Pr貌gram 6 (Sreath 8)
Iomadach fad de chraiceann isbein
1kg gualainn feòil-muice, gun chnàimh
200g geir bhon ghualainn, air a ghearradh gu mìn
40g eiteanan piobair, air am pronn
1 glainne mòr fìon dearg
30g salann
1 spàinn-bheag criomagan tiolaidh tioram
- Cuir na craicinn am bogadh airson co-dhiù dà uair a thìde ann am bùrn fuar.
- Dèan mions leis an fheòil, a’ cleachdadh an truinnsear garbh (8-10mm) air an inneal-mionsaidh, agus cuir ann am bòbhla. Geàrr a’ gheir dheth na phìosan 4mm agus cuir ris an fheòil. Cuir an salann, na h-eiteanan pronn, na criomagan tiolaidh agus am fìon dhan bhòbhla. Measgaich gu math le do làimh.
- Lìon an fheòil a tha sa bhòbhla ann am barail an inneil-isbein agus cuir gob meadhanach mòr air a’ cheann. Cuir an craiceann air an inneal, ceangal an deireadh le streang agus lìon e gus isbeanan timcheall air 30cm a dh’fhaid a dhèanamh, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach eil aidhir sam bith ann. Ceangal ceann eile a’ chraicinn le pìos streang eile.
- An toiseach, feumar an salami a chrochadh ann an àite blàth, timcheall air 25-27C, airson bitheagan a bhrosnachadh agus ataireachd a dhèanamh comasach.
- Às dèidh 12 uairean a thìde san àrainneachd seo, gluais an salami chun an àite-rèisgidh, a bu chòir a bhith eadar 12 is 18C le ìre taiseachd timcheall air 70%, le aidhir a’ dol mun cuairt gu cunbhallach. Dèan cinnteach nach eil an salami a’ buntainn ann am balla, no ri chèile, agus nach eil a’ ghrian a’ deàrrsadh orra. Sna seachdainean a leanas, dèan deuchainn pH gus dèanamh cinnteach gum fuirich e fo ìre 4.5. Bu chòir do chloimh-liath nochdadh air a’ chraicinn, a’ dearbhadh gun deach an ìre seo a ruighinn.
- Dh’fhaodadh an salami eadar 6-10 seachdainean a ghabhail ag abachadh, a rèir an t-suidheachaidh agus a rèir mar a thathas gan iarraidh. Gabhaidh an ithe cho luath ‘s a tha iad air cruadhachadh, ach cumaidh iad orra a’ tiormachadh ‘s a’ cruadhachadh mar as fhaide a thèid am fàgail.
- Nuair a thathas riaraichte leis an ìre air a bheilear ag amas leis an t-salami, suath dheth cloimh-liath sam bith air an taobh a-muigh le clobhd air a bhogadh ann am fìon-geur, an uair sin suath le ola chroinn-ola. Gluais an salami dhan fhuaradair.
Several lengths of sausage casings
1kg boneless shoulder of pork
200g fat from the pork shoulder, finely diced
40g black peppercorns, freshly ground
1 large glasses red wine
30g salt.
1 tsp dried chilli flakes
- Soak the casings for at least 2 hours in cold water.
- Mince the pork shoulder using the coarse (8–10mm) plate of your mincer and place in a bowl. Cut the back fat into 4mm dice and add to the meat. Now add the salt, ground peppercorns, chilli flakes and wine.. Mix the ingredients together thoroughly by hand.
- Pack the mixture into the barrel of your sausage stuffer and fit a medium nozzle on the end. Load the casing on to the sausage stuffer, tie the end with string and fill the casing, to form sausages about 30cm long, packing tightly and ensuring there are no air pockets. Secure the other end of the casing with a second piece of string.
- To begin with, you will need to hang the salami in a warm place, ideally 25–27°C, to enable incubation of the bacteria and facilitate fermentation.
- After 12 hours in this environment, move the salami to your dry-curing spot, which should be between 12 and 18°C with a humidity level of approximately 70% and a constant circulation of air. Make sure the salami are not touching a wall, or each other, and they are not in direct sunlight. Over the coming weeks, test the pH to ensure it is below 4.5. A white mould should form on the casings, indicating that this level has been reached.
- The salami may take anything from 6–10 weeks to mature, depending on the conditions and, indeed, on how you like them. They can be sampled as soon as they are fairly firm to the touch and dry-looking, but they will continue to dry out and harden until they are practically rock hard.
- When the salami reach the stage you like, wipe off any mould from the outside with a cloth soaked in vinegar, then rub the surface with a little olive oil. Transfer the salami to the fridge.
½ leigeas, a’ cleachdadh a’ phàirt ghil, air a shliseadh gu mìn
½ cùlaran, air a ghearradh
2-3 tiolaidhean dearg, an sìol air a thoirt às agus air a shliseadh gu mìn
1 clòbha creamh, air a shliseadh gu mìn
1 uinnean dearg, air a shliseadh gu mìn
1 piobar uaine, air a ghearradh
4 tomàtothan mòra, am meadhan air an toirt às agus air an gearradh
Bad phearseil
200ml ola chroinn-ola extra virgin
1 spàinn-mhòr puree tomàto
1 spàinn-bheag sabhs Worcester
2 spàinn-mhòr fìon-geur fìon dearg
2 shlis aran cruaidh, le na h-oirean air an toirt dheth, air am bogadh ann am bùrn fuar
- Cuir an t-uinnean, an creamh, am piobar, an leigeas, tomàtothan, cularan, tiolaidh agus am pearsail ann an inneal-bleithidh cuide ris an ola agus bleith gus a bheil a h-uile càil air a ghearradh gu mìn, ged nach eilear ga iarraidh ro mhìn. Cuir am puree tomàto dhan inneal agus bleith a-rithist. Cuir an sabhs Worcester agus am fìon-geur ann agus bleith.
- Seàsan le salann is piobar.
- Bleith gus am bi e mìn.
- Cuir ann am bòbhla mòr agus còmhdaich le cling. Fàg san fhuaradair airson co-dhiù 2 uair a thìde, no fad na h-oidhche.
½ leek, using the white part of the leek, finely sliced
½ cucumber, roughly chopped
2 - 3 red chillies, de-seeded and finely sliced
1 clove garlic, finely sliced
1 red onion, finely sliced
1 green pepper, roughly chopped
4 large tomatoes, cored and roughly chopped
Bunch of parsley, finely chopped
200ml extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 tsp Worcester sauce
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 slices stale white bread with crust removed, soaked in cold water
- Put the onion, garlic, pepper, leek, tomatoes, cucumber, chillies, parsley in a food processor, add the oil and blend until finely chopped but not too smooth, add the tomato puree and continue to blend. Add the Worcester sauce and vinegar and continue to blend.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Blend to a smooth consistency.
- Place in a large bowl and cover with cling film, place in the fridge for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.
150g filead stèic
1 spàinn-bheag capairean, air an gearradh gu mìn
1 spàinn-bheag sgalaidean, air an gearradh gu mìn
1 spàinn-bheag geirceanan, air an gearradh gu mìn
Druthag no dhà dhen t-sabhs teth as fheàrr leat
1 spàinn-mhòr ola chroinn-ola extra virgin
Bloigh de chriomagan salainn
Piobar dubh pronn
Buidheagan organach
- A’ cleachdadh filead ùr stèic bhon bhùidsear, reòth an fheòil airson timcheall air 20 mionaidean. Tha seo ga dhèanamh nas fhasa na fèithean a ghearradh dheth.
- Le sgian gheur, geàrr an stèic na shlisean uabhasach tana. An uair sin geàrr na slìsean nam pìosan beaga bìodach, a’ toirt dheth pìosan geir sam bith.
- Cuir an fheòil ann am bòbhla còmhla ri na sgalaidean, capairean agus na geirceanan. Cuir crathadh math de phiobar dubh, salann agus an sabhs teth. Cuir an ola chroinn-ola extra virgin ris cuideachd agus measgaich gu math.
- A’ cleachdadh cumadh cearcaill, cuir an stèic na bhroinn, air truinnsear. Dèan toll beag sa mheadhan airson an uigh.
- Bris an t-ugh, a’ cumail a’ bhuidheagain agus cuir sin am meadhan na feòla
150g fillet steak
1 tsp capers, finely chopped
2 tsp shallots, finely chopped
1 tsp gherkins, finely chopped
A few drops hot sauce of your choice
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Pinch salt flakes
Ground black pepper
Organic free range egg yolk
- Using a fresh fillet of beef from the butcher, freeze for about 20 minutes, this makes it easier to remove any sinew from the steak.
- Using a sharp knife, cut the steak into very thin slices. Then chop the slices into tiny pieces, removing any small bits of fat.
- Place the chopped meet in a bowl, add the shallots, capers, gherkins. Add a good twist of black pepper, coarsely ground, salt flakes and hot sauce. Add the extra virgin olive oil and mix together well with a spoon.
- Using a ring, spoon the steak into a portion size, onto a plate, leave an indent in the middle to make room for the egg.
- Crack the egg and separate the yolk from the white, place the egg yolk on top of the steak for serving.
Airson a’ bhonn:
18 briosgaidean digestive, air am pronnadh
2 bhar granola
100g ola chnò-còco air a leaghadh
- Airson a’ bhonn, suath tiona cèic air a bheil bonn a thig às le ìm, agus lìnig le pàipear-bèicearachd.
- Cuir na briosgaidean agus bàraichean granola ann an inneal-bleithidh agus bleith gus am bi e a’ samhlachadh chriomagan. Cuir na criomagan ann am bòbhla agus dòirt an ola chnò-còco leaghte air am muin.
- Measgaich gu math gus a bheil na criomagan uile còmhdaichte leis an ola.
- Dòirt dhan tiona agus brùth sìos orra gus am bi e rèidh air a’ bhonn.
- Fàg san reothadair airson uair a thìde gus an cruadhaich e.
Airson a’ mhullaich:
1x 250g cnogan Quark
1x 250 cnogan càise Mascarpone
100g siùcar castair
Rùsg 1 liomaideige
Rùsg 1 liomaid
Measgaich a h-uile càil còmhla agus sgaoil gu rèidh air a’ bhonn.
Fàg san fhuaradair.
Airson a’ choulis:
100g measan samhraidh reòite
75g siùcar pùdair, barrachd a rèir blais
Steallagh mhath Vermouth
Cuir a h-uile càil ann an inneal-bleithidh is bleith. Tha e deiseil airson a ghabhail leis a’ chèic-chàise.
For the base:
18 digestive biscuits, crushed
2 granola bars
100g melted coconut oil
- To make the base, coat a loose-bottomed cake tin with butter, having lined it with parchment paper.
- Put the digestive biscuits & granola bars in a food processor and blitz to crumb consistency Transfer the crumbs to a bowl, then pour the melted coconut oil over the crumbed biscuits.
- Mix thoroughly until the crumbs are completely coated.
- Tip them into the prepared tin and press firmly down into the base to create an even layer. Chill in the freezer for 1 hour to set firmly.
For the topping:
1 x 250g tub of Quark
1 x 250g tub Mascarpone cheese
100g caster sugar
Zest of 1 lime
Zest of 1 lemon
Mix all the ingredients together well and spread evenly onto the base.
Set aside in the fridge.
For the coulis:
100g summer frozen summer fruits
75g icing sugar, add more to taste
A good splash of Vermouth
Place everything in a blender and blitz, and it’s ready to serve with the cheesecake.
2lb stèicean ùra tùna le ite-droma bhuidhe, air a ghearradh
Dhà no thrì shlisean thana de uinnean darg
Dinnsear, meud òrdaig, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 uinnean earraich, air a shliseadh gu mìn
2 spàinn-mhòr sabhs sòidh meadhanach dorcha, no sabhs sòidh Iapanach
2 spàinn-mhòr ola sheasamain
1 spàinn-bheag sìol sheasamain
Airson a’ bhrìgheachaidh:
- Dòirt ola sheasamain agus sabhs sòidh ann am bòbhla agus measgaich gu math.
- Cuir na pìosan èisg dhan bhrìgheachadh.
- Cuir an t-uinnean, dinnsear, uinneanan earraich ann cuideachd le crathadh de shìol sheasamain. Measgaich gu math.
- Cuir cling air a’ bhòbhla agus fàg san fhuaradair gus a bheilear deiseil airson ithe.
- Chan fheum e a bhith air fhàgail ro fhada.
2lb fresh yellow fin tuna steaks, cubed
A few fine slices of red onion
Ginger, finely chopped thumb sized
2 spring onions, finely sliced
2 tbsp medium soy sauce, or Japanese soy sauce
2 tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp sesame seeds
For marinade:
- Pour sesame oil, soy sauce into a bowl and stir to mix well.
- Place the tuna chunks in the marinade.
- Add some red onion, ginger, spring onions, and pour sesame seeds over. Give it a good stir to mix.
- Place cling film over the bowl and place in the fridge until you are ready to use. It doesn’t need to cure for any length of time.
2 fhilead chreagag ùr, leis a’ chraicinn air a thoirt dheth
Sùgh 2 liomaid
Sùgh 1 liomaideige
1 uinnean dearg, air a shliseadh gu mìn
½ piobar buidhe, air a shliseadh gu mìn
1 tiolaidh dearg, leis an t-sìol air fhàgail ann, air a shliseadh gu mìn
Pìos no dhà de sheadag phinc
Duilleagan treabhaich
Dobhrach airson sgeadachadh
- Geàrr an t-iasg na striopan agus cuir ann am bòbhla leis an t-sùgh liomaid agus liomaideige.
- Cuir an t-uinnean dearg, am piobar buidhe, an tiolaidh agus salann dhan bhòbhla.
- Cuir cling air agus fàg san fhuaradair airson timcheall air uair a thìde gul eth.
- Thoir às an fhuaradair.
- Cuir pìos seadag no dhà air truinnsear le duilleagan treabhaich agus cuir an t-iasg air a mhuin. Cuir barrachd iasg, uinneanan is piobaran air muin sin, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun a bhith a’ cur an lionnach rèisgidh air an truinnsear.
- Sgeadaich le dobhrach.
2 fresh seabass fillets, with skin removed
Juice of 2 lemons
Juice of 1 lime
1 red onion, finely sliced
1/2 yellow pepper, finely sliced
1 red chilli with seeds, finely sliced
A few segments of pink grapefruit
Rocket leaves
Cress to garnish
- Cut the fish into strips and place in a bowl with the lemon and lime juice.
- Add a little red onion, yellow pepper, chilli and season with salt.
- Stir to evenly disperse the liquid.
- Place cling film over the bowl and place in the fridge for about 90 minutes
- Remove from the fridge.
- Place a few pink grapefruit segments on a serving dish with a few rocket leaves and lay a few strips of seabass on top. Layer more fish, onions and peppers on top, avoiding spooning any of the curing liquid onto the plate.
- Garnish with cress.