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Tectonics 2024 Artist Profile

Dave Jackson

"Like an air raid siren going off inside a space helmet" - Manchester Music blog

"an ecstatic cacophony of sax waves, just as maddening as euphoric" - Guy Peters, Gonzo Circus

Now in his 60th year, Dave Jackson has been playing free improvised music since childhood, long before he ever knew what improvisation was or had access to a 'proper' musical instrument. He'll let you know if he finds one.

These days he mainly plays alto saxophone and guitar with deviations into electronics and anything else available that can make a sound and be employed in his never ending pursuit of uncertainty.

Dave is mainly known for his work with the Solar Fire Trio as well as his current duo with drummer Wayne Rex and an ongoing improv trio with Kate Armitage and THF Drenching.

Improvisation is state of mind, an instinct, an acceptance of all possibilities, a leap into the unknown. Losing yourself and finding a path untrodden. Letting the sound go wherever it wants to be. It's an attitude and a way of being.

Freedom from control. Freedom from dogma. Always listening. Never complacent. It's as simple as you want it to be and as complex as living.