Pr貌gram 5 (Sreath 8)
250g deataichean leis an t-sìol air a thoirt às, air an gearradh
300ml bàrr dùbailte
100g ìm
4 spàinntean-mòra trèiceil
1 spàinn-bheag brìgh faoineig
250g siùcar bog, donn, soilleir
2 ugh, air am bualadh
200g flùr-èirigh
1 spàinn-bheag soda bicarbonait
Bloigh salaInn
Cuir na deataichean ann am bobhla a ghabhas a theasachadh agus còmhdaich le 150ml bùrn goileach. Fàg am bogadh airson 30 mionaidean.

Suath ìm ann an soitheach meud 1 liotair agus lìnig le pàipear bèicearachd.
Airson an t-sabhs:
- Cuir leth dhen ìm, leth dhen trèiceil, an fhaoineag, 75g dhen t-siùcair agus am bàrr ann am pana agus leagh air teas meadhanach. Bruich airson eadar 4-5 mionaidean, a’ measgachadh gus an leagh an t-siùcar.
- Cuir suas an teas agus leig leis goil airson 3 mionaidean. Buail a-steach bloigh salainn.
- Buail na th’ air fhàgail de dh’ìm, trèiceil, siùcar agus uighean còmhla ann am bòbhla eile. Paisg a-steach am flùr, an soda, ¼ spàinn-bheag salainn, na deataichean agus am bùrn san robh iad a’ bogadh.
- Dòirt beagan dhen t-sabhs ann am bonn an t-soithich.
- A’ cleachdadh spàinn, cuir an taois-uighe air a mhuin, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil 1cm air fhàgail bhon mhullaich.
- Cuir dà phìos pàipear bèicearachd air a mhuin cuide ri foidhle, a’ fàgail pleatadh beag sa mheadhan gus an urrainn dhan mhìlsean èirigh. Ceangal le streang.
- Cuir an cùcair slaodach air an ìre ìseal. Cuir an soitheach na bhroinn agus cuir bùrn goileach dhan chucair gus an ruig e lethach slighe suas cliathaich an t-soithich. Cuir mullach air a’ chucair agus bruich gu slaodach airson eadar 6 is 7 uairean a thìde.
250g pitted dates, chopped
300ml double cream
100g butter
4 tbsp treacle
1 tsp vanilla extract
250g light brown soft sugar
2 eggs, beaten
200g self-raising flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
Pinch of salt
Put the dates in a heatproof bowl and cover with 150ml boiling water, leave to soak for 30 minutes.
Butter a 1 litre pudding tin and line the base with baking parchment.
For the sauce:
- Tip half the butter, half the treacle, vanilla extract, 75g of sugar and cream into a pan and set over a medium heat. Cook for 4 – 5 minutes, stirring until the sugar dissolves
- Turn up the heat and allow to bubble for 3 minutes. Then whisk in a pinch of salt.
- Beat the remaining butter, treacle, sugar and eggs together in another large bowl. Then fold in the flour, bicarbonate, ¼ tsp salt, the dates and water they were soaking in.
- Pour a layer of the sauce into the pudding tin.
- Then spoon the pudding mixture into the pudding tin and smooth the surface, leaving a 1cm gap from the top.
- Cover with a double layer of baking parchment and foil, making a pleat in the middle so the pudding can expand. Secure with string.
- Set the slow cooker to low. Sit the pudding tin inside, then add boiling so it comes halfway up the basin. Cover and cook at low for 6 - 7 hours.
Tha seo air a dhèanamh a’ cleachdadh inneal iomadh-chòcaireachd agus fraidhear aidhir.
2 bhroilleach feòil-tunnaig, leis a’ chraiceann
Geugan ros-Mhuire
Geugam tìom
4 duilleagan-labhrais
Ola chroinn-ola
- Cuir teas an amar-uisge san inneal iomadh-chòcaireachd gu 54C.
- Nigh agus tiormaich an fheòil, a’ dèanamh gearraidhean sa chraicinn le sgian gheur air a’ bhroilleach air fad.
- Cuir druthag ola chroinn-ola orra agus suath an ola air gach taobh dhen fheòil.
- Sgaoil tìom, ròs-Moire agus duilleagan-labhrais eadar an dà bhroilleach.
- Seàsan le salann is piobar.
- Cuir gach pìos feòla ann am pocannan zip-lock fa-leth.
- Dùin tha pocannan lethach slighe agus cuir dhan uisge, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach tèid iad fodha. Leigidh seo a-mach aidhir sam bith a th’ air fhàgail sna pocannan. Dùin na pocannan agus cuir fodha iad.
- Cuir mullach air an inneal iomadh-chòcaireachd.
- Bruich airson eadar uair a thìde agus uair a thìde gu leth.
- Thoir an fheòil as na pocannan agus tiormaich.
- Seàsan an craiceann le salann is piobar.
- Teasaich ola chroinn-ola ann am pana mòr agus cuir an fheòil ann, taobh a’ chraicinn, le na luibhean air an toirt às. Seàsan taobh na feòla le piobar.
- Leig leis dathadh air gach taobh gu math luath.
This dish is cooked using a multi- cooker and an air fryer.
2 duck breasts with skin on
A few sprigs rosemary
A few sprigs thyme
4 bay leaves
Olive oil
- Set the water bath temperature on the multi-cooker at 54C.
- Wash and dry the duck breasts, score the skin with a sharp knife, the length of the breast.
- Drizzle with olive oil and rub the oil on both sides of the breast.
- Lay thyme, rosemary and bay leaves evenly between the two breasts.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Place the duck in two individual re-sealable zip lock bags.
- Close the bags halfway and gently place in the water, ensuring that the bags do not get submerged in the water. This will release any remaining air in the bags. Then gently close the bags and submerge in the water.
- Place the lid on the multi cooker.
- Allow to cook for 1 – 1 ½ hours.
- Remove the duck from the bags and pat dry.
- Season the skin with salt and pepper.
- Heat some olive oil in a large frying pan and place the duck breasts in the pan, skin side down, having removed the herbs. Season the meat side with pepper.
- Allow both sided to brown quickly.
This sauce will be added to the orange sauce.
200ml sugar syrup (4 parts castor sugar to 1 part water, dissolved.)
3 tbsp red wine vinegar
- Put sugar syrup and red wine vinegar in a microwaveable jug and microwave for a few minutes, keeping an eye on it. When it has turned a golden colour, it’s ready to use. Carefully remove it from the microwave as it will be extremely hot at this point.
- Let it cool down for a few minutes, so that it stops bubbling.
- Once it has cooled down for a few minutes, gradually add the red wine vinegar a spoonful at a time, stirring as you add each spoonful.
- Add more red wine vinegar to taste, if required.
Thèid an sabhs seo a chur ris an t-sabhs orainseir.
200ml siorap siùcair (4 pàirtean siùcar castair agus 1 pàirt bùirn, air a leaghadh)
3 spàinntean-mòra fìon-geur fion dearg
- Cuir an siorap siùcair ann an siuga freagarrach airson meanbh-thonn agus bruich airson dhà no thrì mhionaidean, a’ cumail sùil air fad na h-ùine. Nuair a tha dath òir air a thighinn air, tha e deiseil airson a chleachdadh.
- Thòir às am meanbh-thonn gu faiceallach oir bidh e gu math teth aig an ìre-sa.
- Leig leis fuarachadh beagan, gus an sgur e a’ goil.
- Aon uair ‘s gu bheil e air fuarachadh airson mionaid no dhà, beag air bheag cuir am fìon-geur dhan siuga, làn a spàinn ma seach, a’ measgachadh eadar gach spàinn.
- Cuir barrachd fìon-geur ann, a rèir blais.
(A’ cleachdadh fraidhir aidhir agus cucair bruthaidh)
Closach circe
1 curran, air a ghearradh
½ leigeas, air a ghearradh
1 stob soilire, air a ghearradh
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh
½ glainne fìon geal
Rùsg 1 orainsear
Rùsg 1 liomaid
- Cuir na gritheidean airson an stoc ann am bòbhla le druthag ola, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil a h-uile càil air a chòmhdach leis.
- Cuir dhan fhraidhear aidhir airson timcheall air 30 mionaidean, no gus an tòisich dath donn a’ tighinn air a h-uile càil.
- Cuir dhan chucair bruthaidh, a’ cur an fhìon gheal ris agus cuir air an teas airson timcheall air uair a thìde agus uair a thìde gu leth.
- Cuir an stoc tro shìoltachan.
- Nuair a thathar deiseil airson an t-sabhs a dhèanamh, cuir an stoc ann am pana agus cuir an rùsg orainseir agus liomaid ris, a’ leigeil le na blasan tarraing.
- Cuir làn spàinn-mhòr dhen t-sabhs gastrique na mheasg agus leig leis lùghdachadh beagan. Cùir an sabhs tro shìoltachan.
(Using air fryer and pressure cooker)
Chicken carcass
1 carrot, roughly chopped
½ leek, roughly chopped
1 celery stick, roughly chopped
1 onion, roughly chopped
½ glass of white wine
Peel of 1 orange
Peel of 1 lemon
- Place all the stock ingredients into a bowl, drizzle with oil to make sure everything is coated in oil.
- Place in the air fryer for approximately 30 minutes, or until everything has started to brown.
- Then transfer to the pressure cooker adding white wine, and place on the hob for 1 – 1 ½ hours.
- Strain the stock.
- When you are ready to make the sauce, place the stock in a saucepan and then add the lemon and orange peel, allow the flavours to infuse.
- Add a tablespoon of the gastrique sauce and allow to reduce a little. Strain the sauce.
(Tha fraidhear aidhir ga chleachdadh airson an reasabaidh seo)
3 buntàta mòr
3 clòbhan creamha
400ml bàrr dùbailte, no gu leòr airson a’ bhuntàta a chòmhdach
Cnapan ime
- Dèan slisean tana dhen bhuntàta a’ cleachdadh mandolin ma tha fear agad, no sgian.
- A’ cleachdadh soitheach freagarrachadh airson a theasachadh, cuir an tìom, an ròs-Moire agus an creamh ann am bonn an t-soithich.
- Dèan fillidhean dhen bhuntàta agus am bàrr, ga sheàsanadh le salann is piobar eadar gach filleadh.
- Cuir druthag de bhàrr air a mhuin le na cnapan ime.
- Cuir dhan fhraidhear aidhir airson timcheall air 30 mionaidean.
(An air fryer is used for this recipe.)
3 large potatoes
3 cloves garlic
400ml double cream, or enough to cover the potatoes
A few knobs of butter
- Thinly slice the potatoes using a mandolin, if you have one, otherwise use a knife.
- Using a heatproof dish, place the thyme, rosemary and garlic on the bottom.
- Layer the slices of potato and cream on top, seasoning with salt and pepper as you layer. Finish with a layer of cream and place the knobs of butter on top.
- Place in the air fryer for approximately 30 minutes.
Sgalaidean slàn
Fìon-geur balsamic
Teasaich an ola ann an sgeileid. Bruich na sgalaidean gus an tig dath donn orra. Cuir am fìon-geur dhan phana. Thoir chun a’ ghoil agus leig leis lùghdachadh.
Whole Shallots
Balsamic vinegar
Heat oil in a frying pan. Brown the shallots. And add the balsamic vinegar. Bring to the boil and allow to reduce.
Currain, air an gearradh nan stoban
Cnapan ime
Druthag bùrn fuar
1 spàinn-mhòr sabhs gastrique
- Cuir na currain ann am bòbhla.
- Cuir beagan bùirn ann am bonn a’ bhòbhla agus còmhdaich le cling.
- Bruich sa mheanbh-thonn airson timcheall air 4 mionaidean.
- Leagh an t-ìm ann am pana eu-domhainn air an stòbha. Thoir na currain às a’ mheanbh-thonn, gan drèanadh agus cuir dhan phana iad.
- Leig le na currain beagan dath a ghabhail mus cuirear an sabhs gastrique air am muin.
Carrots, cut into batons
A few knobs of butter
A splash of cold water
1 tbsp gastrique sauce,
- Place the carrot batons in a bowl.
- Put a little water in the bottom of the bowl and cover with cling film.
- Cook in the microwave for about 4 minutes.
- Melt butter in a shallow pan on the hob, remove the carrots from the microwave, drain them and place in the pan. Allow the carrots to take some colour before adding the gastrique sauce for glazing.
(A’ cleachdadh cucair bruthaidh)
1kg lurgainn feòil-mhairt, air a ghearradh
3 clòbhan creamha
50g siùcar donn
200ml stoc feòil-mhairt
2 uinnean earraich, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 spàinn-mhòr ola sheasamain
2 spàinn-mhòr flùr plèan
100ml sabhs sòidh
1 spàinn-bheag dinnsear pronn
2 tiolaidh dearg, leis an t-sìol, air an gearradh gu mìn
Ola airson fraidheadh
Glainne bheag searaidh
Bloigh de shìol sheasamain
- Geàrr an fheòil-mairt na pìosan mòra, a’ gearradh air falbh na fèithean.
- Teasaich an ola sa chucair bruthaidh, air an stòbha.
- Dust an fheòil le flùr air a sheàsanadh agus bruich gus an tig dath donn air gach taobh.
- Cuir an creamh agus na tiolaidhean dhan phana agus measgaich. Cùm feadhainn dhen na tiolaidhean air ais airson sgeadachadh.
- Cuir an searaidh dhan phana agus measgaich, a’ togail air falbh na tha steigt air bonn a’ phana.
- Cuir an dinnsear agus an sabhs sòidh dhan phana agus measgaich. Cuir an t-siùcar ris, seàsan le piobar agus an uair sin cuir an stoc ris.
- Measgaich gu math agus cuir am mullach air. Nuair a tha an aidhir air a leigeil a-mach – bheir seo timcheall air 15 mionaidean – fàg airson bruich airson 15 mionaidean eile.
- Sgeadaich leis an t-sìol sheasamain, na tiolaidhean agus na h-uinneanan earraich.
- Gabh le rìs steigeach chnò-còco agus glasraich picilte.
(Using a pressure cooker).
1 kilo beef shins, diced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
50g brown sugar
200ml beef stock
2 spring onions, finely chopped
2 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp plain flour
100ml soy sauce
1 tsp ground ginger
2 red chillies, with seeds, finely chopped
Oil for frying
Small glass sherry
Pinch of sesame seeds
- Cut the beef into large chunks, removing any sinew.
- Heat the oil in the pressure cooker, on the hob.
- Dust the beef with the seasoned flour and brown on all sides.
- Add garlic, chillies and stir through the beef. Reserve a little of the chillies for serving
- Add the sherry and stir, deglazing the bottom of the pan.
- Add ginger, soy sauce and stir. Add sugar, season with pepper and add beef stock.
- Give it a good stir and place the lid on the pan. After the pressure is released, this will take approximately 15 minutes, leave to cook for a further 15 minutes.
- Serve up with a scattering of sesame seeds, chopped chillies and chopped spring onions.
- Serve with sticky coconut rice and pickled vegetables.
500g rìs basmati, air a nighe agus a dhrèanaigeadh
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1x 300ml cnogan bainne chnò-còco
300ml bùrn fuar
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana mòr agus fraidhig an t-uinnean.
- Cuir an rìs ris agus còmhdaich leis an ola.
- Cuir am bainne chnò-còco agus am bùrn dhan phana agus seàsan le salann is piobar.
- Measgaich agus thoir chun a’ ghoil. Leig leis slaopadh airson timcheall air 15 mionaidean, a’ cumail sùil air agus ga mheasgachadh bho àm gu àm.
- Cuir an rìs ann am bòbhla snog.
500g basmati rice, rinsed and drained
1 onion, finely chopped
1 x 300ml tin coconut milk
300ml cold water
- Heat oil in a large pan on the hob, and sauté the onion.
- Add the rice and stir to coat all the grains of rice in oil.
- Add the coconut milk, add 300ml water and season with salt and pepper.
- Stir and bring to the boil. Allow to simmer for approximately 15 minutes, checking and stirring periodically.
- Spoon the rice in to a large serving bowl.
Uinnean dearg
½ càl dearg
Sùgh 1 liomaid
20ml fìon-geur fìon dearg
2 spàinn-bheag siùcar
Geàrr an glasraich nan slisean tana a’ cleachdadh mandolin no sgian.
Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann am bòbhla mòr agus measgaich gu math. Fàg san fhuaradair.
Red onion
½ red cabbage
Juice of 1 lemon
20ml red wine vinegar
2 tsp sugar
Finely slice the vegetables using a mandolin or slicing with a knife, if you don’t have a mandolin.
Place all the ingredients in a large bowl and stir well. Set aside in the fridge.