Featured Museums
Take a look at some of the museums around the world that featured in the series.
Hippo Regius Museum, Anaba
- Prize exhibit: Roman Mosaics from the town of Hippo Regius
- Website:
Split Archaeological Museum
- Prize exhibit: Over 6,000 stone epitaphs from the nearby Roman town of Salona
- Website:
Alexandria Library Museum
- Prize exhibit: Fine examples of Hellenistic Sculpture
- Website:
Thessaloniki Museum
- Prize exhibit: Statue of Emperor Augustus
- Website:
Royal Tombs Museum, Vergina
- Prize exhibit: Valuables from the tomb of Philip II
Kerameikos Museum and site, Athens
- Prize exhibit: Statue of Emperor Augustus
- Website:
Argos museum
- Prize exhibit: Hoplite armour
- Website:
Eretria Museum
- Prize exhibit: Finds from Lefkandi
- Website:
Sparta Museum
- Prize exhibit: Bust of a Spartan Warrior ('Leonidas')
Piraeus Museum
- Prize exhibit: Bronze statue of Pallas Athene
- Website:
Museum of the Ancient Agora, Athens
- Prize exhibit: Shield taken from a Spartan warrior
Epigraphical Museum, Athens
- Prize exhibit: Delian league list
Baghdad Museum
- Prize exhibit: Artefacts from Uruk
- Website:
Pithekoussai Museum
- Prize exhibit: The Cup of Nestor has one of the earliest examples of the Greek Alphabet
- Website:
Regional Archaeological Museum Baglio Anselmi of Marsala (Sicily)
- Prize exhibit: The remains of a Carthaginian ship found off the Sicilian Coast
- Website:
Villa Whitaker Museum, Motya
- Prize exhibit: Motya Ephebe and Punic-era Tophet reconstruction
National Museum, Beirut (Byblos)
- Prize exhibit: King Ahiram's Sarcophagus with the earliest known example of the Phoenician alphabet and bronze statues from Byblos' temple of the obelisks
- Website:
Idlib museum (Artefacts from Ebla)
- Prize exhibit: Cuneiform clay tablets from the great library at Ebla
Aleppo Museum
- Prize exhibit: Fountain statue from the famed Zimri-Lim's Palace at Mari
Palmyra Museum
- Prize exhibit: Stone carvings of wealthy Palmyran families from Roman era tombs
Bardo Museum
- Prize exhibit: Roman Mosaics from all parts of Tunisia
- Website:
Kayseri Museum (Kultepe)
- Prize exhibit: Collection of personal and business letters from the Assyrian Merchant's Colony
- Website:
Corum Museum
- Prize exhibit: Hittite artefacts from Hattusa
- Website:
Museum of Anatolian Civilisations, Ankara
- Prize exhibit: Hittite Artefacts
- Website:
Eski Sark Museum, Istanbul Archaeology Museum
- Prize exhibit: Treaty of Kadesh - clay tablet with one of the world's earliest peace treaties between the Egyptians and Hittites
- Website:
Museum of Underwater Archaeology, Bodrum, Uluburun
- Prize exhibit: Copper ingots and personal artefacts recovered from the wreck of a Bronze-age trading ship found off the cost of Bodrum
- Website: