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Ambridge-leaks: 2016's Nuffield sponsorship applications discovered in bin...

Congratulations to Tom, who was awarded a Nuffield Scholarship to research organic baby food manufacturing across Europe.
But how hot was the competition? A quick rifle through the Nuffield bins, and we uncovered some highly classified documents which outline the other ideas that were presented before the panel…

The 'no' pile

“The inexplicable sexual attraction of Brian Aldridge.” [Applicant: ]
Status: Rejected. [Note: Aldridge is a friend of several committee members, clear conflict of interest. Also: cravats and loafers - what more is there to uncover?]
“I’d like to know what happens if you push the Molly Button.” [Applicant: ]
Status: Rejected. [Interesting idea, but the consequences could be deadly]
“How Ambridge is able to plan and lay on village events (such as summer fete) getting permissions, recruiting volunteers, businesses etc with virtually no notice.” – [Applicant: Richard Woodfield on ]
Status: Rejected. [Inadvisable - might incur trouble on account of violating the code of the Magic Circle]
“Blood And Custard: A Treatise on Modern Demon Summoning Rituals.” [Applicant: ]
Status: Rejected [No more occultist studies after last year's debacle]

“As a teetotaller, it would be interesting to study the Cider Club, from a safe distance.” - [Applicant: ]
Status: Undecided. [Note: Check for possible health risks posed by inhalation of fumes before calling for second interview]
The effect of overbearing farmers' wives on their children and grandchildren. With specific focus on cookery. [Applicant: ]
Status: Undecided. [Note: Candidate may need to submit more detailed proposal - but could be a rich source of flapjacks this one]
Whether Tilly Button is truly evil, or just misunderstood. [Applicant: ]
Status: Undecided. [Note: Sounds a worthwhile subject, but we must establish what a Tilly Button is]
The 'yes' pile

“Underground water courses, culverts and sink holes, and their tendency to appear relevant for relatively short periods of time. Happy to supply my own dowsing rod.” – [Applicant: Jean Bell on ]
Status: Approved. [Note: Always a good idea to support a self-starter]
The dynamics and logistics of Jennifer's Albion Kitchen. [Applicant: ]
Status: Approved. [I’m in the market for a new kitchen and could do with some design ideas]
Are Saturdays necessary? [Applicant: ]