Cosy up to Autumn
A collection of programmes and features embracing the nature of Autumn

Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca
The new Mrs de Winter is haunted by memories of her husband's first wife. Stars Christopher Cazenove and Janet Maw.
Forests of the Imagination
Alternative realities, holy quests and fairytales among the glories of the Autumn forest. Presented by Eleanor Rosamund Barraclough.
Elegies from a Suburban Garden
Botanist Phil Gates reflects on the emotional rollercoaster every gardener experiences as the seasons change.
What's so great about Autumn...

Siberian Stories
Autumn Migration: One family's autumn migration with their horses and cattle over the remote mountains where Russia borders Mongolia.
DH Lawrence - Love Among the Haystacks
A young governess divides two brothers, both longing for love, as they build a haystack in the hot sun. Stars Philip Jackson.
Victor Pemberton - Looking Back
Veteran Arthur Hobbs looks back at his life as far as the 1914-18 war. But a secret still troubles him... Stars Arthur English.
A Birdsong Garden - Autumn Passage
Mixing memoir, natural history, folklore and birdsong to rediscover how nature can enrich our lives. Presented by Geoff Sample.
Living World - Nightjars
Chris Sperring is in Somerset at the end of summer to find a bird that鈥檚 one of the first to leave before the autumn.
Tweet Take 5: Swallow
The swallow features in this extended version of Tweet of the Day with Kate Humble, Monty Don and Brett Westwood.
A Tale of Harvest Festival
Paul Heiney visits Cornwall to learn more about the man who made Harvest Festival the celebration it is today.
Living World: The Harvestman's Garden
Trai Anfield looks at harvestmen - a classic creepy crawly to be found in our countryside, but what are they exactly?
Tweet Take 5: Chaffinch and Brambling
An extended version of Tweet of the Day featuring the chaffinch and the brambling with Brian Briggs, Chris Watson and John Aitcheson.
The Great Autumn Leaves Quiz

Living World: The Ivy Bee
Chris Sperring and Richard Comont are in Oxfordshire to seek out a new inhabitant to British shores - the ivy bee.
Tweet Take 5: Coot and Moorhen
An extended edition of Tweet of the Day featuring the coot and its cousin the moorhen with Chris Packham, Dominic Couzens and Stephen Moss.
The Harpoon
A special 'Looking Ahead to Autumn' issue of your nostalgic favourite weekly paper. With Julian Dutton, Peter Baynham, Alistair McGowan, Mary Elliot-Nelson and Bryonie Pritchard.
Something Understood: Autumn Colours
Rabbi Shoshana watches the autumn leaves fall slowly and reflects on the vibrant colours and the season's spiritual resonance.
Living World: Brambles
James Brickell is in Wales with botanist Ray Woods looking at the ecology surrounding the humble blackberry.
Tweet Take 5: Raven
An extended version of Tweet of the Day featuring our largest corvid, the raven, with Sir David Attenborough, Paul Evans and Chris Jones.
The Rite of Autumn
The Orchestre National de France performs Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring", but summer is dying. Doc Rowe reveals autumn rites.
Tweet Take 5: Pink Footed Geese
Extended version of Tweet of the Day featuring pink footed geese with Kathy Hinde and Val Thompson accompanied by music from Karine Polwart.
Living World: Winter Ladybirds
As ladybirds become dormant in winter, Joanna Pinnock is in Oxfordshire to examine their struggle to survive.
Tweet Take 5: Tawny Owl
An extended version of Tweet of the Day featuring the tawny owl with Mike Toms, Sir David Attenborough and Miriam Darlington.
Isabel Colegate's The Shooting Party
A tale of English society under the microscope and soon to be destroyed in the trenches, in five episodes. Stars Olivia Colman.
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
Muriel Spark's tale about an Edinburgh teacher in her prime, in five episodes. Read by Gerda Stevenson.