Prògram 3 (Sreath 9)

1 giomach, air a bhruich airson 2 mhionaid
Dèan dà leth dhen ghiomach, tron druim. Thoir na h-ìnean agus an t-earball dheth agus fàg gu aon taobh.
Cuir na h-ìnean agus an t-earball ann am bobhla leis a’ bhrìgheachadh, a’ fàgail beagan airson an t-sabhs. Fàg airson brìgheachadh airson dhà no trì uairean a thìde.
1 lobster, blanched for 2 minutes
Split the lobster in half, along the back. Remove the claws and tails and set aside.
Place the claws and tails in a bowl with the marinade, reserving some for a sauce.
Marinade for a few hours.
Sabhs / brìgheachadh jerk
Bad uinneanan-earraich, air an gearradh gu mìn
3-5 clòbhan creamha, air an gearradh gu mìn
Pìos dinnsear meud òrdaig, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 spàinn-mhòr pùdar tiolaidh
2 no 3 tiolaidhean, air an gearradh
1 spàinn-mhòr allspice
crathadh de chnò-mheannt
1 spàinn-mhòr beirm bheathachail
10g sabhs sòidh le ìre ìosal de shalainn
1 spàinn-bheag cainneal
2 orainsear, rùsg agus sùgh
2 liomaideige, rùsg agus sùgh
100ml stoc circe no èisg, gun shalainn
bloigh xylitol
Cuir a h-uile càil ann am bobhla agus measgaich gu math.
Cuir an giomach dhan bhrìgheachadh agus fàg san fhuaradair airson dhà no trì uairean a thìde.
Aon uair ’s gu bheil an giomach air a bhith sa bhrìgheachadh airson dhà no trì uairean a thìde, teasaich ola air greideal.
Cuir an giomach air a’ ghreideal, taobh na slige an toiseach airson mu 3 mionaidean, an uair sin tionndaidh agus bruich airson dà mhionaid air an taobh eile.
Jerk marinade
Bunch spring onions, finely chopped
3/5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
Thumb sized piece of ginger, finely chopped
1tbsp chilli powder
2 or 3 chillies, chopped
1 tbsp allspice
Grating of nutmeg
1 tsp nutritional yeast
10g low salt soy or alternative
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 orange , zest and juice
2 limes, zest and juice
100ml unsalted chicken or seafood stock
Pinch xylitol
Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.
Place the lobster in the marinade and refrigerate for a few hours.
Once the lobster has been in the marinade for a few hours, heat oil on a hot plate.
Place the lobster on the hot plate, shell side down first for about 3 minutes, before turning and cooking for a couple of minutes on the other side.
Iomlaid airson sabhs sòidh
dòrlach de bhalgain-buachair, air an gearradh nam pìosan
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh
feamainn air a nighe agus air a thiormachadh
1 spàinn-bheag beirm bheathachail
Bruich na balgain-buachair agus an t-uinnean, agus cuir an fheamainn agus a’ bheirm bheathachail. Cuir gu leòr bùrn ris airson slaopadh agus thoir chun a’ ghoil.
Leig leis slaopadh.
Substitute to soy sauce
Handful of mushrooms, cut into chunks
1 onion, chopped
Chunk washed dried seaweed
1 Heaped tsp nutritional yeast
Brown mushrooms and onion, add seaweed and nutritional yeast.
Add enough water to simmer and bring to the boil.
Allow to simmer
1 abhocàdo, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 uinnean dearg, air a ghearradh gu mìn
½ mango, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 tomàto mòr, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Bad dhuilleagan choireamain, air a ghearradh
sùgh 1 liomaideige
Cuir a h-uile càil còmhla ann am bobhla agus measgaich
1 avocado, finely chopped
1 Red onion, finely chopped
½ mango, finely chopped
1 large tomato, finely chopped
Bunch coriander leaves, roughly chopped
Juice of 1 lime
All together in a bow and mixed through.
Rìs agus Pònairean
200g rìs fada
400g pònairean dubhain, 240g cuideam air a dhèanaigeadh
300g bainne chnò-còco
1 tiolaidh Scotch Bonnet, leis an t-sìol air a thoirt às agus air a ghearradh gu mìn
druthag sùgh liomaid
100ml bùrn
Nigh an rìs ann an sìoltachan grunn thursan, gus a bheil am bùrn a tha a’ ruith dheth glan.
Cuir na pònairean, am bainne chnò-còco agus 100ml bùrn ann am pana agus thoir gu ìre slaopaidh.
Cuir an rìs dhan phana agus thoir gu ìre slaopaidh a-rithist, a’ cur an tiolaidh ris cuide ris an t-sùgh liomaid agus am piobar.
Measgaich an-dràsta ’s a-rithist mus cuirear mullach air a’ phana. Bruich airson 5 mionaidean eile gus a bheil an rìs bog. Cuir forc troimhe mus tèid ith.
Rice and Peas
200g long grain rice
1 400g tin of kidney beans, 240g drained weight
1 x 300g coconut milk
1 Scotch bonnet chilli – se-seeded and finely chopped
Twist of lemon juice
100ml water
Rinse the rice through a sieve a few times, until the water runs clear.
Put the beans, coconut milk and 100ml of water in a pan and bring to a simmer.
Tip the rice into the pan and bring to a simmer again, adding the chopped chilli and seasoning with a twist of lemon juice and pepper.
Stir occasionally before placing the lid on the pan, cook for a further 5 minutes until the grains are tender and the liquid has been absorbed. Fluff up the rice with a fork before serving.
1 anann, air a rùsgadh, am meadhan a thoirt às agus air a ghearradh na chairtealan
Dustadh le chaineal
cnap ime
Dustaig an t-anann le caineal agus cuir cling film timcheall air. Cuir dhan fhuaradair gus a bheilear deiseil airson a chleachdadh.
Teasaich beagan ola ann am pana greideal agus bruich an t-anann gus an tig dath orra, a’ cur cnap ime ris.
Flambe le druthag ruma.
1 pineapple, peeled, cored and quartered
Dusting of ground cinnamon
Knob of butter
Dust the pineapple quarters with cinnamon and wrap in cling film. Place in the fridge until you are ready to use.
Heat a little oil in a griddle pan and cook the pineapple pieces on it until they take colour, adding a knob of butter.
Flambe with a splash of rum.
Sabhs caramail
150g xylitol
200ml bàrr dùbailte
60g ìm
Sùgh dà orainseir
50-75ml ruma Iameuganach
Cuir an xylitol ann am pana cuide ris an t-sùgh orains agus leig leis an t-xylitol leaghadh. Measgaich e gus nach fhàs e steigeach. Cuir an t-ìm agus am bàrr ris agus cùm a’ dol ga mheasgachadh. Cuir an ruma ris agus measgaich gu math, a’ leigeil leis lùghdachadh.
Caramel Sauce
150g xylitol
200ml double cream
60g butter
Juice of 2 oranges
50/75ml Jamaican rum
Put the xylitol into a pan on the hob along with the orange juice and allow the xylitol to dissolve. Stirring to avoid it getting sticky. Then add the butter and cream and keep stirring. Add the rum and stir well allowing it to reduce.
Sorbet Liomaideige agus Dinnsear
200g crème fraiche
200g iogart Grèigeach
2 liomaideige – sùgh agus rùsg, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Pìos dinnseir, meud òrdaig
Bleith an dinnsear ann am bobhla mòr a th’ air a bhith san reothadair.
Cuir an rùsg liomaideige dhan bhobhla agus an uair sin cuir an sùgh bhon dà liomaideige.
Cuir an iogart agus an crème fraiche ris.
Measgaich agus cuir dhan reothadair.
Thoir sùil air gach leth uair a thìde agus measgaich gus nach nochd criostalan.
Lime and Ginger Sorbet
200g Creme Fraiche
200g Greek yoghurt
2 limes – juice & zest, finely chopped
Thumb sized piece of resh ginger
Grate the ginger into a large bowl that has been in the freezer.
Grate the lime zest into the bowl and then add the juice from the limes.
Add the yoghurt, crème fraiche and chopped lime zest.
Mix together and place in the freezer.
Check every half hour and give it a stir to prevent it from crystallising.
Airson nam bonnaich-èisg:
1 spàinn-bheag ìm le lùghdachadh geire
50g liogais, air a ghearradh gu mìn
175g filead iasg gheal, ùr no reòite (air aiteamh)
100g pònairean haricot bruich, air am pronn le forc
1 spàinn-mhòr pearsail ùr air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 spàinn-mhòr feuran air a ghearradh gu mìn
Rùsg ½ liomaid
1 buidheag bheag
2 ugh slàn, air am bualadh
25g criomagan arain slàn-mhìn agus panko
ola glasraich airson fraidheadh
bloigh beirm bheathachail
piobar dubh
Fraidhig an liogais anns an ìm gus am bith e bog.
Geàrr an t-iasg na phìosan beaga agus cuir ann am bobhla mòr.
Pronn na pònairean haricot ann am bobhla, a’ cleachdadh forc gus am bi cnapan fhathast ann
Cuir na pònairean dhan bhobhla leis an t-iasg, an liogais, rùsg liomaid, beirm bheathachail, feuran agus am pearsail. Measgaich gu math.
Seàsan gu math le piobar dubh.
Cuir a’ bhuidheag ris agus measgaich gu math.
Dèan cumadh bhonnaich agus cuir dhan fhuaradair airson timcheall air 30 mionaidean gus an cruadhaich iad.
Cuir dhan ugh agus còmhdaich le na criomagan arain.
Fraidhig san ola ann am pana eu-domhainn gus an tig dath òir air gach taobh. Cuir sìos an teas bruich airson dhà no trì mhionaidean.
For the fishcakes:
1 tsp reduced-fat spread
50g leek, finely chopped
175g white fish fillet, fresh or frozen (thawed)
100g cooked haricot beans, crushed with a fork
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley
1 tbsp finely chopped chives
Grated zest of ½ lemon
1 small egg yolk
2 whole eggs, whisked for coating
25g dried wholemeal crumbs & panko breadcrumbs
Vegetable oil for frying
Pinch of nutritional yeast
Black pepper
Vegetable oil for frying
Cook the leeks in a little low fat spread until soft.
Cut the fish into small chunks and place in a large bowl.
Crush the haricot beans in a bowl, using a fork to leave a bit of texture.
Add the beans to the bowl with the fish, leeks, lemon zest, nutritional yeast, chives and parsley. Mix well together.
Season generously with black pepper.
Add the egg yolk and mix thoroughly.
Form into cakes and place in the fridge for about 30 minutes until firm.
Dip in beaten egg and coat in the breadcrumbs.
Shallow fry in a little vegetable oil until golden on each side. Turn the heat down and continue cooking for a few minutes
Airson a’ mhayo liomaid:
1 buidheag
100ml ola neòinein-ghrèine, a’ cur barrachd ris ma tha e a dhìth
Sùgh leth liomaid
1 spàinn-bheag sgeallan Dijon
Buail a h-uile càil ach an ola còmhla. Beag air bheag, cuir an ola ris fhad ’s a thathar ga bhualadh.
For lemon mayonnaise:
1 egg yolk
100ml sunflower oil, adding more if needed
Juice of half a lemon
1 tsp Dijon mustard
Whisk all the ingredients apart from the oil to combine the ingredients. Very gradually add the oil as you are whisking.
400g pastraidh milis shortcrust
100g sùbhagan reòite (air aiteamh)
25 bleideagan àmoin
Airson a’ phastraidh:
225g ìm gun shalainn, air a ghearradh na phìosan mòra
1 ugh
1 buidheag a bharrachd, a’ cumail a’ ghealag gu aon taobh
50g xylitol
350g flùr plèan
Geàrr an t-ìm na phìosan mòra agus fàg a-mach às an fhuaradair gus am bogaich e.
Cuir an xylitol dhan bhuala agus meagaich gu socair, dìreach gu leòr gus an tig an dà rud còmhla
Cuir an t-ugh agus a’ bhuidheag ris agus measgaich.
Cuir am flùr ris beag air bheag agus measgaich le spàinn.
Aon uair ’s gu bheil am flùr an lùib a’ chòrr dheth, roilig na bhalla, ga dhustadh le flùr mar a tha feum air. Cuir ann am bobhla agus còmhdaich le clingfilm agus fàd san fhuaradair airson 45 mionaidean. Fhad ’s a tha seo a’ fuarachadh, dèan a’ chèic.
Airson a’ chèic:
3 uighean mòra
150g ìm bog, air a ghearradh na phìosan mòra
75g flùr plèan
75g àmoin mìn
150g xylitol
1 spàinn-bheag pùdair bèiceireachd
½ spàinn-bheag sùgh àmoin
Cuir a h-uile càil ann am bobhla agus buail gus an tig e uile còmhla.
Cuir an trèidhe bèiceireachd dhan àmhainn airson dhà no thrì mhionaidean mus eilear dol a chuir an tart dhan àmhainn, tha seo a’ cur stad air a’ bhonn bho bhith a’ fàs bog.
Thoir am pastraidh às an fhuaradair agus roilig a-mach air bòrd le dustadh de fhlùr air.
Lìnig tiona flan le pàipear agus cuir am pastraidh ann gu cùramach, ga fhuine ri bonn agus cliathaich an tiona, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach eil tuill sa phastraidh. Brùth forc ann.
Cuir pàipear dhan phastraidh agus cuir pònairean bèiceireachd no rìs air a mhuin airson beagan cuideim, mus tèid a chuir dhan àmhainn ro-theasaichte aig 180C airson 10 mionaidean.
Thoir às an àmhainn agus thoir às an rìs no na pònairean bèiceireachd, an uair sin cuir am pastraidh air ais dhan àmhainn airson dhà no trì mhionaidean.
Thoir às an àmhainn agus fàg gu aon taobh.
Cuir sìos teas na h-àmhainne gu 160C.
Nuair a tha am pastraidh air fuarachadh, sgaoil na sùbhagan air a’ bhonn agus cuir taois na cèice air a mhuin.
Geàrr oirean a’ phastraidh timcheall cliathaich an tiona le sgian.
Sgaoil na bleideagan àmoin air a mhuin.
Cuir air ais dhan àmhainn aig 160C airson timcheall air 30-40 mionaidean.
400g sweet shortcrust pastry
100g thawed frozen raspberries
25g flaked almonds
For the pastry:
225g unsalted butter, cut into large chunks
1 whole egg
1 extra egg yolk, reserving the egg white
50g xylitol
350g plain flour
Cut the butter into large chunks and leave out of the fridge to soften.
Place the xylitol in the bowl and beat together gently, just enough to combine the ingredients together.
Add the egg and egg yolk and beat the mixture.
Add the flour, a bit at a time and mix through gradually with a spoon.
Once all the flour has been combined into the mixture, roll into a ball with your hands, dusting with flour as necessary. Place in your bowl and cover with clingfilm and leave in the fridge for 45 minutes. In the meantime, make the sponge mixture.
For the sponge:
3 large eggs
150g softened butter, cut into large chunks
75g plain floor
75g ground almonds
150g xylitol
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp almond essence
Put all the sponge ingredients in a large bowl and whisk until it comes together .
Put your baking tray in the oven a few minutes before you are going to put your tart in the oven, this prevents the bottom from getting soggy.
Remove the pastry from the fridge and roll it out on a flour dusted surface
Line a flan case with greaseproof paper and gently place the pastry into the flan case, kneading it into the bottom of the tin and up the side, making sure there are no holes in the pastry. Prick the pastry with a fork.
Place a sheet of greaseproof pastry on top and put baking beans or rice on top for weight, before placing in the oven.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180C for 10 minutes.
Remove from the oven and remove the rice or baking beans, then return to the oven for a few minutes.
Remove from the oven and set aside.
Reduce the oven temperature to 160C.
When the pastry has cooled, spread the raspberries on the bottom and spoon the sponge mixture evenly on top.
Trim the edges of the pastry round the side of the tin and even out the sponge with a large knife.
Scatter the flaked almonds on top.
Return to the oven at 160C for approximately 30 – 40 minutes.