Meireangan Dhearcan
Nì seo 8 gu 10 meireangan mòra
100g sùbhagan
2 spàin-bhùird siùcar
Sùgh à leth orainsear
8 gealagain uighe
200g siùcar òr-mhìn
120g siùcar-còmhdaich
½ spàin-tì salann
Spàin-tì brìgh bhanilla
An toiseach, dèan an coulis. Cuir na sùbhagan, an t-siùcar agus an t-sùgh oraindsear ann am pana. Cuir air an stòbh seo agus bheir chun na goil e.
Bruich fad 10 mionaidean air teas meadhanach. 'S e a nì seo ach gun toir e às beagan dhen uisge gus siorap a dhèanamh.
Cuir tro shìoltachan an t-siorap son na sìol a thoirt às.
Airson na meireangan a dhèanamh, buail na gealagain ann am bobhla fad 5 mionaidean gus an ruig iad bideanan boga.
Anns an eadar-ama faodar an t-siùcar a theasachadh san àmhainn fad còig mionaidean. Nì seo na meireagan seasmhach agus cumaidh iad an cumadh nas fheàrr.
Dòirt an t-siùcar a theasaich thu, mean air mhean, dha na gealagain gam bualadh fad an t-siubhail gus an teann iad ri bideanan cruaidh is gleansach.
Tro shìoltachan, cuir ann an t-siùcar-pùdair agus an t-salann. Paisg seo uile a-staigh gu slaodach leis am bhanilla, a' dèanamh cinnteach nach caill thu an adhar a chaidh ann.
Le spàin bheag cuir bìdeag dhen mheireang air gach oisean de treidhe-fuine. Am muin seo cuir paipear-fuine – cumaidh am bìdeag mheireang an pàipear na àite. Nise le spàin mhòr cuir na meireangan a-mach air an treidhe-fuine nan cnapan mòra cruinn.
A' cleachdadh spàin bheag, dèan lag beag ann am mullach gach meireang. Dòirt beagan coulis anns an lag agus le maide bheag neo chopstick tarraing an coulis air feadh a' mheireang na phàtran.
Stob dhan àmhainn na meireangan fad 4 uairean a thìde aig teas 100C ann an àmhainn gaoithe. Nuair a tha an ùine seachad cuir an àmhainn dheth agus fosgail doras na h-àmhainn rud beag. Leig leotha ochd uairean a thìde mar seo a' fuarachadh, neo fad na h-oidhche mas urrainn dhut.
Nise sgeadaich na meireangan le measan de gach seòrsa agus uachdar buailte.
Berry Meringues
This will make 8 – 10 large meringues
100g raspberries
2 tablespoons sugar
Juice of half an orange
8 egg whites
200g golden caster sugar
120g icing sugar
½ a teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Firstly, to make the coulis, put the raspberries, sugar, and orange juice in a saucepan.
Bring to the boil and cook on a medium heat for about 10 minutes. This reduces the water content to create a syrup.
Put the coulis through a sieve to remove the seeds.
To make the meringue put the egg whites in a mixing bowl and beat for 5 minutes until they form soft peaks.
Meanwhile heat the sugar briefly in the oven for 5 minutes. This will ensure your meringues are firm.
Add the sugar gradually to the egg whites beating constantly until firm and shiny.
Sift in the icing sugar and the salt. Add the vanilla extract and slowly fold everything together. Do this gently so as not to lose any of the air from the mixture.
Take a baking tray and dab tiny bit of mixture onto its four corners then stick a piece of baking parchment down on top. Spoon generous mounds of meringue mixture out onto the parchment and with the spoon shape them into rough rounds with a small well in the centre.
Pour a teaspoonful of the coulis into the well in each meringue and using a wooden skewer swirl it through to create rippled effect.
Bake the meringues in the oven for 4 hours at 100C (fan).
After this time open the oven just a fraction and leave them to cool for a minimum of 8 hours, or overnight if you have time.
Serve with fresh fruit and cream.