Featured Charities

We’re working with four charities – Age UK, Barnardo’s, Cancer Research UK and Oxfam.
Take a look at them in more detail below to find out about the sorts of volunteering opportunities they may be able to offer you.
Remember, you must be over 18 to pledge through our Pledge Now form. If you are under 18 take a look at these other opportunities. There are so many organisations and charities out there, there will be an opportunity for you!
Age UK

Age UK is dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. They do this by helping to combat loneliness: they believe that no one should have no one. Loneliness can be devastating for older people - it can be the cause of a decline in physical and mental health; it erodes self-esteem and dignity.
It’s hard to believe that more than a million older people haven’t spoken to a friend, neighbour or family member for a month. Age UK’s work aims to provide people with companionship and support in later life, and that’s where you come in.
Volunteering for Age UK
Age UK has thousands of volunteers who generously donate their time to help older people in lots of different ways. Age UK works to provide all volunteers with safe and brilliant experiences, so if you're fairly flexible, they can usually find you a fun volunteering role.
Being an Age UK volunteer is a great way to meet friendly new people and gain new skills while having fun at the same time. You could be helping out in one of their shops, at one of their events, in one of their day centres or something else. However you help Age UK, they’ll be delighted and grateful to meet you.
Please note: Because Age UK want to offer you an opportunity that really fits your interests, it can sometimes take up to a couple of weeks to find the right role for you.

Barnardo’s believe in children – no matter who they are or what they have been through. Barnardo’s works to ensure children’s needs are met and their voices are heard; running over 960 services in local communities.
Its work includes reaching and helping children who have been sexually exploited, young people leaving the care system, children with a parent in prison and families struggling to cope. The charity finds loving adoptive homes and foster placements for children in care.
Volunteer to support children and young people
Barnardo’s relies on volunteers to support our services in communities across the UK. You could become an independent visitor, meeting up with a young person in foster care once a month to enjoy a day out together. You could volunteer at one of our 170 children’s centres, helping run activities for families with children under five. There’s so much you can do to make a real difference in your community while gaining valuable experience and skills.
A heads-up before you apply for a role in a children’s service: you’ll have to go through comprehensive training and safeguarding checks before working with children and young people – so please be mindful that these types of role are likely to involve an ongoing time commitment. We’ll be happy to provide more information about this before you apply.
Retail Volunteer
Barnardo’s retail volunteers are a vital part of the organisation, ensuring that the shops are well stocked and its customers keep coming back. By volunteering in a Barnardo’s store you can gain valuable experience of retail and customer service, meet new friends and contribute to Barnardo’s wider work supporting the UK’s most vulnerable children and young people.
As a volunteer retail assistant you will join the team on the shop floor to gain experience in the retail charity sector, get to know new people and develop new skills. As a stock room assistant you’ll use your fashion-conscious creative mind to help us sell the right items at the right price.
Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK is the world’s leading cancer charity dedicated to saving lives through research. Their vision is to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured, and they fund research into all 200 types of cancer.
Thanks to research, the chances of survival have doubled in the last 40 years. However, every two minutes someone is told they have cancer. We must keep fighting and Cancer Research UK want you to join them.
Volunteering for Cancer Research UK
The energy, passion and support of volunteers is helping make sure that 3 in 4 people survive cancer by 2034, and Cancer Research UK have roles to suit everyone. Are you loud and proud? Sign up to cheer their runners across the finish line! Do you have a flair for fashion? Volunteer in one of Cancer Research UK’s 585 shops. Looking to join a fun, inspiring team with a great atmosphere? Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life events could be the opportunity for you.
However you chose to volunteer, you can develop your skills, knowledge and experience with Cancer Research UK. Every hour volunteers give is vital to achieving the charity’s goal of beating cancer sooner, so join the team today and let’s show cancer who’s boss.

Oxfam is a global movement of people who won’t live with the injustice of poverty.
Together Oxfam and its volunteers save and rebuild lives in disasters, and help people build better lives for themselves. They also speak out on the big issues that keep people poor, and won’t stop until every person on the planet can live without poverty. Join them.
Volunteering for Oxfam
You could be helping out in one of Oxfam’s shops – a great way to learn new skills, meet interesting people and boost your confidence. You’ll get training on different aspects of shop work, and the chance to take on responsibility if you want it. And you’ll join a friendly, supportive bunch of people from your community.
Or perhaps you’d like to steward some of the UK’s top summer festivals? Oxfam’s stewards are part of the event infrastructure, helping to ensure festivals run smoothly and keeping the festival-goers safe. No experience is required and full training is provided.