Pr貌gram 3 (Sreath 5)
3 fileadan adaig
200g flùr
50ml leann
50ml uisge bolganach
Bloigh turmeric
Piobar geal

- Measgaich am flùr, am piobar agus an salann agus beag air bheag, cuir an leann agus an t-uisge bolganach ris, ga mheasgachadh gu math gus a bheil bolgain a’ nochdadh. Cuir an turmeric ris.
- Geàrr an t-iasg na phìosan mòra, leis a’ chraiceann air fhàgail orra.
- Còmhdaich an t-iasg leis an taois agus cuir dhan phraidhear-domhainn aig 170C.
Tiops air am bruich dà thuras
Buntàta Maris Piper no King Edward
- Geàrr am buntàta nan tiops.
- Cuir am bogadh iad.
- Thòir iad às an t-uisge agus tiormaich na tiops gus stalc a thoirt bhuapa.
- Praidhig aig 130C
- Thoir iad às a’ phraidhear nuair a tha iad an ìre mhath bruich, ach mus tig dath orra.
- Cuir air pàipear-cidsin iad gus an ola a bharrachd a thoirt dhiubh.
- Cuir air ais dhan phraidhear-domhainn iad aig 180C gus an tig dath òir orra.
- Cuir air pàipear-cidsin a-rithist iad gus an ola a bharrachd a thoirt dhiubh mus gabh an ith.
Tiops air am bruich trì tursan
- Airson tiops air am bruich trì tursan, bruich am buntàta ann an uisge goileach an toiseach mus lean sibh an aon reasabaidh airson Tiops air am Bruich Dà Thuras. Gabhaidh an reothadh às dèidh dhaibh a bhith air an goil agus air am praidheadh ’s iad fhathast reòite, ma thathar ag iarraidh gum bi iad nas buige air an taobh a-staigh agus nas criospach air an taobh a-muigh.
Sabhs Tartare
Mayonnaise às a’ bhùth
Capairean, air an gearradh gu mìn
Greimeag de dhile tioram
1 spàinn-bheag mustard Dijon
Bloigh piobar dubh
- Measgaich na gritheidean còmhla.
Peasairean Pronn
500g peasairean reòite
25g ìm
Druthag fìon-gheur
4-5 spàinn-mhòr uachdar dùbailte
- Thoir pana uisge chun a’ ghoil agus cuir na peasairean reòite ris.
- Leig leis goil air a shocair.
- Thoir bhon an teas agus cuir na peasairean tron t-sìoltachan.
- Pronn na peasairean, a’ cur an t-ìm, an t-uachdar agus am fìon-gheur ris.
- Seàsan mar a thogras sibh.
3 filets of haddock
200g flour
50ml beer
50ml sparkling water
Pinch tumeric
White pepper
- Mix flour, pepper, salt and gradually whisk beer and sparkling water in. Whisk the mixture until it starts to form bubbles. Add turmeric.
- Cut the fish into large goujons, with the skin left on.
- Coat the fish in batter and place in the deep fat fryer at 170 C.
Double Cooked Chips
Maris Piper or Kind Edward potatoes
- Slice the potatoes into chips.
- Soak them in water.
- Remove from water and dry off the excess water to remove starch.
- Fry at 130 degrees C.
- Remove from the fryer when they are just about cooked but haven’t started to brown.
- Set aside on kitchen paper, to remove excess oil.
- Return to the fryer at 180 C, until golden.
- Place on kitchen paper, to remove excess oil, before serving.
Triple Cooked Chips
For Triple Cooked Chips, boil the sliced potatoes first, before following the process for Double Cooked Chips. They can be frozen after boiling and fried from frozen, for a softer centre and more crisp chips.
Tartare Sauce
Shop bought mayonnaise
Capers, finely chopped
Gherkins, finely chopped
Pinch of dried dill
1 tsp Dijon mustard
Pinch of black pepper
- Mix all the ingredients together.
Mushy Peas
500g frozen peas
25g butter
Dash of vinegar
4 – 5 tbsp double cream
- Bring a pan of water to the boil and add the frozen peas.
- Simmer for a few minutes.
- Remove from the heat and drain the peas.
- Mash them with a potato masher, adding the butter, cream and vinegar.
- Season to taste.
Bàrr aspàraig
Ola airson praidhigeadh
Taois Tempura
70g stalc-arbhair
30g flùr air a sheàsanadh
80ml uisge bolganach
Deigh air a phronnadh
- Beag air bheag, measgaich an t-uisge leis an stalc-arbhair agus am flùr leis an t-salainn. Cuir beagan dhen deigh phronn na mheasg.
- Bog am brocail agus an aspàrag dhan taois agus ann am badan, bruich sa phraidhear-domhainn gus iad bheil iad criospach.
Asparagus tips
Broccoli florets
Oil for deep frying
Tempura Batter
70g cornflour
30g seasoned flour
80ml sparking water
Sea salt
Crushed ice
- Gradually whisk the water into the cornflour and flour, with sea salt. Add a little bit of crushed ice into the mixing process.
- Dip the broccoli and asparagus in batches, in the deep fryer. Fry until crisp.
Creachain, leis a’ choireal air a thoirt dheth
Ugh air a bhualadh
Flùr air a sheàsanadh
Criomagan-arain panko
Ola airson praidhigeadh
- Bog na creachain agus na muasgain-caola dhan fhlùr, an uairsin dhan ugh mus còmhdaichear le na criomagan-arain.
- Praidhig gus an tig dath òr orra.
- Gabhaidh coirealan nan creachain a phraidhigeadh ann an taois an tempura.
Sabhs airson dipeadh
2 spàinn-mhòr sabhs sòidh aotrom
Bloigh siùcar Muscavado
1 clòbha creamh, air a shliseadh gu mìn
1 tiolaidh beag, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 tiolaidh uaine, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Sùgh 1 liomaid
Bad choireaman, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Piobar geal
Measgaich na gritheidean gu lèir còmhla.
Scallops, corals removed
Beaten egg
Seasoned flour
Panko breadcrumbs
Oil for deep frying
- Dip each scallop & prawn into flour, then dip into the egg before coating with breadcrumbs.
- Repeat for a crisper coating.
- Deep fry until golden.
- The scallop corals can be deep fried in the tempura batter.
Dipping Sauce
2 tbsp light Soy Sauce
Pinch Muscovado sugar
1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
1 bird’s eye chilli, finely chopped
1 green chilli, finely chopped
Juice of 1 lime
Bunch of coriander, finely chopped
White pepper
Mix all ingredients together.
2 uinnean dearg, air an sliseadh gu mìn
1 curran mòr, air a bhleith
½ càl Savoy, air a bhleith
2 spàinn-bheag fìon-gheur fìon geal
3 spàinn-mhòr mayonnaise
Piobar geal
- Measgaich na gritheidean gu lèir. Cuir dhan fhuaradair gus a bheilear deiseil airson ith.
2 red onions, thinly sliced
1 large carrot, grated
½ small Savoy cabbage, finely shredded
2 tsp white wine vinegar
3 tbsp mayonnaise
White pepper
- Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Place in the fridge until ready to serve.
200g flùr-arain geal
50g ìm gun shalainn
100ml bainne
15g siùcar castair
1 spàinn-bheag brìgh faoineig
Bloigh salainn
7g beirm tioram
1 ugh air a bhualadh
Ola airson phraidhigeadh
Tuba beag reòiteag faoineig
50g siùcar gràinneach
- Cuir am flùr tro shìoltachan ann am bobhla, cuir an t-salann, an t-siùcar agus am beirm ris agus measgaich.
- Cuir an t-ìm, am bainne agus a’ bhrìgh fhaoineig ann am pana beag agus teasaich gu slaodach gus a bheil an t-ìm air leaghadh agus gus a bheil am bainne air blathachadh. Na leig leis goil.
- Dèan tobair am meadhan na gritheidean tioram sa bhobhla agus beag air bheag, cuir na tha sa phana ris a’ bhobhla agus measgaich le spàinn fhiodh gus taois a dhèanamh.
- Cuir an taois air bòrd le flùr agus fuin, a’ cuir tuilleadh flùr ris ma tha feum air no gus nach eil an taois steigeach tuilleadh agus gu bheil coltas nas aotroim air. Cuir an taois air ais a bhobhla glan, air a ghrìseadh beagan agus còmhdaich le cling film. Fàg ann an àite blàth e agus leig leis èirigh airson 1 ½ uairean a thìde no co-dhiù gus a bheil am meud air dùblachadh.
- Pronn an taois le do dhòrn air bòrd le flùr, fuin beagan agus roinn an taois ann an ochd pìosan co-ionnan agus roilig nam bàlaichean.
- Cuir làn spàinn de reòiteag ann am meadhan an taois. Bruisig oirean an taois leis an ugh agus gu cùramach, paisg oirean an taois timcheall na reòiteig, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil iad dùinte gu teann.
- Praidhig na taoiseagan gus an tig dath òir orra agus dust leis an t-siùcair.
- Gabh iad leis an t-sabhs caramail.
Sabhs Caramail
100g siùcar gràinneach
50g ìm gun shalainn
30ml uachdar dùbailte
Druthag uisge goileach
Bloigh salainn
- Leagh an t-siùcar agus an t-ìm ann am pana agus teasaich gu h-ìseal.
- Nuair a tha e a’ tighinn chun a’ ghoil, cuir beagan dhen uisge goileach ris agus leig leis goil gus an atharraich an dath.
- Thoir far an teas, cuir an t-uachdar ris agus measgaich.
200g white bread flour
50g unsalted butter
100ml milk
15g castor sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
7g dried fast action yeast
I beaten egg
Oil for deep frying
Small tub vanilla ice cream
50g granulated sugar
- Sift the flour into a large bowl, add the salt, castor sugar and yeast and mix together.
- Place the butter, milk and vanilla extract together into a small pan and warm over a very gentle heat until the butter has melted and the milk is just warm but not boiling.
- Make a well in the middle of the dry mix and gradually add the milk mixture and stir with a wooden spoon to form a rough dough.
- Tip out onto a floured surface and knead for 10 minutes adding more flour as necessary or until the dough is not sticky and slightly springy to touch. Place back into a clean, lightly oiled bowl, cover with a piece of greased cling film and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 ½ hours or until doubled in volume.
- Punch down the dough with your fist, on a floured surface, knead lightly then divide into equal sized pieces and roll into circular shape.
- Place a spoonful of ice-cream into the centre of the dough. Brush the edges with egg wash and carefully wrap the edges of the dough over the ice-cream, creating a tight seal.
- Deep fry the parcel until golden and dust with sugar.
- Serve along with caramel sauce.
Caramel Sauce
100g granulated sugar
50g unsalted butter
30ml double cream
Splash of boiling water
Pinch of salt
- Combine sugar and butter in a saucepan and simmer over a low heat.
- When it it coming to the boil, add a little boiling water, and allow to boil until it changes colour.
- Remove from the heat and add the cream and stir.