Pr貌gram 4 (Sreath 7)
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 chlòbha creamh, pronn
1 piobar uaine, air a ghearradh
4 - 6 balgain-buachair, air a ghearradh
1 spàin-mhòr ola chroinn-ola
1 canastair tomàtothan slàn
700g ciùbaichean stiubha feòil-mairt
240ml stoc feòil-mairt
3 buntàta milis, air an gearradh
Buntàta, air an gearradh
1 peapag chnotha-ime, air a ghearradh
1 cob coirce-milis
Piobar dubh

- Teasaich an ola ann am pana mòr agus fraidhig an t-uinnean, am piobar uaine, balgain-buachair agus an creamh gus am fàs iad bog agus gus an tig dath òir orra.
- Cuir an fheòil-mairt ris a’ phana agus seàsan le salann is piobar dubh, gus an tig dath air an gach taobh dhen fheòil.
- Cuir an stoc fheòil-mairt ris cuide ri na tomàtothan. Bris na tomàtothan sìos beagan le spàinn fhiodh.
- Cuir an còir dhen na gritheidean ris.
- Fàg e air teas ìseal airson timcheall air uair a thìde. Nuair a tha an uair a thìde cha mhòr seachad, geàrr na h-eiteanan far a’ chob, cuir dhan phana agus measgaich.
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 green pepper, roughly chopped
4 - 6 mushrooms, roughly chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tin whole tomatoes
700g diced stewing steak
240 ml beef stock
3 sweet potatoes, roughly chopped
Potatoes, roughly chopped
1 butternut squash, roughly chopped
1 corn on the cob
Black pepper
- Heat oil in a large pan and sauté the onion, green pepper, mushrooms and garlic until soft and golden.
- Add the diced, stewing steak and season with salt & black pepper and brown the beef on all sides.
- Add the beef stock and tomatoes. Break the tomatoes down a little with wooden spoon.
- Add the rest of the ingredients.
- Leave simmering on a low heat for about an hour. When the hour is nearly up, cut the kernels off the cob, into the pan and stir through to heat.
2.5 liotairean bainne slàn (timcheall air 4 pinntean)
120ml bàrr dùbailte
500g siùcar
25ml sùgh mìslein
Bloigh sòda bèiceireachd (ma thogras tu)
- Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann am pana mòr.
- Cuir air an teas agus buail gus an leagh an siùcar.
- Fàg air teas ìseal airson dà uair a thìde. Na measgaich idir e tron àm seo.
- Cuir ann am bobhla agus fàg gu aon taobh gus a bheilear deiseil a chleachdadh.
2.5 litre whole milk (4 pints approx)
120 ml double cream
550g sugar
25 ml vanilla essence
Pinch baking soda (optional)
- Put all ingredients into a large pan.
- Place on the hob and whisk until the sugar has dissolved.
- Leave on a low heat for 2 hours, do not stir it during this time.
- Transfer to a bowl and set aside until you are ready to use it.
2 phacaid briosgaidean le criomagan teòclaid
Druthag Amaretto
2 spàin-bheag cofaidh air a leaghadh ann am bùrn teth
2 thuba beag càise mascarpone, no càise bog sam bith
Teòclaid dorch & teòclaid geal airson sgeadachadh
Maltesers air am pronnadh beagan airson sgeadachadh
- Cuir na briosgaidean dhan chofaidh agus an Amaretto.
- Cuir na briosgaidean am bonn tiona cèice.
- Cuir càise bog air muin sin, agus an dulce de leche air muin sin. Cuir tuilleadh bhriosgaidean air a’ mhuin, an càise agus an dulce de leche gus an ruig thu mullach an tiona cèice.
- Cuir dhan reothadair agus fàg gus an cruadhaich e.
- Thoir às an reothadair agus sgeadaich leis an teòclaid dorch agus geal, agus na Maltesers.
2 packets of chocolate chip cookies
Splash of Amaretto
2 tsp instant coffee dissolved in hot water
2 small tubs Mascarpone cheese or any soft cheese
2 tsp instant coffee dissolved in hot water
Dark chocolate & white chocolate for decorating
Crushed Maltesers for decoration.
- Dip the cookies in coffee and Amaretto.
- Then place a layer of cookies on the bottom of a cake tin.
- Add a layer of soft cheese, then a layer of dulce de leche. Continue layering the biscuits, cheese and dulce de leche until you reach the top of the cake tin.
- Place in the freezer and allow it to set.
- Remove from freezer and decorate with melted dark and white chocolate.
- Sprinkle with crushed Maltesers.
200ml dulce de leche
250ml bàrr dùbailte
Druthag bainne
250g siùcar castair
2 ugh
2 bhuidheagan
Rùsg 1 liomaid
Sùgh mìslein
- Ro-theasaich an àmhainn gu 160C.
- Airson a' charamail, cuir an t-siùcar ann am pana trom air teas ìseal agus leig leis leaghadh airson mionaid no dhà, gus an tig dath air. Cùm sùil air agus gluais e an-dràsta ‘s a-rithist gus nach loisg e agus gus nach steig e ris a' phana. Na measgaich e idir.
- Nuair a tha an siùcar air leaghadh, cuir druthag bùrn fuar ris agus measgaich gu math, a' cur beagan a bharrachd bùrn ris ma thathar ga iarraidh nas taine.
- Dòirt ann an ramekins gus bonn nan soithichean a chòmhdach. Fàg gu aon taobh gus am fuaraich iad agus gus an cruadhaich iad.
- Cuir na ramekins ann an soitheach freagarrach dhan àmahinn, domhainn gu leòr gus an urrainn bùrn a chur ann am bonn an t-soithich.
Airson an uigheagan:
- Buail dà ugh agus an dà bhuidheag ann am bobhla.
- Buail an dulce de leche na mheasg, a' dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil e air mheasgachadh gu math.
- Buail am bàrr, am bainne agus an t-sùgh mhìslein na mheasg.
- Cuir rùsg an liomaid ris agus measgaich.
- Cleachd lìogh gus an t-uigheagan a chur dhan na ramekins.
- Cuir bùrn goileach dhan t-soitheach, timcheall air ¾ de dh'àrd nan ramekin.
- Cuir dhan àmhainn airson timcheall air 40 mionaid.
200ml dulce de leche
250ml double cream
Splash of milk
250g castor sugar
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
Zest of 1 lemon
Vanilla extract
- Preheat the oven to 160C.
- For caramel, put sugar into a heavy-based pan on the hob, on a low heat and allow to dissolve for a few minutes, until it starts to brown. Keeping your eye on it and giving it a bit of movement so that it doesn’t burn and stick to the pan. Do not stir it.
- When the sugar has melted, add a splash of cold water and stir well, adding a little more water for runny consistency.
- Pour into ramekins, enough to line the bottom and set aside to cool and has solidified.
- Place the ramekins in an ovenproof dish, deep enough to add water in the bottom of the dish.
To make the custard:
- Beat 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks in a bowl.
- Whisk in the dulce de leche making sure it mixed well.
- Whisk in the cream, milk and villa extract.
- Grate in the lemon zest and whisk.
- Ladle into the ramekins.
- Pour boiling water into the dish, up to approximately ¾ of the way to the top of the ramekin dishes.
- Place in the oven for approximately 40 minutes.
700g feòil cas uain, air a gearradh na pìosan mòra
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
3 clòbhan creamh, pronn
Ola chroinn-ola
15ml mil
2 spàin-mhòr paprika smoicte
1 spàin-bheag cumin
1 spàin-bheag ròs-Mhuire tioram
1 spàin-bheag oragain tioram
120ml fìon dearg
1 tiona mòr tomàtothan
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana mòr. Cuir an t-uinnean agus an creamh ris. Fraidhig gus an tòisich dath a’ tighinn air an uinnean agus gus am fàs iad nas buige.
- Cuir an fheòil ris agus dath air gach toabh. Seàsan le salann agus piobar dubh.
- Cuir na spìosraidhean, tomàtothan agus am mil ris agus measgaich.
- Cuir am fìon ris.
- Còmhdaich agus leig leis goil air a shocair airson timcheall air uair a thìde, gus am bith an fheòil bog agus tha an sabhs air lùghdachadh.
Airson an taois:
400g flùr plèan
80g geir, air a gearradh na ciùbaichean
Bloigh salainn
Bùrn deigheach
Beagan bainne
- Suath a’ gheir dhan fhlùr gus am bith e coltach ri criomagan arain. Cuir bloigh salainn ris.
- Dòirt beagan dhen bhùrn deigheach ris agus measgaich le do chorragan. Cuir barrachd bùrn ris mar a tha feum air gus an taois a thoirt còmhla. Fuin.
- Fuin gus am bith e na bhàlla air bòrd le flùr. Cuir ann am bobhla agus còmhdaich airson co-dhiù 10 mionaidean no gus a bheilear deiseil a chleachdadh.
- Nuair a thathar deiseil a chleachdadh, roilig am pastraidh gu math tana air bòrd le flùr.
- Geàrr cearcaill mòra às agus cuir beagan dhen stiubha na mheadhan.
- Bruisig bainne timcheall na h-oirean agus thoir am pastraidh còmhla gus seòrsa de phastaidh a dhèanamh.
- Fraidhig airson dhà no thrì mhionaidean.
700g leg of lamb meat, cut into large chunks
1 onion, finely chopped
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
Olive oil for frying
15 ml honey
2 tbsp smoked paprika
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 tsp dried oregano
120 ml red wine
1 large tin chopped tomatoes
Black pepper
- Heat olive oil in a large pan, add the onion and garlic. Sauté until the onions begin to brown and soften.
- Add the meat and brown on all sides. Season with salt black pepper.
- Add the spices, tomatoes and honey and stir.
- Add the wine.
- Cover and allow to simmer for approximately 1 hour, until the meat is soft and the sauce has reduced.
For the dough:
4OOg plain flour
80g lard, cubed
Pinch of salt
Iced water
A little milk
- Rub the lard into the flour to a breadcrumb consistency. Adding a pinch of salt.
- Pour a little of the iced water in and mix with your fingers, add more water as required to bring the dough together, kneading it to the required consistency.
- Knead it into a ball, on a floured table. Place it in a bowl and cover for at least 10 minutes until you’re ready to use it.
- When ready to use, roll out the pastry thinly on floured table.
- Cut out large circles and spoon a little of the stew into the middle.
- Brush milk round the edges and pinch the pastry together to form a pasty.
- Deep fry for a few minutes.
50g feòil gheal chrùbaig
2 shlisean aran geal
4 - 6 sgalaidean, air an gearradh gu mìn
2 chlòbhan creamh, pronn
Bad phearsail, air an gearradh gu mìn
1 spàin-bheag paprika smoicte
1 spàin-bheag tiolaidh (cayenne)
Ola chroinn-ola extra virgin
30ml bainne
2 spàin-mhòr bàrr dùbailte
Druthag fìon gheal
20g càise Gruyere, air a bhleith
20g càise Parmesan
Criomagan arain
- Ro-theasaich an àmhainn gu 180C.
- Sùgh an t-aran sa bhainne agus an uairsin bleith. Cuir tro shìoltachan.
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana. Fraidhig na sgalaidean agus an creamh gus am fàs na sgalaidean nas buige.
- Cuir am paprika smoicte agus an cayenne ris.
- Cuir suas an teas agus cuir druthag fìon gheal ris. Thoir chun a’ ghoil agus leig leis lùghdachadh.
- Cuir am bàrr agus am pearsail troimhe agus measgaich.
- Cuir sìos an teas agus agus cuir an còrr dhen bhàrr na lùib.
- Measgaich an fheòil chrùbaig troimhe.
- Cuir an taoiseag bhon aran ris agus bruich airson mionaid no dhà.
- Cuir ann an soitheach pàidh agus cuir an càise Gruyere agus Parmesan air a’ mhuin, cuide ris na criomagain arain.
- Cuir dhan àmhainn gus an leagh an càise.
50g white crab meat
2 slices white bread
4 - 6 shallots, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
Bunch of parsley, finely chopped
1 tsp dried smoked paprika
1 tsp dried chilli (cayenne)
Extra virgin olive oil
30ml milk
2 tbsp double cream
Splash white wine
20g Gruyere cheese, grated
20g Parmesan cheese
Black pepper
Bread crumbs
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
- Soak the bread in the milk then blitz it in a blender. The pass it through a sieve.
- Heat the oil in a frying pan, sauté the shallots and garlic until the shallots soften.
- Add smoked paprika, chilli (cayenne pepper).
- Turn up the heat and add a splash of white wine, bring to the boil and allow to reduce.
- Add the cream, parsley and stir through.
- Turn the heat down and add remaining cream.
- Stir the crab meat through.
- Season with salt & black pepper.
- Add the paste from the bread and continue to cook for a couple of minutes.
- Transfer to a pie dish and top with the Gruyere and a grating of Parmesan cheese.
- Add a sprinkling of bread crumbs.
- Place in the oven until the cheese melts.
2 x 400g pacaidean isbeanan Jumbo Dogs, air am bruich air a’ bhàrbaidhciù
Rolaichean brioche
50g ìm
4 tomàtothan mòra, air an gearradh
1 spàin-mhòr puree tomàta
2 uinnean dearg, air an gearradh gu mìn
2 clòbhan creamh, pronn
½ tiolaidh, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Ola chroinn-ola
2 abhocàdo
Bad pearsail le duilleagan flat
Geug no dhà tìm
Paprika smoicte
1 lìm
Sauerkraut, às a' bhùth
Càise air a bhleith
½ spàinn-bheag siùcar
Bad choireamain
Druthag fìon-geur fìon gheal
Airson a' cheitseap tomàta agus tiolaidh:
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana agus cuir an t-uinnean agus an creamh ris. Fraidhig.
- Cuir am puree tomàta ris.
- Cuir an tìm agus am paprika smoicte ris.
- Cuir an t-siùcar agus druthag fìon-geur fìon geal ris.
- Cuir na tomàtothan agus an tiolaidh ris a' phana agus bruich gus am bris na tomàtothan sìos.
- Seàsan le salann.
- Cuir tro shìoltachan airson ceitseap mìn.
Reilis Abhocàdo:
- Thoir a’ chlach às na h-abhocàdothan agus cuir taobh a-staigh a’ mheas ann am bobhla.
- Cuir sùgh leth lìm air am muin.
- Seàsan le salann.
- Pronn na h-abhocàdothan le forc.
1 uinnean dearg, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 tomàta mòr, air a ghearradh gu mìn
½ tiolaidh, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Bad choireamain, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Seàsan le salann agus bloigh siùcair.
Sùgh leth lìm
Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann am bobhla agus measgaich gu math.
- Leagh ìm air greideal. Geàrr na rolaichean nan dàth leth agus cuir an taobh geàirrte sìos air a’ ghreideal gus an tig dath òir orra. Cuir an completos ri chèile leis an reilis a thogras tu.
2 X 400g packets of Jumbo Dogs sausages, barbecued
Brioche buns
50g butter
4 large tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 tbsp tomato puree
2 red onions, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
½ chilli, finely chopped
Olive oil
2 avocados
Bunch flat leaf parsley
A few sprigs of thyme
Smoked paprika
1 lime
Sauerkraut, shop bought
Grated cheese
½ tsp sugar
Bunch of coriander
Splash white wine vinegar
To make tomato, chilli ketchup:
- Heat oil into a pan, onions, garlic, and sauté.
- Add the tomato puree.
- Add thyme, smoked paprika.
- Add the sugar and a splash of white wine vinegar.
- Add the tomatoes and chilli to the pan and continue cooking on the hob until the tomatoes break down.
- Season with salt.
- Press the sauce through a sieve, to give you a smooth ketchup.
Avocado Relish:
- Remove the stone from the avocados and scoop out the flesh, into a bowl.
- Squeeze juice of ½ lime over the avocados.
- Season with salt.
- Mash the avocados with a fork.
1 red onion, finely chopped
2 large tomatoes, finely chopped
½ chilli, finely chopped
Bunch of coriander, finely chopped
Season with salt and a sprinkling of sugar.
Juice of half a lime.
Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
- Melt butter on a griddle pan. Split the buns and place flat on the griddle pan until golden. Assemble completos with relish of your choice.