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The brilliance of Victoria Wood

Victoria Wood had a brilliant comic mind. And she was as at home on the page as she was on the stage, the screen and, of course, on the radio.

This clip from a 2013 episode of Radio 4's I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue shows her at her disarming best: singing a silly song to a serious tune.

A moment of comic genius from Victoria Wood

Victoria Wood singing the Bob the Builder theme to the tune of I Dreamed a Dream.

Sioned Wiliam is Radio 4's Comedy Commissioner:

"Victoria Wood is quite simply, irreplaceable. She had the rare ability to appeal to a wide audience with comedy that was literate, sharply written and able also to throw a profound light on the human condition. She was the mistress of the one liner and the beautifully crafted joke and created characters and stories of enormous depth and richness. Like Morecambe and Wise before her she could make everyone laugh. I once sat in one of her Albert Hall shows and watched as men, women and children of all ages laughed helplessly and with utter joy around me. I am distraught at the loss of this brilliantly funny and hugely generous person."

More Victoria Wood moments from Radio 4...