Haggis Agus
Loga de Bhriosgaidean Cofaidh
200g briosgaidean milis
5 spàinn-bheag uisge teth
5 spàinn-bheag cofaidh
1 spàinn-mhòr branndaidh
250ml uachdar dùbailte
12 cnothan-Frangach

Dòirt an t-uisge teth ann an soitheach eu-domhainn le 2 spàinn-bheag dhen chofaidh agus am branndaidh. Measgaich.
Bual an t-uachdar gus a bheil e aotrom.
Dèan an loga le bhith a’ diopadh na briosgaidean dhan mheasgachadh branndaidh, a’ cuir an t-uachdar air a’ mhuin, a’ cumail ort gus a bheil cruth loga agad.
Suainich le foidhle agus fàg san reòthadair airson co-dhiù 4 uairean a thìde.
Bual na th’ air fhàgail dhen uachdar, a’ cuir an cofaidh ris.
Thoir an loga às an fhoidhle agus cuir air truinnsear e.
Cuir an t-uachdar cofaidh agus am mousse teòclaid ma seach thairis air an loga, agus sgeadaich le na cnothan-Frangach.
Geàrr na thrastan airson a dhèanamh cho tarraingeach ’s a ghabhas.
Mousse Teòclaid
150g 70% teòclaid dorch
6 gealagain
2 spàinn-mhòr siùcar castair òir
Leagh an teòclaid.
Buail na gealagain gus a bheil iad aotrom. Cuir an t-siùcar ris agus bual a-rithist.
Cuir spàinn-mhòr dhen ghealagain ris an teòclaid agus measgaich gu luath.
Beag air bheag, paisg an còrr dhen ghealagan dhan teòclaid.
Cuir dhan an reòthadair gus am fàs e nas tighe airson a chur air an loga de bhriosgaidean cofaidh.
Cearc le taigeis agus fìon-dhearcan
1 chearc, far na cnàimh
½ taigeis, air a ghearradh na chriomagan
1 liomaid
2-3 clòbhan creamh
ola glasraich
salann, piobair, eiteanan-piobair
geug no dhà de thìom
fìon-dhearcan uaine
corc air a thostadh
Sliasaidean na circe:
Lìon leis an taigeis agus dùin an craiceann le biorain beaga.
Còmhdaich le beagan dhen ola glasraich agus sàill le salann agus piobair.
Cuir dhan àmhainn airson timcheall air leth uair a thìde aig 180°C.
Crùn na circe:
Cuir leth liomaid, agus na clòbhan creamh slàn am broinn cabhan na circe. Còmhdaich le beagan ola agus sàill le salann agus piobair.
Cuir dhan àmhainn, le mullach air an t-soitheach airson timcheall air 45 mionaid aig 180°C.
Sgalaidean air am fraidheadh
Fìon-dhearcan uaine
Sùgh bhon chearc bhruich
Cuir stoc ris an t-sùgh agus lùghdaich.
Cuir uachdar dùbailte agus ìm ris. Cuir na fìon-dhearcan ris aig an deireadh.
Pìosan a bharrachd dhen chearc
1 leigeis
1 stob soilire
2 uinnean
2-3 curranan beaga
3-4 clòbhan creamh
duilleagan tìom
salann, piobar, eiteanan piobair
ola glasrach
2L uisge
Teasaich an ola ann am pana le bonn trom.
Cuir na pìosan a bharrachd dhen chearc ris agus teasaich gus an tig dath air.
Geàrr na glasraich agus cuir ris a’ phana gus an tig dath math donn orra cuideachd.
Cuir an t-uisge dhan phana gus a bheil na tha bhroinn air a chòmhdach.
Thoir chun a’ ghoil agus bruich airson 2-3 uair a thìde.
Trosg lìonta ann an leann-ubhail
2 fhileat trosg
300g leann-ubhail tioram
1 spàinn-mhòr stalc-arbhair
1 spàinn-mhòr uisge fuar
duilleagan tìom
Airson an lìonadh:
2 ubhal, air a bhleith
100g criomagan arain
1 ugh mòr, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 spàinn-bheag sgeallan Frangach
1 spàinn-bheag oregano tioram
1 spàinn-bheag paprika
1 ugh
Teasaich an àmhainn gu 350°F
Geàrr an t-ubhal agus an t-uinnean gu mìn
Ann am bobhla, measgaich an t-ubhal, an t-uinnean, na criomagan-arain, oregano, paprika, sgeallan-Frangach agus an t-ugh.
Sàill le salann agus piobar.
Sgioblaich na fileatan truisg agus sàill le salann agus piobar.
Cuir an lìonadh air aon fhileat trosg agus cuir an dàrna fhileat air a’ mhuin. Glèidh iad nan àite le biorain beaga.
Cuir ann an soitheach ròstaidh, a’ dòirteadh an leann-ubhail air muin an èisg, a’ cuir na h-eiteanan-piobair, duilleagan tìom agus an liomaid ris.
Sàill agus còmhdaich le foidhle.
Cuir dhan àmhainn aig 180°C airson timcheall air leth uair a thìde.
Cuir crathadh de chreamh-gàrraidh air a’ mhuin.
Strèan sùgh bhon èisg a’ bruich ann am pana agus lùghdaich beagan mus cuirear uachdar dùbailte agus sgeallan ris, le crathadh piobair. Cuir cnap ime no dhà ris aig an deireadh.
Croquettes buntàta
Buntàta pronn le creamh troimhe
Dèan cumadh croquettes dhiubh, còmhdaich le flùr agus criomagan-arain agus fraidhig.
Coffee Biscuit Log
200g sweet biscuits
5 tsp hot water
5 tsp coffee granules
1 tbsp Brandy
250ml double cream
12 walnuts
Pour hot water into a shallow dish, add 2 teaspoons coffee powder or granules and stir in the brandy.
Whip the cream until it forms soft peaks.
Make the log by dipping the biscuits into the brandy mixture, spreading cream and adding another and so on, until you make the log.
Wrap in foil and place in fridge for at least 4 hours.
Whip the remaining cream into peaks, add coffee.
Unwrap the log, place on serving plate.
Spread coffee cream & chocolate mouse mixtures, alternatively, over the log and decorate with the walnuts.
When serving, cut the log diagonally for best effect.
Chocolate Mousse
150g 70% dark chocolate
6 egg whites
2 tbsp golden castor sugar
Melt chocolate
Whisk egg whites to soft peaks, add sugar & whisk again to stiff peaks.
Add a large tbsp of the egg white to the chocolate and mix briskly.
Gradually add the rest of the egg white by folding in..
Place in the fridge until it reaches a firmer consistency, to layer into the coffee biscuit log.
Chicken with Haggis & Grapes
1 free range, corn fed chicken, boned.
½ haggis, crumbed into small pieces
1 lemon
2 – 3 cloves of garlic
Olive oil
Vegetable oil
Salt, pepper, pinch of black peppercorns.
A few sprigs Fresh thyme
Green grapes
Toasted oats
Chicken thighs:
Stuff with the black pudding and seal the skin using cocktail sticks.
Oil with vegetable oil and season with salt and pepper.
Into the oven at 180 degrees for approx. ½ hour.
Chicken crown:
Into the cavity, put half lemon, whole garlic cloves, oil the top and season with salt and pepper.
Into the oven, with the lid on the baking dish.
Cook at 180 degrees for approximately 45 minutes, or until cooked through.
Fried shallots
Green grapes
Juices of cooked chicken.
Add stock to the juices and reduce.
Add double cream and butter. Add the grapes at the end.
Off-cuts of the chicken
1 leek
1 celery stick
2 onions
2 – 3 baby carrots
3 – 4 cloves of garlic
Fresh thyme
Salt, pepper, black peppercorns
Vegetable oil
2 litres water
Heat the vegetable oil in a heavy based pan.
Add the chicken off-cuts and brown well.
Roughly chop the vegetables and continue to brown.
Allow to brown for a while.
Then add water to cover the ingredients in the pan.
Allow to boil and simmer for 2 – 3 hours.
Stuffed Cod in Cider
2 fresh cod fillets
300 litres dry cider
1 tbsp cornflour
1 tbsp cold water
Fresh thyme
For stuffing:
2 apples, grated
100g fresh breadcrumbs
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 tsp French mustard
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried paprika
1 egg
Heat the oven to 350 degrees f
Finely chop apple and onion.
In a bowl, mix the apple, onion, breadcrumbs, oregano, paprika, mustard and whole egg.
Season with a pinch of salt and pepper.
Trim the cod fillets and season with salt and pepper.
Place the stuffing on one piece of cod, and cover with the second piece of cod.
Secure the two piece of cod together with cocktail sticks.
Place in a roasting tin, pour cider over the fish, adding peppercorns, thyme, lemon.
Season and cover with foil.
Into the oven at 180 degrees for approximately 30 minutes.
Serve with a sprinkling of chives on the top.
Strain the juice from the fish cooking into a pan, reduce a little and add double cream, mustard and season with pepper. Add a few knobs of butter at the end.
Potato Croquettes
Garlic mashed potatoes
Shape into croquettes, dip in flour and bread crumbs and deep fry.