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Gardenwatch - Now closed to submissions

Gardenwatch has now closed - we will be bringing you initial results later this year. There are plenty of other amazing citizen science projects to get involved with here.

As our towns and cities sprawl out into the countryside, our gardens are becoming more and more vital as wildlife reserves of the future. We want to map the resources available for wildlife in gardens up and down the country, and find out which wild visitors they attract.

We also want to find out what our gardens are lacking and how we can improve them for nature. And this is where you at home play the most important role…

This year we're teaming up with the British Trust for Ornithology and the Open University for our biggest citizen science project ever - Gardenwatch!

Follow the links below to complete each of our four missions and help to build a better future for the UK's wildlife!

Our Gardenwatch Partner Organisations

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) is a UK charity that focuses on understanding birds and, in particular, how and why bird populations are changing. .

The Open University, celebrating its 50th birthday throughout 2019, is the leading the way in flexible, innovative teaching and world-leading research. .

Do your bit at home

  • Have you seen any wild mammals in green spaces near your home? If so, the People's Trust for Endangered Species want to know about it, take part in the to let them know.

  • Naturehood by Earthwatch Europe wants to help all UK gardens become more nature friendly. See what action you can take to .

  • Log your hedgehog sightings on the so we can build a clearer picture of where these animals are.

  • These videos are simple guides on how to help wildlife in your garden. Like building a pond or bug hotel which will help entice birds, plants and wildlife into your backyards.

More ways to get involved!

"Gardens can be precious wildlife havens in an ever increasing concrete jungle.Make your garden the best it can be for our challenged British birds, mammals & insects. Get involved in our Gardenwatch citizen science survey, the more we know the more we can help for the future." Watches presenter, Michaela Strachan

"Gardenwatch is so important – we can really make a difference by attracting wildlife to our gardens, especially as across the UK they make up an area the size of Suffolk! Most importantly, the things we engage with the most are those who we share our space with- you can enjoy the wildlife that comes to you garden, ultimately improving your quality of life and theirs." Watches presenter, Chris Packham

"The Gardenwatch survey is a brilliant way to get everyone involved with wildlife. Anyone can take part, no matter where they live, and the results will provide invaluable information on the wildlife of our gardens. Most important of all, it’s fun for people of all ages." Watches presenter, Iolo Williams

"These are both scary times and exciting times. We're facing our biggest fight yet for the environment but there's still time to turn things around for our plants and animals, starting quite literally in our own back yard. No matter how big or small, collectively, the UK's gardens can offer an important space for nature. So get involved in this year's Gardenwatch survey to discover what's already living in your garden, balcony or window box, and to find out how you can make even more biodiversity gains for nature." Watches presenter, Gillian Burke