Radio 1's Teen Awards - Teen Heroes 2016

The Radio 1 Teen Heroes Meet William and Kate
Watch this video and follow their experience of a lifetime
At the heart of the Teen Awards are Radio 1's teen heroes.
The Teen Awards celebrate the selfless, brave and exceptional achievements of young people aged between 12-17.
Whether they've acted selflessly, inspired others within their community or displayed courage and bravery in a tough situation, we'll be celebrating their achievements at the SSE Arena, Wembley on Sunday 23rd October. !

Radio 1 Teen Hero - Lewis
Meet Lewis, our teen hero for 2016.
In spite of his daily seizures and regular brain surgery, Lewis has been able to help hundreds of poorly and disabled children come together and make friends through his website, .

Radio 1 Teen Hero - Niamh
Meet Niamh, our teen hero for 2016.
Niamh has had multiple health problems since birth. As a young teenager she was bullied and experienced depression and self-harm. Now she runs an online support group for young people with chronic illnesses through social media.
Joe & Toby

Radio 1 Teen Hero 2016, 1 Million Hours - Joe and Toby
Meet Joe and Toby, our 1 Million Hours teen heroes for 2016.
Joe & Toby were in a band with their friend Arran. When Arran was diagnosed with a brain tumour, and sadly passed away, they set out to raise thousands of pounds in his memory.
Lauren & Lucy

Make It Digital Teen Heroes - Lauren & Lucy
Meet Lauren and Lucy our Make It Digital teen heroes for 2016.
Lucy and Lauren were members of a team in the 2015 . Their idea for a lightweight medical emergency kit, the Medical Military Shuttle, went on to win the People’s Choice category. Since winning the award they have both gone on to influence other girls, both in the UK and in South America, to follow in their footsteps.

Choosing Radio 1's Teen Heroes
Join us behind the scenes as our panel of judges decide upon 2016's teen heroes.
Make It Digital Teen Heroes - Lauren & Lucy
Meet our short-listed heroes and Lauren and Lucy, Make It Digital teen heroes for 2016.
Radio 1 Teen Hero - Lewis
Meet Radio 1's short-listed heroes and Lewis, our teen hero for 2016.
Radio 1 Teen Hero - Niamh
Meet Radio 1's short-listed heroes and Niamh, our teen hero for 2016.
Radio 1 Teen Hero 2016, 1 Million Hours - Joe and Toby
Meet Radio 1's short-listed heroes and Joe and Toby, our teen heroes for 2016.