinn-ola extra virgin
400g spaghetti tioram no linguini
40g cnothan giuthais ròsta
1 spàin-bheag criomagan arain air an tostadh
1 uinnean beag, air a ghearradh gu mìn
8 tomàtothan beaga, air an gearradh nan dà leth
4 fileadan ainseabhaidh, air an gearradh gu mìn
Bloigh sìol fineil
40g reusaidean
1 gloinne fìon geal
Bloigh cròch-dhearg
1 liomaid, rùsg agus sùgh
Ola chroinn-ola extra virgin
- Geàrr na fileadan sgadain nan ceithir pìosan.
- Teasaich beagan ola ann am pana agus fraidhig na fileadan.
- Bruich an spaghetti a rèir a’ phacaid.
- Ann am pana eile, teasaich an ola chroinn-ola. Fraidhig an t-uinnean agus sìol fineil airson mionaid no dhà.
- Cuir na ainseabhaidhean ris agus fraidhig airson mionaid no dhà.
- Cuir na tomàtothan, cnothan giuthais, reusaidean agus an cròch-dearg ris, cuide ris a’ ghloinne fìon agus leig leis lùghdachadh.
- Cuir beagan bùirn bho phana an spaghetti ris agus measgaich gu math.
- Measgaich le làn dùirn le chriomagan arain, rùsg liomaid agus an t-sùgh liomaid.
4 herring fillet
Glug of extra virgin olive oil
400g dried spaghetti or linguini
40g roasted pine nuts
1 tsp toasted breadcrumbs
1 small onion, finely chopped
8 cherry tomatoes, halved
4 anchovy fillets, finely chopped
Pinch fennel seeds
40g raisins
1 glass white wine
Pinch of saffron
1 lemon, zest and juice
Extra virgin olive oil
- Cut the herring fillets into four pieces.
- Heat a little oil in a frying pan and gently fry the fillet pieces.
- Boil the spaghetti for the time specified on the packet.
- In another frying pan, heat extra virgin olive oil. Fry the onion and fennel seeds for a couple of minutes.
- Add the anchovies and continue to fry for a minute or two.
- Add the tomatoes, pine nuts, raisins and saffron. Add a glass of wine and allow to reduce.
- Add a little water from the pasta pan and season with black pepper.
- Drain the pasta and add it to the sauce pan and mix through carefully.
- Scatter a handful of breadcrumbs through and grate lemon zest with a squeeze of lemon juice.