Risotto E貌rna-neamhnaide le Fe貌il-uain agus Consomm茅 Fe貌il-uain/Pearl barley risotto served with lamb cannon & lamb consomm茅
Airson an risotto:
300g eòrna-neamhnaide, air a nighe agus air a bhogachadh
Dhà neo thrì sgalaidean, air an gearradh gu mìn
1 cainnean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 chlòbha creamh, air a phronnadh
Steallag fìon geal
Sabhs feòil-uain
Teasaich an ola ann am pana agus fraidhig an t-ìm, na sgalaidean, an cainnean agus an creamh airson 1 mionaid.
Cuir an t-èorna-neamhnaide ris a’ phana agus measgaich gus a bheil e air a chòmhdach leis an ola.
Cuir steallag fìon geal ris agus measgaich.
Cuir pearsail ris.
Beag air bheag, cuir an sabhs feòil-uain ris a’ phana agus bruich gus a bheil an t-eòrna air bogachadh.
Cuir cnap no dhà de dh’ìm troimhe le pearsail air a ghearradh agus measgaich.
Canan Feòil-uain
Bruich gach taobh dhen fheòil-uain ann am praidheapan gus a bheil e donn, a’ cur ros-Moire agus creamh ris a’ phana.
Sàill agus bruich san àmhainn airson mu 15 mionaidean.
Fàg e airson dreiseag bheag mus tèid a thoirt seachad.
Geàrr an canan na sginichean.
Cuir taobh gheireach na feòla ann am pana teth agus leig leis a’ gheir leaghadh.
Gabh e le measgachadh de ghlasraich ròsta, risotto eòrna-neamhnaide agus consommé feòil-uain.
Consommé Feòil-uain
Mions feòil-uain
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh
1 curran, air a ghearradh
1 cainneann, air a ghearradh
1 stob soilire
6 gealagain agus na sligean
Sabhs feòil-uain
Buail na gealagain còmhla agus cuir an t-uinnean, an curran, an cainnean agus an soilire ris.
Bris am mions suas na mheasg agus cuir mun cuairt gus flod a chruthachadh.
Cuir seo ri pana fuar de shabhs feòil-uain, teasaich air a shocair agus bruich airson uair a thìde.
Cuir toll anns an fhlod le liagh gus faighinn chun a’ chonsommé.
Sìol an consommé tro chlobhd muislinn agus thoir seachad e ann an gloinne.
Pearl barley risotto served with lamb cannon & lamb consommé
For the risotto:
300g pearl barley, soaked and rinsed
A few shallots, finely chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Splash of white wine
Pre-prepared lamb stock
A few knobs of butter
Olive oil
Heat oil in frying pan with a knob of butter, and add shallots, leek and garlic. Fry for approximately 1 minute.
Add the pearl barley and stir until it is coated in oil.
Add a splash of white wine and continue to stir.
Add a few sprigs of thyme.
Gradually add lamb stock to the pan and continue to cook until the barley softens.
Add a few knobs of butter and chopped parsley, stir through.
Lamb cannon
Brown the lamb on all sides in a frying pan, adding some rosemary and garlic cloves to the pan.
Season and roast in a hot oven for approximately 15 minutes.
Allow to rest before serving.
Cut the lamb into cutlets.
Place the fatty side of the cutlets in a hot frying pan and allow the fat to render down.
Serve with a medley of pan fried vegetables, pearl barley risotto and lamb consommé.
Lamb consommé
Lamb mince
1 onion, roughly chopped
1 carrot, roughly chopped
1 leek, roughly chopped
1 celery stalk, roughly chopped
6 eggs whites & shells
Pre-prepared lamb stock
Whisk the eggs whites and add the onion, carrots, celery, leek.
Break the mince into the mixture and mix, to form the float.
Add to a pan of cold lamb stock and bring to the heat, simmer for approximately one hour.
With a ladle, make a hole in the float to get through to the consommé.
Strain the liquid through muslin cloth and serve in a glass.