Piotsa air a Fraidhigeadh (Deep Fried Pizza)
500g flùr airson piotsa
½ spàinn-bheag beirm
3 spàinntean salainn
300ml uisge, aig teothachd an t-seòmair
2x 300ml cnogain tomàtothan San Marzano
Càise Mozzarella
Càise Parmesan
2 chlòbhan creamh, air am pronnadh
Ola chroinn-ola
Tìm, air a phronnadh
Duilleagan lus an rìgh
Bloigh salainn
Ola glasraich airson fraidhigeadh

Cuir an t-uisge agus an t-salann ann am bobhla, a’ cleachdadh do làmhan gus measgachadh gu math, mus cuirear 100g dhen fhlùr na lùib.
Cuir am beirm ris agus cùm a’ measgachadh. Cuir am flùr ris mean air mhean, ga mheasgachadh le do làmhan agus an uairsin ga fhuine.
Dustaig bòrd le flùr agus fuin an taois airson co-dhiù 10 mionaidean.
Cuir an taois ann am bobhla agus còmhdaich le fiolm cling.
Fàg gu aon taobh aig ìre teothachd an t-seòmair airson co-dhiù 8 uairean a thìde.
Rolaig an taois agus geàrr na chearcaill. Fàg gu aon taobh a-rithist airson 4-5 uairean a thìde fhad ’s a thathar ag ullachadh dè thèid air a’ phiotsa.
Airson mullach a’ phiotsa:
Bris na tomàtothan le do chorragan gus am bi iad mìn.
Teasaich an ola chroinn-ola ann am pana agus cuir an creamh ris.
Cuir na tomàtothan dhan phana agus teasaich, a’ cur an tìm agus an lus an rìgh ris.
Seàsan le salann.
Airson na piotsathan a dhèanamh, leth lìon wok le ola glasraich agus teasaich gu 180C.
Fhad ’s a tha seo a’ teasachadh, cuir na cearcaill taois air bòrd le flùr. Dèan na cearcaill nas motha gus am bith iad mòr gu leòr airson a’ wok a lìonadh. Feumaidh an taois a bhith gu math tana agus furasta shìneadh.
Dèan pàtaran air an taois le forc.
Nuair a tha an ola air teas 180C a ruighinn, cuir aon ma seach dhan wok. Fraidhig airson dhà no thrì mionaidean, gan tionndadh lethach slighe. Brùth sìos orra le spàinn le tuill fhad ‘s a thathar gam bruich.
Thoir às a’ wok iad le cùram, a’ drèanaigeadh nas urrainn de dh’ola. Cuir air rac gus an sìol an ola a bharrachd dheth, agus cuir pàipear sùighteach fodha.
Fhad ’s a tha e fhathast blàth, cuir dhà no thrì spàintean dhen t-sabhs tomàta air, an uairsin bleideagan càise parmesan agus mozzarella.
Sgeadaich le duilleagan lus an rìgh, seàsan le salann agus piobar agus ith fhad ‘s a tha e fhathast teth.
500g pizza flour
½ tsp dried yeast
3 spoons salt
300ml water, at room temperature
2 x 300ml tins San Marzano tomatoes
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
Extra virgin olive oil
Crushed thyme
Basil leaves
Pinch of salt
Vegetable oil for deep frying
Put the water and salt into a bowl, mixing well with your hands before adding 100g of the flour.
Add the yeast and continue to mix. Continue adding the rest of the flour, gradually, mixing with your hands and knead into a dough.
Dust table with flour and knead the dough for at least 10 minutes.
Place the dough in a bowl and cover with cling film.
Set aside at room temperature for at least 8 hours.
Then roll out the dough and cut into individual rounds and set aside again for another 4 – 5 hours while you prepare the topping.
For the topping:
Break up the tomatoes with your fingers until they are a smooth consistency.
Heat extra virgin olive oil in a pan and add crushed garlic.
Add the tomatoes and heat through, adding crushed thyme and torn basil leaves.
Season with salt
To make your pizzas, half fill a wok with vegetable oil and heat to 180 C.
Meanwhile, place individual rounds of dough on a floured table. Shape the dough with your fingers, into large rounds, to fit into a wok. The dough needs to be very thin and stretchy.
Score the rounds with a fork.
When the oil has reached 180 C. place one round at a time in the wok. Fry for a few minutes, turning half way through. Pressing down with a slotted spoon during the frying process.
Carefully remove from wok, draining as much of the oil as possible. Place on a rack to drain remaining oil off, having put absorbent paper under the grill.
While still warm, spoon on a few spoons of the tomato sauce, grate parmesan cheese on top and add mozzarella slices.
Garnish with torn basil leaves, season with salt and black pepper, and serve hot.