Links and support
Addaction: "Addaction is the UK's leading drug and alcohol charity. Every year, we help over 40,000 people in England and Scotland to recover from their problems. With our help, they rebuild relationships and go on to live fulfilling and meaningful lives."
Age UK: "Age UK's vision is for a world where everyone can love later life."
Anxiety UK: "Anxiety UK works to relieve and support those living with anxiety disorders by providing information, support and understanding via an extensive range of services, including 1:1 therapy."
Bury FC ‘Nifty Fifties’: "Aged 40+ looking to get back into the beautiful game? Then this is the perfect Football training session for you!"
Campaign to End Loneliness: "We help organisations tackle loneliness; whether they are small charities in your local area, your local authority or large national charities and government departments. We offer them the latest information based on research and examples of good practice from our supporters. Together, we aim to create the right conditions so that more people who are lonely are helped by the thousands of organisations working to tackle loneliness across the UK."
Cheshire Community Foundation: "Cheshire Community Foundation has at its heart, "Making Cheshire Better". We do 3 unique things that set us apart: inspire local philanthropy, build local endowment and invest money in local grass roots organisations."
Childline (NSPCC): "ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor about anything - no problem is too big or too small. Call free on 0800 1111, have a 1-2-1 chat online or send an email."
Combat Stress: "Combat Stress is the UK's leading Veterans' mental health charity. Mental ill-health affects ex-Service men and women of all ages. Right now, we're supporting over 5,600 Veterans aged from 19 to 97. We're a vital lifeline for these men and women, and their families."
Depression Alliance:
"At Depression Alliance we bring people together to end the loneliness and isolation that so often comes with depression. Through our community you can chat online, find others who share your interests and meet up with people near you."
Contact the Elderly: "We organise monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for people aged 75 and over, who live alone with little or no support from friends, family or statutory services. The afternoons are full of fun and laughter and make a real difference to the lives of our older guests."
Gateway Women: "The Gateway women motto: We may not be mothers but we're here, we care, we count and we rock! 1 in 5 women are reaching the age of 45 without having had children; double what it was a generation ago. There are estimates that for the generation born in the 1970s this may rise to 1 in 4."
Get Connected: "Get Connected is the UK's free, confidential helpline for young people under 25 who need help and don't know where to turn. Our service is available 365 days a year and young people can contact us by phone, webchat, email, text message or use our online directory, WebHelp 24/7."
Gingerbread: "Single parents, equal families. We provide expert advice, practical support and campaign for single parents."
Good Gym: "GoodGym helps you get 铿乼 by doing good: we'll connect you with physical tasks that bene铿乼 your community and keep you fit. Run in a pack to work on a community project, do one off missions to help vulnerable people or commit to visiting an isolated older person. You'll get the help of a quali铿乪d trainer and support to achieve your goals."
Hen Power: "HenPower is an exciting project which encourages older people to get involved in hen keeping as a way of reducing isolation and increasing health and wellbeing. As well as looking after hens, hatching eggs and rearing chicks, the ‘Hensioners’ involve themselves in a range of creative activities."
Jelly- freelancer network: "Jelly is an informal co-working event where freelancers, home workers and small/micro business owners bring their laptop or other work and work, chat and collaborate with other small business owners. Jelly differs from networking in that the aim is not to find new clients or to sell yourself or your business."
Joseph Rowntree Foundation: "How can neighbourhoods contribute to the well-being of local people at risk of, or experiencing, loneliness? This action research programme looked at how neighbourhoods can contribute to the well-being of local people at risk of, or experiencing, loneliness."
Macmillan Cancer Support: "Right from the moment you’re diagnosed, through your treatment and beyond, we’re a constant source of support to help you feel more in control of your life. We can help you find answers to questions about your treatment and its effects. We can advise on work and benefits, and we’re always here for emotional support when things get tough."
Manchester Camerata: "Our pioneering Learning & Participation programme uses music to promote positive change and personal social development in our community across three specialist areas of expertise: Children and Young People in School, Health and Wellbeing, and our Youth Programme."
Men’s Sheds: "A Men's Shed is a larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden – a place where he feels at home and pursues practical interests with a high degree of autonomy. A Men's Shed offers this to a group of such men where members share the tools and resources they need to work on projects of their own choosing at their own pace and in a safe, friendly and inclusive venue."
The Mental Health Foundation: "We are working for an end to mental ill health and the inequalities that face people experiencing mental distress, living with learning disabilities or reduced mental capacity. We develop and run research and delivery programmes across the UK that have, for more than six decades, given us the evidence and expertise to know what works and how to intervene earlier."
Mind: "We're Mind, the mental health charity. We're here to make sure no one has to face a mental health problem alone."
Mumsnet: "Our aims are to make parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support. We try, as far as possible to let the conversation flow and not to over-moderate. Mumsnet is a site for grown-ups."
Neighbourhood Watch: "Neighbourhood & Home Watch is a voluntary network of schemes where neighbours come together, along with the police and local partners, to build safe and friendly communities."
Net Mums: "Our mission is: To help families have fun with and enjoy their children. To bring people together to make our local communities more lively and friendly. To make it unnecessary for any mum to feel lonely or isolated. To make sure every parent has access to all of the local support and advice available - from other mothers and from professionals. To give mothers a voice, locally and nationally, on issues of importance to them."
The Female Entrepreneur Association: "The Female Entrepreneur Association is an online hub with the mission of inspiring and empowering women from around the world to turn their ideas into a reality, build successful businesses and live a life they love. We believe that every single one of us as the ability to achieve incredible things, and life is too short to waste the opportunity to make it happen. However, sometimes the entrepreneurial journey can be challenging."
The Befriending Scheme: "The Befriending Scheme provides friendship and learning opportunities for adults (16yrs+) from vulnerable groups, including those with mental health needs and older people, as well as our existing members with learning disabilities. We also offer various volunteering opportunities with extra support for those who need it."
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution: "R.A.B.I. is farming's national charity, operating throughout England and Wales. Our central operations are based in Oxford, with regional officers in both the welfare and fundraising departments working at local level. Invaluable support is also given by teams of volunteers in each county."
The Reader Organisation: "The Reader Organisation is pioneering the movement of shared reading as a practical way of improving wellbeing, building stronger communities and extending reading pleasure."
The Samaritans: "Talk to us any time you like, in your own way, and off the record – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal."
Sense: "We are a national charity that supports and campaigns for children and adults who are deafblind."
Silverline: "The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year."
Warm Hut: "A self-help group of people who have been through the asylum process and have been granted either refugee status or indefinite leave to remain and our mission statement as a peer support group is to help asylum and refugees to live their lives fully beyond immigration stress and constraints and rebuild new lives in the host country."
Wavelength: "WaveLength is the main UK charity for people needing assistance with a TV or radio.We give comfort, contact and companionship to people who are vulnerable, isolated and in need of practical support. For over 70 years, WaveLength has helped those who need the comfort, contact and companionship that technology can bring into the home."
Royal Voluntary Service: "Royal Voluntary Service is a volunteer organisation that enriches the lives of older people and their families across Britain. We support older people by giving time and practical help to help them get the best from life. Our volunteers – ordinary men and women of all ages and ethnicities – love spending time with the older people. Through them, we want to help create a society where everyone feels valued and involved whatever their age."
YMCA: "YMCA is the largest and the oldest charity working with young people in the world. Across England there are 114 YMCAs. Each one is a thriving and active community. A community that is transforming lives. We focus on young people and help them play an active and fulfilling role within their communities. We call this a youth minded community approach."
Young Minds: "YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Driven by their experiences we campaign, research and influence policy and practice. We also provide expert knowledge to professionals, parents and young people through our Parents' Helpline, online resources, training and development, outreach work and publications."
Youth Net: "We believe in young people. Today’s young people face challenges that can seem insurmountable; 1 million young people are not in education, employment or training; 1 in 12 engage in self harming behaviour and 1 in 10 experience mental health problems, things are tougher than they have ever been. At YouthNet, we believe that we have a collective responsibility to empower young people with the support, knowledge and skills they need to lead fulfilling lives. We currently do this by harnessing technology for good."