Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 8: 11
CRIOMAG: ‘Sgeulachd Beatha’

(Mòrag NicLeòid agus Dòmhnall Camshron)
1. Dh’fhalbh. Cha DO dh’fhalbh : An Tràth Caithte (The Past Tense)
Dòmhnall: “A bheil sin a’ ciallachadh gu robh gu leòr dhan teaghlach nach do dh’fhalbh?”
Mòrag: “Cha do dh’fhalbh – ’s mi a’ chiad duine. O dh’fhalbh iad, dh’fhalbh iad a dh’obair.”
Dòmhnall: “A-rithist.”
Mòrag: “Ach cha robh mise ach aon bliadhn’ deug nuair a dh’fhalbh mi.”
Dòmhnall: “Tha fhios gun do bhris e do chridhe!”
D: “Does that mean (that) there were quite a few in the family who didn’t go away (to school)?”
M: “They didn’t go away – I was the first. Oh, they went away, they went away to work.”
D: “Later.”
M: “But I was only eleven when I went away.”
D: “It must have broken your heart!” (“It must be that it broke your heart.”)
FALBH (Go away)
Dh’fhalbh mi.
‘I went away.’
Cha do dh’fhalbh.
‘I didn’t go away.’
An do dh’fhalbh?
‘Did you go away?’
...gun do dh’fhalbh thu. Chuala mi gun do dh’fhalbh thu.
‘I heard that you went away.’
...nach do dh’fhalbh. Bha gu leòr ann nach do dh’fhalbh.
‘There were plenty who didn’t go away.’
Feumaidh gun do dh’fhalbh iad.
‘It must be that they left. They must have left.’
Tha fhios gun do dh’fhalbh iad.
‘It must be that they left. They must have left.’
Eisimpleirean eile:
BRIS ‘Break’:
BHRIS mi iad. ‘I broke them.’
Cha do BHRIS mi e. ‘I didn’t break it.’
An do BHRIS thu iad? ‘Did you break them?’
...gun do BHRIS - Chuala mi gun do bhris thu iad.
‘I heard that you broke them.’
...nach do BHRIS - Dh’innis mi dhaibh nach do bhris mi an uinneag.
‘I told them that I didn’t break the window.’
CHEANNAICH mi brat ùr. ‘I bought a new rug.’
An do CHEANNAICH thu sian sam bith eile?
‘Did you buy anything else?’
Cha do CHEANNAICH mi sian eile.
‘I didn’t buy anything else.’
Tha mi cinnteach gun do CHEANNAICH thu cus.
‘I’m sure that you bought too much.’
SUIDH ‘Sit’:
SHUIDH an cù air mo speuclairean.
‘The dog sat on my specs.’
An do SHUIDH thusa air mo speuclairean?
‘Did you sit on my specs?’
Cha do SHUIDH mise air do speuclairean idir.
‘I didn’t sit on your specs at all.’
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun do SHUIDH an cù orra.
‘I think that the dog sat on them.’
FAIGH ‘Get / Find’:
FHUAIR mi grunn rudan.
‘I got several things.’
An d’ FHUAIR thu bainne?
‘Did you get milk?’
Cha d’ FHUAIR, cha d’fhuair mi ach seòclaid.
‘No, I only got chocolate.’
Chuala mi gun d’ FHUAIR iad air falbh.
‘I heard that they got away.’
Tha mi an dòchas gun d’fhuair sibh rudeigin a bha feumail às.
‘I hope (that) you all got something useful out of it.’
Tha mi ’n dòchas gun do chòrd am prògram air fad ribh.
‘I hope (that) you enjoyed the whole programme.’
2. An Tràth Caithte (Past tense): Gnìomhairean nach cleachd do (Verbs that don’t use do)
Tha 7 gnìomhairean ann nach eil a’ cleachdadh do idir :
Bha (‘was’)
Chuala (‘heard’)
Chunnaic (‘saw’)
Chaidh (‘went’)
Thàinig (‘came’)
Thubhairt (‘said’)
Thug (‘took, brought, gave’)
Mar eisimpleir BHA, CHUNNAIC, CHAIDH:
BHA mi aig an taigh fad an latha.
‘I was at home all day.’
Cha ROBH mi, Cha robh mi aig an taigh.
‘I wasn’t at home.’
An ROBH thu aig an taigh?
‘Were you at home?’
Tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gun ROBH thu na do chadal.
‘I think (that) you were asleep.’
CHUNNAIC mi e. ‘I saw him.’
Am FACA tu iad? ‘Did you see them?’
Chan FHACA i sinn. ‘She didn’t see us.’
Tha mi cinnteach gum FACA iad am murtair. ‘I’m sure (that) they saw the murderer.’
CHAIDH mi dhan fhèis. ‘I went to the festival.’
An DEACH thu ann? ‘Did you go?’
Cha DEACH mi ann. ‘I didn’t go.’
Dh’innis iad dhomh gun DEACH thu ann. ‘They told me (that) you went.’