Chutnaidh Ubhal agus Plumbais aig G矛ogar
Nì seo mu 12 crogain

1.2 l fìon-geur dearg
1kg ùbhlan geur còcaireachd (5 ùbhlan mòra)
3 uinneanan
900g siùcar
450g sultanathan
2 spàin-tì sìol mustard
1 spàin-tì pùdair dinnsear
1 spàin-tì cuimean
1 bhior caineal
3 duilleagan labhrais
½ spàin-tì tiolaidh
1 spàin-bhùird salann
800g plumbaisean
Dòirt am fìon-geur ann am pana mòr.
Thoir an rùsg bho na h-ùbhlan, geàrr ann am pìosan beaga agus cuir ris a phana iad. Geàrr na h-uinneanan agus cuir dhan phana iad cuideachd.
Cuir ann an t-siùcar agus na sultanathan agus cuir mun cuairt le spàin.
Sad ann na spìosraidhean, na duilleagan labhrais, an t-salann. Measgaich còmhla na tha sa phana.
Cuir am pana air an stòbh is thoir chun na goil e. An uair sin cuir ceann air a phana agus tionndaidh sìos an teas a’ fàgail na tha sa phana a’ plubadaich air a shocair fhèin fad 30 mionaid.
Geàrr na plumbaisean agus nuair a tha an leth uair an àrd cuir ris a chutnaidh iad.
Fàg am pana a’ plubadaich air a shocair air an teas fad 30 mionaidean eile - an trup seo gun cheann air.
Dean cinnteach gu bheil na crogain agad fìor-ghlan.
Thoir am pana far an theas. Thoir a-mach an caineal agus na duilleagan labhrais.
Dòirt an chutnaidh dha na crogain agus cuir ceann orra nuair a tha an chutnaidh fuar.
Bu chòir na crogain fhàgail fàd mìos co-dhiù mus fhosgail thu iad ach mar as fhaide ‘s ann as fheàrr an chutnaidh.
Gregor’s Apple and Plum Chutney
Should make around 12 jars
1.2 litres red wine vinegar
1kg cooking apples
3 onions
900g sugar
450g sultanas
2 teaspoons mustard seeds
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1 cinnamon stick
3 bay leaves
½ teaspoon chilli flakes
1 tablespoon of salt
800g plums
Put the red wine vinegar in a pan.
Peel the apples. Finely slice them and add them to the pan. Peel and finely slice the onions, add them to the pan.
Add the sugar and the sultanas and, using a spoon, mix everything together.
Now add the spices, the bay leaves and the salt and give it a good mix.
Put the pot on the stove and bring to the boil. Then put the lid on the pan and turn down the heat, and leave it to simmer for 30 minutes.
Now slice up the plums and when the 30 minutes has passed add them to the chutney.
Leave the chutney on the stove for another 30 minutes, this time with the lid off the pan.
Make sure your jars are well sterilised.
Take the pan off the heat. Remove the cinnamon stick and the bay leaves.
Now pour the chutney into the jars and put the lids on when the chutney has colled.
It’s best to leave the chutney for a month at least before opening but the longer you leave it the better the flavour.