Snow leopard tracking

Web exclusive: Tracking snow leopards
How to find a snow leopard with wildlife guide Khenrab Phuntsog.
Join Hemis National Park Wildlife guard, Khenrab Phuntsog, as he takes us on a trek through the mountains looking for signs of snow leopards.
Khenrab knows the incredible cats on these mountains better than anyone
Khenrab knows the incredible cats on these mountains better than anyone and he shares his unique knowledge of them. He teaches us about snow leopard footprints, how to recognise scent marking rocks, and even how to tell how old snow leopard poo is.
Following in Khenrab's footsteps we learn more about snow leopards and get a rare glimpse inside their lives.
Director – Justin Anderson
Susan Gibson, Duncan Parker, Mateo Willis, John Shier
Editor – Tom Wright
With thanks to
Khenrab Phuntsog, Smanla Tsering, Jigmet Takpa, Government of Jammu and Kashmir, Wildlife Protection Department, Hemis National Park (India), Snow Leopard Conservancy of India Trust