Pr貌gram 4 (Sreath 8)
300g muasgain-caola, amh
2 chlòbh creamh
2 tiolaidh Birds Eye
2 spàinn-bheag sabhs eisirein
2 spàinn-bheag sabhs sòidh soilleir
2 spàinn-bheag sabhs sòidh dorcha
Steallag sabhs èisg
1 spàinn-bheag siùcar donn
Coirce-Ìnnseanach beag
Pònairean uaine
2 sgalaid, air an gearradh gu mìn
Pìos dinnsear, meud òrdaig
Sùgh ½ liomaideig
Ola neòinean-grèine
- Teasaich a’ ghreideal air an stòbha.
- Cuir na muasgain-caola ann am bòbhla.
- Measgaich sabhs sòidh soilleir, sabhs sòidh dorcha, sabhs eisirein, sabhs èisg agus siùcar donn agus measgaich còmhla ann am bòbhla eile agus dòirt air na muasgain-caola. Cuir steallag de shùgh liomaideige na lùib agus seàsan le salann.
- Cuir steallag mhath ola air a’ ghreideal.
- Cuir na muasgain-caola air a’ ghreideal, ga bhruich gus an tionndaidh iad pinc agus an uair sin tionndaidh iad. Faodar steallag bùrn fuar a chur orra aig an ìre-sa.
- Cuir na muasgain-caola gu aon taobh air a’ ghreideal, far an cùm iad orra a’ bruich.
- Air a’ cheann eile, cuir an creamh, na tiolaidhean slàn, dinnsear, coirce-Ìnnseanach beag, sgalaidean agus na pònairean uaine. Dòirt na th’ air fhàgail dhen bhrìgheachadh air am muin agus bruich, ach thathas ag iarraidh gun gabh iad fhathast an cagnadh. Measgaich na muasgain-caola còmhla ris a’ ghlasraich.
- Cuir crathadh de shìol sheasamain orra cuide ri duilleagan lus-an-rìgh, agus gabh le rìs feur-liomaid.
300g prawns, uncooked
2 cloves garlic
2 Birds Eye chillies
2 tsp oyster sauce
2 tsp light soy sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
Dash of fish sauce
1 tsp brown sugar
Basil leaves
Baby corn
Green beans
2 shallots, finely sliced
1 thumb sized piece fresh ginger
Juice of ½ lime
Sunflower oil
- Heat the hot plate on the hob.
- Put the prawns in a bowl.
- Make marinade of light soy, dark soy, oyster sauce, fish sauce and brown sugar, mix together in another bowl and pour over the prawns. Then add a squeeze of lime juice and season with salt.
- Carefully pour a good covering of oil onto the hot plate.
- Place the prawns on the hot plate, cooking until you see the colour turning pick, then you can turn them over. You can add a splash of cold water at this stage.
- Put the prawns to one side of the hot plate, where they will continue to cook
- On the other end of the hot plate, place the garlic, whole chillies, ginger, baby corn, shallots, green beans. Pour what’s left of the marinade over them and continue to cook to a crunchy bite, mixing the prawns together with the vegetables. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and fresh basil leave and serve with lemongrass rice.
225g rìs iasmain
500ml bùrn
1 spàinn-mhòr ola neòinean-grèine
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 clòbha creamh, air a phronnadh
1 tiolaidh uaine, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 stob feur-liomaid, air a bhualadh
Bad choireamain
Pìosan liomaideige
- Fàg an rìs ann am bùrn fuar airson a bhogadh.
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana mòr agus fraidhig an t-uinnean, an creamh, am feur-liomaid agus an tiolaidh.
- Cuir an rìs dhan phana agus measgaich gus am bi gach gràn air a chòmhdach le ola. Seàsan le salann.
- Cùir am bùrn dhan phana agus fàg air teas meadhanach teth gus an sùgh an rìs a-steach am bùrn gu lèir.
- Sgeadaich le coireaman agus pìos liomaideige.
225g jasmine rice
500ml water
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 green chilli, finely diced
1 lemongrass stalk, bruised
Bunch coriander
Lime wedges
- Soak the rice in cold water.
- Heat the oil in a large pan, saute the onion, garlic, lemongrass and chilli.
- Add the rice and stir so that all the grains of rice are covered in oil. Season with salt.
- Add the water and leave on a medium heat until the rice absorbs all the water.
- Garnish with coriander and a lime wedge.
2 bhroilleach circe, air an gearradh
1 uinnean dearg, air a shliseadh gu mìn
1 piobar buidhe, air a shliseadh gu mìn
3 clòbhan creamha, air an sliseadh gu mìn
½ spàinn-bheag paprika smoicte
1 spàinn-bheag taois tiolaidh chipotle
2 spàinn-bheag sìol chumin, air an ròstadh agus air am pronnadh
2 spàinn-bheag sìol choireamain, air an ròstadh agus air am pronnadh
½ spàinn-bheag tìom tioram
½ tiolaidh habanero tioram, air a ghearradh
150g càise cheddar, air a bhleith
1 liomaideige
2 tortilla mòra flùr
- Cuir a’ ghreideal air a’ stòbha.
- Cuir a’ chearc ann am bòbhla mòr, cuide ris a’ chumin agus an coireaman.
- Dust le tìom agus paprika smoicte agus cuir an taois chipotle agus an tiolaidh habanero ris. Cuir steallag mhath ola ann agus measgaich leis a’ chearc.
- Cuir steallag ola air a’ ghreideal agus an uair sin a’ chearc. Seàsan le salann is piobar. Cuir na slisean creamha air am muin, a’ tionndadh a’ chearc leis a’ chreamh gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil iad a’ bruich aig an aon ìre.
- Cuir am piobar ris agus tionndaidh a-rithist. Cùm ort a’ bruich ‘s a’ tionndadh airson dhà no thrì mhinoaidean, a’ cur nan uinneanan ris airson mu 30 diogan.
- Suath a’ ghreideal le clobhd tioram.
- Bruisig a’ ghreideal le beagan ola.
- Cuir na tortillas air a’ ghreideal agus lìon leth de gach fear leis a’ chearc.
- Cuir an càise air am muin agus paisg na tortilla, gan tionndadh gu cùramach.
- Gabh le guacamole agus pìosan liomaideige.
2 breasts of chicken, roughly chopped
1 red onion, finely sliced
1 yellow pepper, finely sliced
3 cloves garlic, finely sliced
½ tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp chipotle chilli paste
2 tsp toasted cumin seeds, crushed and ground
2 tsp toasted coriander seeds, crushed and ground
½ tsp dried thyme
½ dried habanero chilli, roughly chopped
150g cheddar cheese, grated
1 lime
2 large flour tortillas
Black pepper
- Place the hot plate on the hob.
- Place the chicken in a large bowl along with the ground cumin and coriander.
- Dust with thyme, smoked paprika, add the chipotle paste, habanero chilli. Add a good drizzle of oil. Incorporate into the chicken.
- Drizzle a splash of oil onto the hot plate. Place the chicken pieces on the hot plate. Season with salt and pepper. Place the garlic slices on top, turning the chicken and garlic to ensure they are cooking evenly.
- Add the pepper and turn again. Continue cooking and turning for a few minutes, adding the onions for about 30 seconds.
- Wipe the hot plate with a dry cloth.
- Brush a little oil on the hot plate.
- Place the tortillas on the hot plate and place the chicken mixture onto one half of each. Place grated cheese on top and fold the tortilla over and turn them over carefully.
- Serve with guacamole and lime wedges.
1 abhocàdo abaich, air a rùsgadh, a pronnadh agus leis a’ chlach air a toirt ais
1 spàinn-mhòr iogart Grèigeach
2 chlòbh creamh, air a pronnadh
Sùgh ½ liomaideige
Measgaich na gritheidean còmhla ann am bòbhla agus seàsan le salann.
1 ripe avocado, peeled and stone removed and crushed
1 tbsp Greek yoghurt
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
Juice of ½ lime
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and season with salt.
1kg feusgain ùra
2 chlòbha creamh, air an sliseadh gu mìn
Rùsg 1 liomaid, air a shliseadh gu mìn
1 spàinn-bheag criomagan tiolaidh tioram
1 glainne fìon geal tioram
4 spàinntean-mòra ola chroinn-ola
Pearsail airson sgeadachadh
- Cuir a’ ghreideal air an stòbha. Dòirt an ola air a’ ghreideal. Cuir an creamh agus na criomagan tiolaidh ris agus leig dhan chreamh bruich gus an tig dath òir air.
- Cuir na feusgain air am muin, cuir sìos an teas agus cuir druthag mhath fìon geal ris, a’ tionndadh nam feusgan nuair a tha iad air fosgladh. Tha seo a’ ciallachadh gu bheil iad bruich. Cuir barrachd fìon geal ris agus lùghdaich airson mionaid no dhà. Cuir an rùsg liomaid agus am pearsail ris aig an deireadh mus tèid an tionndadh airson aon uair eile.
- Faigh cuidhteas de fheusgain sam bith nach do dh’fhosgail.
1kg fresh mussels
2 cloves garlic, finely sliced
Zest of 1 lemon, finely sliced
1 tsp dried chilli flakes
1 glass of dry white wine
4 tbsp olive oil
Chopped parsley to garnish
- Place the hot plate on the hob. Pour the olive oil onto the hot plate. Add the garlic and chilli flakes and allow the garlic to brown.
- Place the mussels on top, turn down the heat and add a good splash of white wine, turning the mussels until they have opened. This indicates that they have cooked. Add more white wine and allow to reduce for a couple of minutes. Add lemon zest and parsley at the end and give them a final turn.
- Discard any mussels that have not opened.
300g Mions
6 slisean hama stiallach smoicte
1 uinnean dearg
2 chlòbha creamh
1 tomàto
Càise Gouda air a bhleith
Càise mozzarella
3 geirceanan, air an sliseadh
Cnap ime
6 rollaichean brioche
Piobar dubh
- Teasaich a’ ghreideal air an stòbha.
- Cuir am mions ann am bòbhla le tòrr salann is piobar.
- Roinn am mions ann an cuideam 150g gach pìos agus dèan cumadh bàlla leotha.
- Cuir na bàllaichean air a’ ghreideal agus brùth orra gus am bi cruth burgair orra.
- Cuir cnap ime air a’ ghreideal fhad ‘s a tha na burgaran a’ bruich, gan tionndadh aon turas, a’ bruthadh sìos air an fheòil. Leig leotha bruich airson dhà no thrì mhionaidean. Aon uair ‘s gu bheil dath donn air a thighinn air an taobh fodha, tionndaidh na burgaran a-rithist.
- Cuir na slisean hama air a’ ghreideal ri taobh na burgaran. Bruich gus am bi iad criospach.
- Cuir am mozzarella agus an Gouda air muin a’ bhurgar, fhad ‘s a tha iad fhathast air a’ ghreideal.
- Leig leis a’ chàise leaghadh beagan.
- Thoir a’ hama far a’ ghreideil nuair a tha e deiseil.
- Cuir cnap no dhà de dh’ìm air a’ ghreideal agus nuair a tha e air leaghadh, geàrr na rolaichean nan dà leth agus cuir an taobh air a ghearradh sìos air a’ ghreideal gus an tig dath òir orra.
- Sgaoil sabhs tomàta air aon taobh geàirrte dhen rola, agus mayo creamh airson an taobh eile.
- Cuir an fheòil air an rola, le uinnean dearg, tomato agus mayo creamh, an uair sin leiteas, hama agus geircean.
- Gabh le tiops agus mayo creamh is tiolaidh.
300g Minced beef
6 slices smoked streaky bacon
1 red onion
2 cloves garlic
1 tomato
Grated gouda cheese
Mozzarella cheese
3 gherkins, sliced
Knob of butter
6 brioche burger buns
Black pepper
- Plate hot plate on the hob to heat.
- Place mince in a bowl, season liberally with salt and black pepper.
- Divide mince into batches of 150g each and shape into ball shapes.
- Place on the hot plate and flatten them to make burger shape.
- Add a knob of butter to the hot plate whilst the burgers are cooking, turn once and press down on the meet with a fish slice. Allow to cook for a few minutes. Once the underside has browned, turn the burgers again.
- Place the slices of streaky bacon on the hot plate beside the burgers. Cook the bacon until crispy.
- Now place mozzarella and gouda cheese on top of the burger, whilst still on the hot plate. Allow the cheese to melt a little.
- Set the bacon aside once it is crispy.
- Put a few knobs of butter on the hot plate, once melted, slice the buns and place the cut side down on the hot plate and allow to brown.
- On the underside of the bun, spread tomato sauce and on the other underside, spread the garlic mayo.
- Build burgers by layering garlic mayo, tomato, red onion and place the burger on top.
- Top with lettuce leaves and crispy bacon. Place the top of the bun, top with sliced gherkin and place the top of the bun on top.
- Serve with chips and garlic, chilli mayonnaise.
225ml mayonnaise
3 clòbhan creamha, air am pronnadh
Bloigh pùdar tiolaidh
Measgaich còmhla ann am bòbhla.
225ml mayonnaise
3 cloves garlic, crushed
Pinch chilli powder
Mix together in a bowl.
1 chop mòr feòil-muice, geir air a thoirt dheth agus air a shliseadh
2 nead nudailean, air am bogadh a rèir a’ phacaid
Dhà no thrì gheugan broccoli tenderstem
½ churran, air a ghearradh na stoban
2 chlòbh creamh, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Pìos dinnsear, meud òrdaig, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 bhalgan-buachair shitake, air a shliseadh
Sùgh 3 orainsearan
1 spàinn-mhòr sabhs sòidh dorch
1 pak choi, air a shliseadh
¼ mearag-bheag, air a shliseadh gu mìn
2 spàinn-mhòr min-eararaidh
Duilleagan càl-bhloinigein
- Cuir a’ ghreideal air an stòbha, le aon taobh dheth fo theas, an taobh eile às aonais teas.
- Teasaich an ola air a’ ghreideal agus cuir an fheòil air, ga sheàsanadh le salann. An ceann dhà no thrì mhionaidean, nuair a thòisicheas dath a’ nochdadh air an fheòil, tionndaidh e.
- Cuir na creachain air a’ ghreideal le beagan salainn.
- Fàg an fheòil airson mionaid no dhà mus tèid a ghluasad gu taobh fionnar na greideil, fhad ‘s a tha na creachain a’ bruich. Bruich airson mu mhionaid air gach taobh. An uair sin, gluais na creachain gu aon taobh.
- Faodar a-nis an glasraich a bhruich, na currain an toiseach, an uair sin na balgain-buachair, a’ cur tuilleadh ola air a’ ghreideal ma tha e a dhìth. Cuir am broccoli air a’ ghreideal agus leig leotha bruich mus tèid an gluasad gu aon taobh. Cuir am pak choi agus a’ mhearag-bheag air a’ ghreideal.
- Nuair a tha a h-uile càil bruich, cuir an glasraich gu aon taobh. Cuir barrachd ola air a’ ghreideal agus cuir an dinnsear, an creamh agus an càl-bhloinigein ris. Cuir an còrr dhen ghlasraich bhruich air a mhuin agus cuir an sabhs ris (sabhs sòidh, min-eararaidh agus sùgh orainseir air a mheasgachadh), agus measgaich leis a’ ghlasraich.
- Cuir air truinnsear, a’ cur an fheòil agus na creachain air muin a’ ghlasraich.
- Cuir barrachd ola air a’ ghreideal agus cuir na nudailean ann le druthag de shabhs sòidh. Bruich airson mionaid no dhà, a’ gluasadh na nudailean fad na h-ùine gus nach steig iad.
1 large tenderloin pork chop, trimmed and sliced
2 nests of medium egg noodles, soaked according to the instructions.
A few stems of tender stem broccoli
½ carrot, cut into batons
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Thumb sized piece of ginger, finely chopped
2 shitaki mushrooms, sliced
Juice of 3 oranges
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 Pak choi, slices
¼ courgette, finely sliced
2 tbsp cornflour
Spinach leaves
Black pepper
- Place the hot plate on the hob, with one side of the plate on a lit hob, the other side over an unlit hob.
- Heat oil on the plate and place the pork on the plate season with salt. After a few minutes the underside colour starts to change, turn the meat over.
- You can then place the scallops on the hot plate. Season with salt.
- Give the pork a minute or two more before moving to the cooler side of the hot plate, whilst the scallops are still cooking. Allow about a minute each side. Then move the scallops over to one side.
- You can now start cooking the vegetables, carrots first, then mushrooms, adding a little more oil, if required. Add the broccoli to the plate and allow a few minutes to cook before moving to one side. Add the pak choi and courgette.
- When cooked, put all the vegetables to one side. Add more oil to the plate and add the ginger, then add the garlic, allow to cook for a couple of minutes before adding a couple of handfuls of spinach. Put the vegetables that have been set aside on top and add the sauce mix (soy, cornflour and orange juice, mixed together). Incorporate into the veg. Plate up, placing the pork and scallops on top of the vegetables.
- Add a little oil to the hot plate and place the noodles on the plate incorporating a splash of soy sauce. Cook for a few minutes, moving the noodles around to avoid sticking.