Pr貌gram 6 (Sreath 9)

Airson an Spìosradh Old Bay:
2 spàinn-mhòr salann soilire
1 spàinn-bheag paprika
½ spàinn-bheag eiteannan-piobair dubha, pronn
¼ spàinn-bheag piobar cayenne
¼ spàinn-bheag pùdar sgeallain
¼ spàinn-bheag càrdamon pronn
¼ spàinn-bheag clòbhan pronn
¼ spàinn-bheag Allspice
½ spàinn-bheag dinnsear pronn
¼ spàinn-bheag tìm
¼ spàinn-bheag ròs-Mhoire
2 duilleagan-labhrais
¼ spàinn-bheag cnò-mheannt
bloigh salainn
bloigh siùcair
Cuir na spìosraidhean gu lèir ann am pestle & mortar agus pronn.
Airson nam bonnaich crùbaig
1 ugh mòr
60g mayonnaise
2 spàinn-mhòr duilleagan pearsail, air an gearradh gu mìn
2 spàinn-bheag sgeallan Dijon
2 spàinn-bheag sabhs Worcestershire
1 spàinn-bheag spìosradh Old Bay
1 spàinn-bheag sùgh liomaid, + barrachd airson àm ithe
1/8 spàinn-bheag salainn
400g feòil crùbaig ùr
40g criomagan cracair
Bad de phearsail, air a ghearradh
Ìm gun bhathar-bainne
Buail an t-ugh, am mayonnaise, am pearsal, sgeallan Dijon, an sabhs Worcestershire, spìosradh Old Bay, sùgh liomaid agus an salann ann am bobhla mòr.
Cuir an fheòil chrùbaig ris agus measgaich gu math. Cuir na criomagan cracair ris agus measgaich gus an tig an taois ri chèile, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach eilear a’ briseadh na feòla crùbaig cus.
Còmhdaich gu teann agus fàg san fhuaradair airson co-dhiù 30 mionaidean.
Ro-theasaich an àmhainn gu 230C.
Suath ìm air trèidhe no lìnig le pàipear.
Roinn an taois na 6 bhonnaich agus bruisig leis an ìm leaghte.
Cuir dhan àmhainn airson 12-15 mionaidean gus an tig dath òir-dhonn air.
For the Old Bay Spice Mix
2 tbsp celery salt
1 tsp paprika
½ tsp ground black pepper corns
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
¼ mustard powder
¼ tsp ground cardamon
¼ ground cloves
¼ tsp Allspice
½ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp thyme
¼ tsp rosemary
2 bay leaves
¼ tsp nutmeg
Pinch of salt
Pinch of sugar
Put all the spices in a pestle and mortar and grind together.
For the crab cakes
1 large egg
60g mayonnaise
2 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped
2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Old Bay seasoning
1 tsp fresh lemon juice, plus more for serving
1/8 tsp salt
400g fresh crab meat
40g cracker crumbs
Bunch of chopped parsley
Plant based spread
Whisk the egg, mayonnaise, parsley, Dijon mustard, Worcestershire sauce, Old Bay spice, lemon juice and salt in a large bowl.
Add the crab meat and mix well. Add the cracker crumbs and mix to bind the mixture together, making sure you don’t break up the crab meat too much.
Cover tightly and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 230C.
Grease a rimmed baking sheet with butter or plant based spread or line with baking paper.
Divide into the mixture into 6 moulds and brush with melted plant based spread.
Bake for 12 – 15 minutes or until slightly browned.
Served with rocket leaves, olive oil and lemon dressing and caper mayonnaise
Airson a’ phastraidh:
40g stevia
225g ìm gun bhathar-bainne, bhìogan
350g flùr plèan
1 ugh slàn
1 buidheag, a’ cumail a’ ghealag gu aon taobh
Buail an t-ìm agus an stevia còmhla ann am bobhla mòr.
Cuir an t-ugh agus a’ bhuidheag ris, fhathast ga bhuaileadh.
Beag air bheag, cuir am flùr ris agus measgaich le spàinn fhiodha airson an taois a thoirt ri chèile.
Fuin sa bhobhla, a’ cur beagan a bharrachd flùr ris ma tha an taois ro fhliuch ’s chan eil e a’ tighinn ri chèile.
Suainich ann an cling film agus fàg gu aon taobh san fhuaradair fhad ’s a thathar a’ deasachadh nam measan.
Airson lìonadh a’ phàidh
20g measgachadh de dhearcan reòite, air an aiteamh
4 ùbhlan ithe
50g caineal pronn
Druthag siorap mhaplais
40g stevia airson nam measan
Druthag sùgh liomaid
Gealag air a bhualadh
Rùisg, thoir am meadhan às agus geàrr na h-ùbhlan nan slisean agus cuir ann am bobhla mòr le na dearcan measgaichte, an stevia, an caineal agus an druthag de shiorap mhaplais. Cuir druthag sùgh liomaid ris.
Cuir ann am pana, agus bruich airson 5-10 mionaidean gus am bris na h-ùbhlan sìos.
Roinn am pàstraidh na dà phàirt co-ionnan agus roilig a-mach air bòrd glan.
Cuir dàrna leth a’ phastraidh gu cùramach ann an soitheach pàidh, ga bhruthadh sìos le do chorragan.
Cuir am measgachadh de dh’ùbhlan agus dearcan dhan t-soitheach, ga roinn a-mach mus bruisigear cliathaichean a’ phastraidh leis a’ ghealag. Cuir an leth eile dhen phastraidh air a mhuin mar mhullach, a’ geàrradh dheth na tha a’ crochadh thairis air an t-soitheach.
Bruisig mullach a’ phàidh leis a’ ghealag.
Dèan toll beag ann am meadhan a’ mhullaich agus cuir ann an àmhainn ro-theasaichte airson 30 mionaidean.
For the pastry
40g stevia
225g plant dairy free spread
350g plain flour
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk, reserving the white for glaze
Whisk the spread and stevia together in a large bowl.
Add the whole egg and egg yolk, continue to whisk.
Gradually add the flour and mix with a wooden spoon to combine the mixture.
Knead together in the bowl, adding a little more flour if the mixture is too wet and not coming together.
Wrap in cling film and set aside in the fridge whilst you prepare the fruit.
For the filling
20g mixed frozen berries, defrosted
4 eating apples
50g ground cinnamon
Drizzle of maple syrup
40g stevia for the fruit
Squeeze of lemon juice
Beaten egg white
Peel, core and roughly slice the apples, place in a large bowl with the mixed berries, stevia, cinnamon and a drizzle of maple syrup. Add a squeeze of lemon juice.
Place in a pan on the heat and cook for about 5 – 10 minutes for the apples to break down.
Divide the pastry into two equal parts and roll out on a clean surface.
Place one half of the pastry gently into a pie dish, pressing down with your fingers.
Pour the apple and berries mix into the dish and even out before brushing the edges of the pastry with beaten egg white. Place the rest of the rolled out pasty on top, as a lid, cutting off any excess overhanging pastry.
Brush the top of the pie with beaten egg white, as a glaze.
Make a small hole in the middle of the lid and place in a pre-heated oven at 170C for 30 minutes.
300ml bainne lusach
300ml bàrr lusach
80g stevia
4 buidheagain
1 spàinn-bheag taois faoineig
Cuir am bainne agus am bàrr ann am pana mòr, cuide ri 40g dhen stevia agus an taois faoineig. Teasasich gus an tig ceò às. Aig an ìre seo, cuir sìos an teas.
Buail na buidheagain agus 40g stevia ann am bobhla mòr, ga chur ris a’ phana agus ga mheasgachadh gun sgur le spàinn fhiodha, gus am fàs e nas tìghe.
Cuir dhan fhuaradair airson 2 uair a thìde mus dèanar an reòiteag ann an inneal reòiteig.
300ml plant-based milk
300ml plant-based double cream
80g stevia
4 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
Put the milk and cream in a large pan, along with 40g stevia and vanilla bean paste and bring to the heat until it begins to steam. At this point, reduce the heat.
Whisk the egg yolks and 40g stevia together in a large bowl, add the egg mixture to the pan and stir continuously with a wooden spoon, until it thickens.
Place in fridge for 2 hours before making the ice-cream in an ice-cream maker.
Airson stoc an t-sabhs fìon deirg
300g pìosan a th’ air fhàgail de mairtfheoil
2 stob soilire, air an gearradh
1 leigeas, air a ghearradh
2 curran, air an gearradh
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh, leis a’ chraicinn air fhàgail air
leth cheann creamha
1 spàinn-mhòr puree tomàto
450ml stoc math mairtfheoil
1 glainne port
1 botal fìon dearg
pìosan a th’ air fhàgail de bhalgain-buachair
mullaich nan leigeasan
1 spàinn-mhòr beirm bheathachail
geugan ròs-Mhoire
1 duilleag-labhrais
geugan tìm
Ola raibe
Teasaich beagan ola ann am pana mòr agus cuir na pìosan mairtfheoil a bharrachd ris, a’ leigeil leis dath a ghabhail.
Cuir an t-uinnean, an creamh, an soilire, an leigeas, na pìosan a bharrachd bho na balgain-buachair agus na currain ris. Leig leotha dath a ghabhail agus lùghdaich, ga mheasgachadh tric gu leòr nach steig e ri bonn a’ phrais.
Cuir am puree tomàto ris agus leig leis bruich beagan gus an t-siùcar a leigeil a-mach.
Cuir an ròs-Mhoire, an tìm, an duilleag-labhrais agus a’ bheirm bheathachail ris. Cuir mullaichean nan leigeasan ann cuideachd.
Bruich airson 5-10 mionaidean gus an tig dath air a’ ghlasraich mus cuirear an stoc ris.
Bruich airson dhà no trì mhionaidean eile mus cuirear am fìon dearg agus am port ris. Lùghdaich beagan a bharrachd. Cuir am pearsail dhan phana agus fàg air an teas ìseal gus slaopadh airson timcheall air 6 uairean a thìde.
Aon uair ’s gu bheil e air lùghdachadh gu tur, cuir tro shìoltachan ann am pana nas lugha agus lùghdaich gus am bi e cho tiugh no tana ’s a dh’iarradh tu.
For the red wine sauce stock
300g beef trimmings
2 celery sticks, roughly chopped
1 leek, roughly chopped
2 carrots, roughly chopped
1 onion, roughly chopped with skins left on
Half head of garlic
1 tbsp tomato puree
450ml good quality or homemade beef stock
1 glass of port
1 bottle red wine
Mushroom trimmings
Leak leaf tops, roughly chopped
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
A few sprigs rosemary
1 bay leaf
A few sprigs thyme
Rapeseed oil
Heat a little oil in a large pan and add the beef trimmings and allow to brown.
Add the onion, garlic, celery, leek, mushroom trimmings, carrots. Allow to brown and reduce, stirring enough so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
Add the tomato puree and allow to cook out to release the sugar.
Add rosemary, thyme, bay leaf and nutritional yeast. Add the leek leaf tops.
Allow to cook for 5 – 10 minutes so that the vegetables brown, before adding the stock.
Allow to cook for a further few minutes before adding the red wine and port and reduce further. Add the parsley and leave on the hob to simmer for about 6 hours, on a low heat.
Once it has fully reduced, place through a sieve, into a smaller pan and reduce to the desired sauce consistency.
Airson an Duxelles Bhalgain-bhuachrach
350g measgachadh de bhalgain-bhuachair – portobello, morello, chestnut, uile le na stocan air an toirt dhiubh agus air an gearradh gu mìr.
1 clòbha creamha air a phronn
4-5 sgalaidean, air an gearradh gu mìn
1 geug tìm
1 geug ròs-Mhoire
Druthag sabhs sòidh
Ola raibe
1 spàinn-mhòr ìm ola chroinn-ola
Piobar dubh
Teasaich an ola ann am pana mòr.
Fraidhig na sgalaidean agus an creamh gus an tig beagan dath orra.
Cuir na balgain-buachair dhan phana agus measgaich, a’ leigeil leis lùghdachadh.
Cuir tìm, ròs-Mhoire, sabhs sòidh ris agus cùm a’ dol a bhith ga lùghdachadh.
Seàsan le piobar dubh.
Leig leis lùghdachadh gus nach bi sùgh idir air fhàgail. Fàg gu aon taobh agus leig leis fuarachadh.
For the Mushroom Duxelles
350g mixed mushroom - portobello, morello, chestnut with stalks removed and finely chopped.
1 clove of crushed garlic
4 – 5 shallot, finely chopped
1 sprig of thyme
1 sprig rosemary
Splash of soy sauce
Rapeseed oil
1 tbsp olive oil spread
Black pepper
Heat the oil in a large frying pan.
Slightly brown the shallots and add garlic.
Add the mushrooms to the pan and stir, allowing to reduce.
Add thyme, rosemary, soy sauce and continue to reduce.
Season with black pepper.
Allow to reduce to remove all the liquid, set aside and allow to cool.
Airson a’ chridhe dhaimh
1 cridhe daimh, iarr air a’ bhùidsear a ghlanadh agus a ghearradh na dhà leth
1 pacaid duilleagan càl-bhloinigein
ola raibe
Duxelles Bhalgain-bhuachrach
4 clòbhan creamha, slàn
Ìm ola chroinn-ola airson bastadh
Sùgh an cridhe ann am bùrn sàillte gus tòisichear ga ullachadh. Tiormaich le pàipear cidsin.
Cuir grunn phìosan sreanga a-mach air bòrd glan; fad a’ bhùird agus an taobh eile.
Sgaoil aon leth dhen chridhe a-mach agus sgaoil an càl-bloinigein air a mhuin. Cuir filleadh ma seach de na duxelles balgain-buachrach air muin sin, an uair sin càl-bloinigein agus balgain-buachair a-rithist.
Cuir an leth eile dhen chridhe air a mhuin agus ceangail gu teann leis an t-sreang.
Seàsan le salann is piobar.
Teasaich ola raibe ann am fraidheapan mòr. Cuir an cridhe dhan phana agus dath air gach taobh.
Cuir na clòbhan creamha slàn, an ròs-Mhoire agus an tìm ris. Cuir an t-ìm ola chroinn-ola ris agus dòirt sùgh na feòla agus an t-ìm air an fheòil fhad ’s a tha dath a’ tighinn air. Cuir an cridhe, an sùgh agus na lusan ann an soitheach freagarrach airson àmhainn agus cuir ann an àmhainn ro-theasaichte aig 180C, a’ cur sìos an teas gu 160C nuair a tha e a’ dol dhan àmhainn. Thòir sùil air às dèidh 40 mionaidean ma thathar ga iarraidh aig ìre bruich meadhanach, no 1 uair a thìde ma thathar ga iarraidh gu tur bruich.
For the ox heart
1 ox heart, ask your butcher to clean it out and cut in half.
1 packer spinach leaves
Rapeseed oil
Mushroom Duxelles
4 whole cloves of garlic
Olive oil spread for basting
Soak the heart in salted water before preparing, dry with kitchen paper.
Lay a few lengths of string out on a clean surface, lengthwise and in the opposite direction.
Lay one half of the heart out and layer with spinach. Spoon a layer of mushroom duxelles on top and then add another layer each of spinach and mushroom duxelles.
Place the other half of the heart on top and tie securely with string.
Season with salt and pepper
Heat rapeseed oil in a large frying pan, place the heart in the pan and brown on all sides.
Adding whole garlic cloves, rosemary and thyme. Add olive oil spread and baste with the juices whilst browning. Transfer the heart, juices and aromatics to an oven-proof dish and into pre-heated oven at 180C, reducing the temperature to 160C when it goes in the oven. Check after 40 minutes for medium cooking or 1 hour for further cooking.
Airson an t-sabhs Beurre Blanc
1 glainne fìon geal
sgalaidean, air an gearradh gu mìn
1 spàinn-mhòr ìm bhìogain
ìm ola chroinn-ola
½ liomaid, rùsg agus sùgh
Piobar dubh
Bad dile, air a ghearradh gu mìn,
Bad phearsail, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Cuir am fìon agus na sgalaidean air an teas ann am pana mòr agus leig leis lùghdachadh.
Cuir an t-ìm bhìogan ris agus measgaich.
Cuir an rùsg liomaid, an sùgh liomaid, an dile agus am pearsail ris agus cùm a’ dol ga mheasgachadh.
Seàsan le salann is piobar.
Airson an stèig bhrice-ghairbh
Druthag ola raibe
Ìm ola chroinn-ola
Geug ròs-Mhoire
Teasaich an ola raibe ann am pana mòr.
Tiormaich am breac-garbh agus seàsan le salann.
Cuir am breac-garbh dhan phana, taobh a’ chraicinn, ga chumail sìos le do chorragan.
Seàsan le salann agus cuir cnap no dhà dhen t-ìm ola chroinn-ola ris agus tìm.
Leig leis an craiceann fàs criospach beagan mus tionndaidh thu an t-iasg, ga chòmhdach leis an t-sùgh a tha san phana.
Bruich airson mionaid eile mus tèid ithe le peasairean, aspàrag agus sabhs beurre blanc.
For the Beurre Blanc Sauce
1 glass white wine
A few shallots, finely chopped
1 tbsp plant-based spread
Olive oil spread
½ lemon, zest and juice
Black pepper
Bunch of dill, finely chopped
Bunch of parsley, finely chopped
Place the wine and shallots on the hob in a large pan and allow to reduce.
Add plant-based spread and whisk through
Add lemon zest, lemon juice, dill and parsley and continue to whisk.
Season with salt and pepper.
For the halibut steak
Splash of rapeseed oil
Olive oil spread
Sprig of rosemary
Heat the rapeseed oil in a large frying pan.
Dry the halibut and season with salt.
Place the halibut skin down in the pan first, holding it down with your fingers.
Season with salt and add a couple of knobs of olive oil spread and thyme.
Allow the skin to crispen a little before turning over and basting with the juices
Cook for a further minute before serving with peas, asparagus and beurre blanc sauce.