Baguettes aig Griogair
Nì seo 3 baguettes

1 pacaid beirm (7g)
300ml uisge blàth
¾ spàin-bhùird salann
525g flùr làidir
Cuir ri chèile am beirm agus an t-uisge. Leig leis 10 mionaidean gus an tig cop air.
Cuir salann ris an uisge agus dòirt seo am measg an fhlùir.
A’ cleachdadh inneal-measgachaidh buail ri chèile fad 10 -15 mionaidean gus am bi i mìn agus sùbailte. ‘S e taois a tha nas buige na an àbhaist a tha dhìth a seo. Ma tha i a’ coimhead ro thioram cuir beagan uisge rithe.
Thoir a-mach an taois agus cuir ann am bobhla i le beagan ola, cuir fiolm-còmhdachaidh air muin a bhobhla agus leig leis an taois fois ann an àite blàth fad uair a thìde neo gus an dùblaich mead na taoise.
Nuair a tha an taois air èirigh gu math buail aiste na tha innte de dh’ adhar. Till an taois dhan bhobhla ‘s air ais na h-àite blàth airson uair a thìde eile.
Laigh an taois air clàr-fuine air a bheil sadag mìn-fhlùir. Geàrr ann an trì pìosan i. Obraich gach pìos le làimh agus roilig ann an cumadh fada baguette.
Cuir na baguettes ann an tubhailt shoithichean air a bheil sadag mìn-fhlùir. Cuir pasgadh san tubhailt eadar gach baguette feuch nach sgaoil an taois a-mach. Còmhdaich mullach nam baguette leis an tubhailt cuideachd agus fag an dara thaobh iad fad 30 mionaid.
Nuair a tha iad air èirigh a-rithist gluais na baguettes gu treidhe-bèicearachd. A’ cleachdadh sgian geàrr sgoltan ann am mullach gach baguette.
Bruich ann an àmhainn-gaoithe fad 40 mionaid aig teas 190C. Cuir cuideachd treidhe le uisge goileach ann am bonn na h-àmhainn – nì seo na baguettes cruaidh le cagnadh math unnta.
Bheil sìon nas fheàrr na aran air ùr thighinn às an àmhainn?
This will make 3 baguettes
1 packet dried yeast
300ml warm water
¾ tablespoon salt
525g strong bread flour
Add the yeast to the water and mix together. After 10 minutes when the yeast is starting to froth add the salt and then pour everything into the flour.
Knead for 10-15 minutes until smooth and elastic. The dough should be wetter than normal bread dough. If it looks too dry add a little more water.
Remove the dough and place in a bowl with a little oil, put cling film over the bowl and place in a warm place for about an hour or until doubled in size.
Once the dough has risen, punch the air out of it then return to the bowl and place it back in a warm place for another hour.
Tip the dough onto a floured surface and cut into 3 pieces. Shape each piece by hand into a long baguette. Place each baguette onto a floured tea towel. Make sure to put a fold in the tea towel between each baguette to stop the dough from spreading or sticking together. Cover with a tea towel and place to one side for another 30 minutes.
Once risen again move the baguettes to a baking tray. Using a knife score lines on the tops of the baguettes.
Bake in a fan-assisted oven for 40 minutes at 190C. Place a tray of boiling water at the bottom of the oven – this ensures a really crunchy crust.
Is there anything better than freshly-baked bread?