Pr貌gram 2 (Sreath 8)
2 fileat adaig
½ chularan, air a ghearradh na chiùbaichean
2 tomàto
2 dhòrlach de dhuilleagan treabhaich
Ola chroinn-ola
1 pìos dinnsear, meud òrdaig
2 spàinn-mhòr garam masala
1 spàinn-bheag turmeric
150g iogart nàdarra
Piobar dubh

- Rùisg agus bleith an dinnsear ann am bòbhla, a’ cur an garam masala agus an turmeric ris.
- Cuir an iogart ris agus measgaich, cuide ri bloigh salainn.
- Cuir an adag dhan bhòbhla agus còmhdaich, ga fhàgail san fhuaradair airson co–dhiù 10 mionaidean.
- Dèan sailead leis an treabhach, cularan agus tomàto.
- Dèan abhlan saileid le bhith a’ measgachadh sùgh liomaid le ola chroinn-ola.
2 haddock fillets
½ cucumber, cubed
2 tomatoes
2 handfuls rocket
Olive oil
1 thumb sized piece of ginger
2 tbs garam masala
1 tsp turmeric
150g natural yoghurt
Black ground pepper
- Peel and grate the ginger into a bowl, add garam masala and turmeric.
- Stir in the yoghurt and add a pinch of salt.
- Add haddock and cover it with the marinade. Set aside in the fridge for at least 10 minutes.
- Make salad with rocket, cubed cucumber and tomato.
- Make a dressing by mixing lemon juice with olive oil.
400g buntàta ùra
1 pìos dinnsear, meud òrdaig
4 tomàtothan geugaig
3 spàinntean-mòra ola neòinein-ghrèine
1 uinnean, air a shliseadh gu mìn
2 chlòbhan creamh
2 tiolaidh uaine, leis an t-sìol air a thoirt às
½ spàinn-bheag sìol sgeallain dhuibh
1 spàinn-bheag coireaman air a bhleith
½ spàinn-bheag turmeric
1 spàinn-bheag cumin
2 spàinn-bheag garam masala
Bad choireamain ùr, air a ghearradh
1 spàinn-mhòr puree tomàto
Salann & piobar
- Dèan dà leth dhen bhuntàta agus bruich airson 8-10 mionaidean. Drèanaig, tiormaich agus fag gu aon taobh.
- Bleith an dinnsear, an creamh agus na tomàtothan ann an inneal-bleithidh.
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana agus fraidhig an t-uinnean gus an tig dath òir, milis orra.
- Cuir na tiolaidhean agus na spìosraidhean ris agus fraidhig airson dà mhionaid eile.
- Cuir an taois tomàto agus am puree dhan phana agus measgaich troimhe am buntàta.
- Cuir an coireaman ris agus seàsan a rèir blais.
- Seàsan le salann is piobar.
- Sgeadaich le tuilleadh choireamain.
400g new potatoes
1 thumb sized piece of ginger
4 vine tomatoes
3 tbsp sunflower oil
1 onion, finely sliced
2 cloves garlic
2 green chillies, de-seeded
½ tsp black mustard seeds
1 tsp ground coriander
½ tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin
2 tsp garam masala
Bunch of fresh coriander, chopped
1 tbsp tomato puree
Salt & black pepper
- Halve the potatoes and boil for 8 – 10 minutes, drain, dry off and set aside.
- Blitz the ginger, garlic and tomatoes in a food processor.
- Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onions until golden and caramelised.
- Add the chillies and spices and continue to fry for a further 2 minutes.
- Add the tomato mix and puree to the pan and stir through the potatoes.
- Add fresh coriander and season to taste.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Add the coriander at the end and serve.
Sliasaidean circe agus casan air a’ chnàimh
Airson a’ bhrìgheachaidh
Sùgh 2 liomaid
2 uinnean dearg, air an gearradh gu mìn
4 spàinntean-beaga paprika
1 spàinn-bheag coireaman air a bhleith
300ml iogart Grèigeach
Pìos mòr dinnseir, air a bhleith
4 clòbhan creamha, air am pronnadh
1 spàinn-bheag cumin
1 spàinn-bheag tiolaidh air a bhleith
¼ spàinn-bheag turmeric
- Measgaich an sùgh liomaid, paprika agus na h-uinneanan ann am bòbhla.
- Thoir an craiceann far na circe.
- Dèan gearraidhean sa chearc, gu ruige nan cnàimhean.
- Cuir na pìosan circe ann am bòbhla agus, a’ cleachdadh do làmhan, còmhdaich a’ chearc gu math, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun tèid am brìgheachadh a-steach dhan na claisean sa chearc.
- Fàg san fhuaradair airson 10 mionaidean.
- Cuir an iogart ann am bòbhla, cuide ri cumin, pùdar tiolaidh, coireaman agus turmeric agus measgaich gu math. Cuir an dinnsear agus an creamh ris agus measgaich.
- Thoir a’ chearc às an fhuaradair agus dòirt am brìgheachadh air, a’ còmhdach na feòla le do làmhan.
- Cuir dhan fhuaradair airson uair a thìde.
- Bruich san tandoor.
Chicken thighs and legs on the bone.
For the marinade.
Juice of 2 lemons
2 red onions, finely chopped
4 tsp paprika
1 tsp ground coriander
300ml Greek yoghurt
Large piece of ginger, grated
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chilli powder
¼ tsp turmeric
- Mix lemon juice, paprika, onions in a bowl.
- Remove the skin from the chicken.
- Score the chicken, cutting through to the bone.
- Place the chicken pieces in the bowl and using your hands, coat the chicken well, making sure you allow the marinade to get into the scores you made in the chicken.
- Set aside in the fridge for 10 minutes.
- Put the yoghurt into a bowl, along with the ground cumin, chilli powder, ground coriander and turmeric, mix well. Add grated ginger, garlic and mix through.
- Remove the chicken from the fridge and pour the marinade over it, coating the chicken with your hands.
- Place in the fridge for 1 hour.
- Cook in the tandoor.
400g flùr plèan
1 spàinn-bheag siùcar
7g beirm tioram
1 spàinn-bheag salann
300ml iogart nàdarra
2 spàinn-mhòr ghee, air a leaghadh
85ml bainne slàn
85ml bùrn blàth
- Cuir am flùr, an siùcar agus am beirm tro shìoltachan ann am bòbhla. Cuir an salann ris.
- Cuir an iogart, an ghee, am bùrn agus am bainne dhan bhòbhla.
- Measgaich.
- Fuin airson eadar 5-10 mionaidean.
- Cuir an taois ann am bòbhla mòr agus còmhdaich le tubhailt shoithichean ghlan.
- Fàg gu aon taobh airson uair a thìde no gus am bi e a dhà uidhir cho mòr.
- Fuin a-rithist agus dèan 8 bàllaichean co-ionnan dheth.
- Rollaig a-mach gus am bi e eadar 5-7mm tiugh agus bruich san tandoor.
400g plain flour
1 tsp sugar
7g fast action dried yeast
1 tsp salt
300ml natural yoghurt
2 tbsp ghee, melted
85ml full fat milk
85ml warm water
- Sift flour, sugar and yeast in a bowl, add salt.
- Add yoghurt, ghee, water and milk to the bowl.
- Mix together in the bowl.
- Kneed for 5 – 10 minutes.
- Place the dough in a large bowl and cover with a clean tea towel.
- Set aside to prove for 1 hour or until it has doubled in size.
- Kneed again and cut into 8 equal sized balls.
- Roll out to 5 – 7mm thickness and cook in the tandoor.
300ml iogart Grèigeach
Taois creamha air a dhèanamh le 3 clòbhan creamha agus pìos dinnseir, meud òrdaig
½ spàinn-bheag caineal pronn
½ spàinn-bheag crubh-eòin
½ spàinn-bheag turmeric
1 spàinn-mhòr coireaman pronn
6 clòbhan
6 sìl cardamom
½ spàinn-bheag sìol coireamain
½ spàinn-bheag sìol cumin
½ spàinn-bheag sìol nigella
½ spàinn-bheag sìol sgeallain
1 spàinn-bheag pùdar tiolaidh, a rèir blais
Bloigh de chnò-mheannt
- Ròst na clòbhan, sìol cardamom, sìol coireamain agus sìol cumin ann an sgeileid thioram. Cuir na sìl sgeallain agus nigella ris agus crath am pana fhad ‘s a tha iad a’ ròstadh. Nuair a tha iad deiseil, pronn iad, a’ cleachdadh smiste agus soitheach-pronnaidh.
- Cuir an sùgh liomaid ann am bòbhla le spàinn-mhòr dhen taois dinnseir is creamha. Cuir an crubh-eòin, turmeric, coireaman agus an caineal ris. An uair sin cuir na spìosraidhean ròsta dhan bhòbhla cuide ri bloigh chnò-mheannt, pùdar tiolaidh agus iogart.
- Measgaich na gritheidean gu lèir agus sèasan.
- Cuir na chops ann am bòbhla agus còmhdaich leis a’ bhrìgheachadh.
- Còmhdaich le cling agus fàg san fhuaradair airson 24 uairean, deiseil airson an ath latha.
300ml Greek yoghurt
Garlic paste made of 3 cloves garlic & thumb sized piece of ginger
½ tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp fenugreek
½ tsp turmeric
1 tbs ground coriander
6 cloves
6 cardamon pods
½ tsp coriander seeds
½ tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp nigella seeds
½ tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp chilli powder, or to taste
Grating of nutmeg
- Toast the cloves, cardamon pods, coriander seeds and cumin seeds on a dry frying pan. Add mustard seeds and nigella seeds and continue to toast, shaking the pan as they toast. When they have toasted sufficiently, crush them, using the pestle and mortar.
- Put the lemon juice into a bowl add I tbsp of ginger garlic paste. Add fenugreek , turmeric, ground coriander and ground cinnamon. Then add the spices that have been toasting, add a grating of nutmeg, chilli powder and yoghurt.
- Mix all ingredients well and season
- Place the chops in a bowl and cover with the marinade.
- Cover with cling film and place in the fridge for 24 hours, for use the next day.
250g rìs basmati, air a nighe
300ml bùrn fuar
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 clòbh creamh, air a shliseadh gu mìn
6 sìl cardamom
6 clòbhan
Bloigh duilleagan coiridh
1 duilleag-labhrais
1 stob caineil
Bloigh chròch-dhearg
1 tiolaidh dearg
6 eiteanan piobair
1 spàinn-mhòr ghee no ìm
Salann & piobar
- Leagh an ghee ann am pana mòr cuide ris na clòbhan, cardamom, tiolaidh, stob caineil agus na h-eiteanan piobair.
- Cuir an duilleag-labhrais agus na duilleagan coiridh dhan phana cuide ris an t-uinnean agus an creamh agus bruich airson mionaid no dhà, ga mheasgachadh aig a’ cheart àm.
- Cuir an rìs ris a’ phana agus measgaich gu math gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil gach gràn air an còmhdach.
- Cuir a’ chròch-dhearg dhan phana agus measgaich.
- Seàsan le salann is piobar.
- Cuir am bùrn dhan phana agus cuir mullach air. Thoir chun a’ ghoil, lùghdaich an teas agus leig dhan bhùrn sùghadh a-steach dhan rìs.
250g basmati rice, soaked, washed and rinsed
300ml cold water
1 onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, finely sliced
6 cardamom pods
6 cloves
Pinch of curry leaves
1 bay leaf
1 cinnamon stick
Pinch saffron
1 red chilli
6 pepper corns
2 tbsp ghee or clarified butter
Salt & black pepper
- Melt the ghee in a large pan along with the cloves, cardamon, chilli, cinnamon stick & pepper corns.
- Add bay leaf, curry leaves to the pan, onion and garlic added and stir, fry for a few minutes.
- Add rice to the pan and stir well to ensure all the grains of rice are coated.
- Add saffron and continue to stir.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Add the water and place the lid on the pan. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and allow the water to absorb into the rice.
400g càise paneer, air a ghearradh na phìosan mòra
1 piobar dearg
1 piobar buidhe
2 uinnean dearg, air an gearradh nan cairtealan
1 spàinn-mhòr fìon-geur fìon dearg
1 spàinn-bheag pùdar tiolaidh
1 spàinn-mhòr taois creamha/dinnseir
1 spàinn-bheag crubh-eòin
1 spàinn-bheag turmeric
2 spàinn-bheag cumin pronn
300ml iogart Grèigeach
Sùgh 1 liomaid
1 spàinn-mhòr flùr cearc-pheasrach
1 spàinn-mhòr spìosradh measgaichte (1/2 spàinn-bheag sìol coireamain, ½ spàinn-bheag sìol cumin, ½ spàinn-bheag sìol nigella, ½ spàinn-bheag sìol sgeallain) – air a phronnadh le smiste is soitheach-pronnaidh – no spìosraidhean sam bith a thogras tu fhèin.
- Cuir an sùgh liomaid agus am fìon-geur ann am bòbhla.
- Cuir an taois creamha/dinnseir agus an spìosradh measgaichte ris.
- Cuir turmeric, crubh-eòin, cumin agus pùdar tiolaidh ris.
- Cuir spàinn-mhòr de fhlùr chearc-pheasrach ris.
- Measgaich a h-uile càil còmhla.
- Aon uair ‘s gu bheil a h-uile càil air a mheasgachadh gu math, cuir an iogart ris agus measgaich.
- Cuir na cnapan càise dhan bhòbhla, cuide ris an t-uinnean dearg agus am piobar, gan còmhdach gu math leis a’ bhrìgheachadh.
- Fàg san fhuaradair gus a bheilear deiseil airson a chleachdadh. ‘S fheàrr fhàgail airson 24 uairean.
- Cuir measgachadh de chàise, uinnean is piobar air na biorain-ròstaidh mus tèid iad dhan tandoor.
400g paneer cheese, cut into large chunks
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
2 red onions, quartered
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tbsp garlic/ginger paste
1 tsp fenugreek
1 tsp turmeric
2 tsp ground cumin
300ml Greek yoghurt
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tbsp gram flour
1 tbsp ground spice mix (½ tsp coriander seeds, ½ tsp cumin seeds, ½ tsp nigella seeds, ½ tsp mustard seeds) – ground in pestle and mortar. Or you can uses ground spices of your choice.
- Place the lemon juice, along with the vinegar into a large bowl.
- Add ginger/garlic paste and ground spice mix
- Add turmeric, fenugreek, cumin and chilli powder.
- Add 1 tbsp gram flour.
- Mix all the ingredients together.
- Once mixed well, add the yoghurt and mix together.
- Put the chunks of cheese into the bowl, along with the red onion and pepper, coating them well with the marinade.
- Place in the fridge until ready to use, best to let it marinade for 24 hours.
- Alternate the pieces of cheese, onion and peppers on skewers and cook in the tandoor.
Bad mòr de choireamain
6 clòbhan creamha
Pìos dinnseir, meud òrdaig
2 tiolaidh uaine
½ spàinn-bheag sìol cumin
Sùgh 1 liomaid
Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann an inneal-bleithidh agus bidh e an uair sin deiseil airson a ghabhail.
Large bunch of coriander
6 cloves garlic
Thumb sized piece of ginger
2 green chillies
½ tsp cumin seeds
Juice of 1 lemon
Blend all the ingredients together in a blender and it’s ready to serve.