Fe貌il R猫isg (Dried Meat) & Brot Bunt脿ta (Potato Soup)
Cas feòil-uain, leis a’ chnàimh air a thoirt às
Lìon bonn bucas plastaig le salann curs.

Cuir an fheòil air a’ mhuin agus suath le barrachd salainn.
Cuir mullach air a’ bhucas agus cuir dhan fhuaradair airson co-dhiù trì seachdainean.
Cuir an fheòil ann an inneal tiormachaidh aig teothachd ìseal airson 24 uairean a thìde.
Airson an stoc feòil-rèisg
Feòil rèisg (feòil-uain no feòil-chaorach air a shailleadh agus air a thiormachadh)
Geug ròs-Moire
Geug lus an rìgh
Cuir an fheòil rèisg ann am pana mòr de dh’uisge fuar cuide ris an ròs-Moire agus an lus an rìgh, agus thoirt chun a’ ghoil. Goil airson timcheall air 2 uair a thìde.
Airson an stoc feòil-uain / feòil-chaorach
Gualainn feòil-chaorach / feòil-uain
Cnàimhean feòil-chaorach / feòil-uain
2 uinnean mòr, air a ghearradh
4 currain, air a ghearradh
2 leigis, air a ghearradh,
2 stob soilire, air a ghearradh
Dhà no trì eiteannan pìobair
Tìm, ròs-Moire, duilleag labhrais, pearsail agus bouquet garni.
Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann am pana mòr de dh’uisge goileach, a’ cur an fheòil air a’ mhuin.
Thoir chun a’ ghoil agus leig leis bruich air a shocair airson 2 uair a thìde.
Airson a’ bhrot:
Gualainn feòil-chaorach / feòil-uain, air a shliseadh
Feòil rèisg, air a shliseadh
1 uinnean mòr
2 churran, air an gearradh nam pìosan mòra
½ snèap, air a ghearradh na phìosan mòra
½ càl
4-5 buntànta cèireil, air an gearradh nan cairtealan
Stoc feòil-chaorach / feòil-uain
Stoc feòil-rèisg
Ann am pana mòr le bonn tiugh, cuir beagan dhan fheòil rèisg, a’ cumail cuid de shlisean air ais airson a chur ann aig an deireadh.
Cuir an t-uinnean, na currain, an t-snèap agus an càl. Na geàrr an càl aig an ìre-sa. Faodar a shliseadh nuair a tha am brot bruich.
Cuir an stoc feòil-chaorach / feòil-uain ris (air a chur tro shìoltachadh agus leis a’ gheir air a thoirt dheth)
Cuir an stoc feòil-rèisg ris. Cha bu chòir gum biodh seàsanadh a dhìth oir bidh an stoc saillte gu leòr.
Cuir am mullach air a’ phana agus thoir chun a’ ghoil, ag ìsleachadh an teas agus ga bhruich air a shocair airson uair a thìde.
Cuir an fheòil-rèisg a th’ air fhàgail na lùib agus measgaich.
Boned leg of lamb.
Put a layer of coarse salt in a plastic container.
Lay the meat on top of the salt and generously rub more salt onto the meat.
Seal the container and place in the fridge for at least 3 weeks.
Place in dehydrator at a low temperature for 24 hours.
For salt meat stock.
Feòil rèisg (salted, dried mutton/lamb)
Sprig of rosemary
Sprig of thyme
Place the feòil rèisg, with rosemary and thyme, into a large pan of cold water and bring to the boil. Then boil for approximately 2 hours.
For lamb/mutton stock.
Rolled mutton or lamb shoulder
Mutton or lamb bones
2 large onions, roughly chopped
4 carrots, roughly chopped
2 leeks, roughly chopped
2 sticks of celery, roughly chopped
A few peppercorns.
Thyme, rosemary, bay leaf & parsley in bouquet garni.
Add ingredients to a large pan of boiling water, placing the rolled meat on top.
Bring to the boil and allow to simmer for 2 hours.
For the soup:
Rolled mutton/lamb shoulder, sliced
Salt meat (feòil rèisg), sliced
1 large onion, sliced
2 carrots, cut into large chunks
½ turnip, cut into large chunks
½ cabbage
4 – 5 waxy potatoes, quartered
Lamb/mutton stock
Salt meat stock
Into a large, heavy based pan, place sliced salt meat, reserving some of it, to add at the end of cooking time.
Add the onions, carrots, turnips and cabbage. Leave the cabbage without slicing, at this stage. It can be sliced when the soup has cooked through.
Add the lamb stock. (having been sieved and most of the fat removed.)
Add the salt meat stock. No further seasoning is required.
Place the lid on the pan and bring to the boil and simmer for 1 hour.
Add the reserved salt meat slices and stir through.