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Work's too easy! 10 ways to get more active in the office

Could it be the rise in desk-bound work, rather than over-eating, that’s making more and more of us obese? Attention has commonly focused on our diets as the main culprit. But remarkable new research suggests we’ve actually reduced our calorie intake in the UK. We’re spending more on food, but we’re swapping the suet pudding for sushi and superfood salads.

So if we’re eating less, why are we getting bigger? With traditional, more physically-demanding industries in decline, most of us find ourselves chained to a desk – the extent of our daily exertion being a wander to the water cooler. Our “calories in” might be down, but our “calories out” are down even more.

It’s time to reintroduce physical activity to work, so here are 10 not-too-serious suggestions for keeping fit on the job:

1. Are you sitting comfortably? If so, stand up

Historically, sitting in a comfy chair with a back and armrests was a royal prerogative. It’s only in the last hundred years or so that sitting has become the default posture.

Some companies are introducing standing desks – it might be tougher on your legs but it could do wonders for your weight. Alternatively, the treadmill or bicycle desk will give you a real workout while you work.

If your employer thinks that’s a step too far and wants to stick with seats, then up the ante with the odd game of musical chairs. The winner gets a free lunch? That’ll get everyone moving.

2. Be an adrenaline junkie

Get your heart rate up by introducing some low level panic into your work day. Try leaving important tasks to the last minute: start learning that presentation a few minutes before you take to the floor, or give yourself half the time to laminate twice the number of handouts. It isn’t just about the adrenaline: the faster you work, the more calories you’ll expend.

3. Swap your stapler for a scourer

Housework is a solid source of exercise. So as well as making the odd round of teas, offer to collect all the used mugs and wash them up for your team. It will earn you some serious brownie points, your nails will be pristine, and your arms will get a daily workout.

If you’re feeling particularly keen, why not give the loos a once over or hoover the hallway?!

4. Turn the stairwell into a pop-up gallery

Taking the stairs is a healthier alternative to the lift and making them fun to walk up will help encourage colleagues to ditch the elevator.

Some businesses are transforming their stairs into vertical art galleries or concert halls. You could give it a go too by curating a few of your favourite sticky note doodles and whacking them up on the wall.

And don’t forget, by swerving the lift you avoid being trapped in there with the person whose name you can’t remember who you can’t recall kissing at the Christmas party.

5. Disco coffee breaks

Loud music in the office is a bit of a no-no but pop some headphones on, pump up the tunes and have a boogie while you’re making the tea. Or have a dance in the WC.

6. Office Olympics

In some Japanese factories, employees begin the day with group exercises. Getting the blood flowing in the morning means heightened productivity.

If team activities feel a bit ambitious then focus on individual sports: hurdle the odd chair (carefully), leapfrog over the photocopier (even more carefully), or start a game of tennis with a couple of rulers and a rubber. If you’re feeling really risky, try darts with a staple gun and a noticeboard. Or play it safe with competitive hula hooping.

7. Meet on the move

Ditch the boardroom and make your meetings mobile. You’ll feel like you’re in an episode of The West Wing and moving around might make the ideas flow too.

8. Hide and seek

Ready or not, here I come! The office is full of nooks and crannies to make hiding from each other, or hiding each other’s stationery, a decent challenge. A thorough hunt around the office, until you locate your missing hole-punch in the fridge, is a great way to get the legs working.

9. Weightlift at the water cooler

Offer to restock the water dispenser each day. Those 15-litre bottles are seriously heavy. Plus everyone knows that hanging out by the water cooler grants access to the juiciest office gossip. But make sure you complete the “How to Lift Weights” learning module on your company’s website first…

10. Get the boss on side

Finally, start changing attitudes in the workplace. There’s an unwritten expectation to be at your desk at all times. Many people opt for a sarnie in front of their screen over a lunchtime walk in the park. But being more active doesn’t mean you’re any less productive.

Try (some of) the above tactics and refuse to feel guilty! If your manager questions your new work patterns, stay strong and fight back. After all, staying fit is good for business.

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