Rugbaidh \ Rugby
Moussaka Glasraich
2 uinnean, air an gearradh gu mìn
2 clòbh creamh, air an sliseadh gu mìn
400g cnogan cearc-pheasair
400g cnogan tomàtothan
100g leantailean uaine
100g balgain-buachair tioram
1 spàinn-bheag ola glasraich
4 geugan ròs-Moire
½ spàinn-bheag sàiste
2 dhuilleag labhrais
1 gloinne fìon dearg
2 aubergine
500g buntàta
càise feta

Cuir na balgain-buachair tioram am bogadh ann am bùrn teth, a’ cumail a’ bhùirn airson stoc.
Teasaich an ola ann am pana mòr agus fraidhig an t-uinnean agus an creamh.
Cuir ròs-Moire agus sàiste ris a’ phana, agus an uairsin na duilleagan-labhrais.
Cuir na balgain-buachair ris a’ phana
Cuir an cnogan cearc-pheasair – sùgh cuideachd – ris a’ phana.
Cuir na leantailean ris.
Cuir na tomàtothan ris.
Cuir am fìon dhearg ris a’ phana.
Cuir sùgh nam balgan-buachrach ris.
Leig leis bruich aig teas ìseal airson timcheall air uair a thìde.
Geàrr an aubergine na shlisean 1cm.
Saill na sliseagan agus fàg gu aon taobh airson timcheall air 5 mionaidean.
Fraidhig anns an ola-glasraich.
Fàg gu aon taobh air pàipear-cidsin gus an ola a bharrachd a shùghadh às.
Rùisg agus leth-ghoil am bùntata agus geàrr na shlisean caol.
Sabhs Bechamel
50g ìm
50g flùr plèan
1L bainne
100g càise Pecorino, air a bhleith
1 duilleag-labhrais
1 ugh
Leagh an t-ìm ann am pana.
Measgaich am flùr na mheasg agus bruich airson mionaid no dhà.
Beag air bheag, cuir am bainne na lùib agus measgaich gus a bheil e na shabhs mìn.
Sàill le piobar.
Cuir an càise na lùib. Cùm beagan air ais airson a chrathadh air muin a’ mhoussaka.
Dìreach nuair a tha an t-sabhs a’ tighinn chun a’ ghoil, cuir an t-ugh na lùib agus measgaich.
Cuir am moussaka ri chèile le bhith a’ cuir aon fhilleadh dhen ragu am bonn soitheach freagarrach airson àmhainn.
An uairsin, filleadh de bhuntàta.
Filleadh de ragu.
Filleadh dhen aubergine.
Dòirt an t-sabhs Bechamel thairis air an aubergine.
Cuir criomagan de chaise Feta agus am Pecorino air a bhleith air a’ mhuin.
Cuir ann an àmhainn teth 200°C airson 45 mionaid.
Gualainn Feòil-uain Air Lìonadh
Gualainn feòil-uain, gun chnàimh, leis a’ gheir air a thoirt dheth.
2 churran beag, air an gearradh
4 clòbhan creamh
4 geugan ros-Moire
1 stob soilire, air a ghearradh
1 duilleag-labhrais
1 bouquet garni
1 gloinne fìon Chianti
Sgaoil an fheòl rèidh air a’ bhòrd agus cuir an creamh, ros-Moire agus salann air a’ mhuin.
Rolaig an fheòil lìonta.
Cuir sreang timcheall na feòla ann an dòigh gus nach gluais e.
Ceangal gach ceann gus dèanamh cinnteach nach tig na tha na bhroinn a-mach.
Teasaich an ola ann an sgeileid agus dath an fheòil air gach taobh.
Nuair a tha dath air an fheòil, cuir an glasraich ris an sgeileid.
Cuir an fhìon ris a’ phana còmhla ris an duilleag-labhrais agus leig leis an t-sùgh lùghdachadh. Cuir ann am pana eile agus leig leis bruich air a shocair airson dà uair a thìde.
Pònairean Borlotti Le Uinnean Dearg
300g pònairean Borlotti
bouquet garni
1 duilleag-labhrais
1 clòbh creamh
sùgh liomaid
2 uinnean dearg, air an ghearradh
tomàtothan air an tiormachadh leis a’ ghrian
Duilleagan pearsail air a ghearradh
Cuir na pònairean Barlotti am bogadh airson 24 uair a thìde
Cuir na pònairean ann am pana le bùrn ùr cuide ris a’ bhouquet garni, duilleag-labhrais agus creamh.
Bruich airson timcheall air leth uair a thìde
Fraidhig na h-uinneanan san ola leis an ros-Moire, sùgh liomaid agus tìom.
Cuir na pònairean Barlotti bruich ris.
Cuir na tomàtothan tioram ris agus teasaich.
Aig an fhìor dheireadh, cuir am pearsail tro na pònairean.
Geàrr an fheòil na shlisean agus gabh le na pònairean.
Brot Minestrone
2 stob soilire
2 churran mòr
2 bhuntàta mòr
1 uinnean mòr
1 chlòbh creamh
4 spàinn-mhòr ola-chruinn-ola
500ml stoc glasraich
400g cnogan pònairean cannellini (traoighte)
400g cnogan tomàtothan
100g sligean pasta
duilleagan càl sabhoidh air an gearradh
crathadh de dh’oregano tioram
1 spàinn-bheag pesto uaine
Teasaich an ola ann am pana le bonn trom.
Geàrr an glasraich gu lèir ann am pìosan meadhan mòr.
Cuir an glasraich agus an creamh ris a’ phana agus fraidhig gus a bheil iad air bogachadh
Sàill le salann agus piobar
Cuir an stoc ris a’ phana
Cuir na pònairean cannellini ris.
Agus am pasta.
Cuir na dh’fheumas de bhùrn ris.
Cuir am pesto ris.
Cuir mullach air a’ phana agus thoir suas chun a’ ghoil. Cuir an teas sìos agus bruich air a shocair airson 15-20 mionaid.
Melba Mess
2 nead meringue
sùbhagan bruich
2 pheitseag
bàrr tiugh
3 spàinn-mhòr iogart nàdarra
3 pinnt bùrn
2 spàinn-mhòr siùcar gràinneach
rùsg oraindsear
Cuir am bùrn, siùcar agus rùsg oraindsear ann am pana beag.
Thoir suas chun a’ ghoil air a shocair gus a bheil an t-siùcar air leaghadh.
Slaop na peitseagan san t-siorap gus a bheil an craiceann a’ tighinn air falbh bho na measan.
Cuir na sùbhagan tro shìoltachan.
Cuir an iogart ris agus measgaich le sùgh nan sùbhagan.
Cuir am bàrr ris agus measgaich.
Thoir an craiceann far na peitseagan.
Cuir am mìlsean ri chèile le bhith a’ cuir measgachadh an uachdair air muin na neadan meringue.
Cuir sùbhagan agus peitseagan air a’ mhuin, agus beagan uachdar a bharrachd air a’ mhuin.
Vegetable Moussaka
2 onions, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, finely sliced.
1 400g tin of chickpeas
1 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
100g green lentils
100g dried mushrooms
1 tsp vegetable oil for frying
4 sprigs rosemary
½ tsp dried sage
2 bay leaves
1 glass of red wine
2 aubergines
500g potatoes
Feta cheese
Soak the dried mushrooms in hot water until they soften, retaining the water to make a stock.
Heat oil in a large pan and add the onions and garlic and fry.
Add rosemary and sage to the pan and continue to cook adding the bay leaves.
Add the mushrooms to the pan.
Add the tin of chickpeas, including the juice, to the pan. (without rinsing them.)
Add the lentils.
Add the tin of tomatoes.
Add the red wine to the pan.
Add the juice from the mushrooms.
Allow to cook on a low heat for approximately 1 hours.
For The Moussaka
Slice the aubergine into 1cm slices.
Salt the aubergine slices and set aside for approximately 5 minutes.
Shallow fry the aubergines in vegetable oil.
Set aside on kitchen paper, to absorb excess oil.
Peel, par-boil and slice the potatoes into thin slices.
Bechamel Sauce
50G butter
50g plain flour
1 litre milk
100g Pecorino cheese, grated
1 Bay leaf
1 egg
Pepper to season
Melt the butter in a pan.
Stir in the flour and cook for 1 – 2 minutes.
Gradually add the milk and continue to stir to make a smooth sauce.
Season with pepper
Add grated cheese. (Retain a little to add to the top of the moussaka.)
As the sauce is just about coming to the boil, add the egg and continue to stir.
Build the moussaka by spooning a layer of the ragu into an oven-proof dish.
Then add a layer of sliced potatoes.
Add another layer of the ragu.
Add a layer of aubergine.
Pour the Bechamel sauce over the aubergines.
Spread crumbled Feta cheese over the sauce.
Grate the remaining Pecorino cheese over the top.
Bake in a pre-heated at 200C, for 45 minutes.
Stuffed Shoulder Of Lamb
Bone out lamb shoulder, with fat and sinew trimmed and flattened.
2 small carrots, roughly chopped
4 cloves of garlic
4 sprigs of rosemary
1 celery stick, roughly chopped
1 bay leaf
1 bouquet garni
Olive oil
1 glass Chianti wine
Lay the meat flat and place the garlic, rosemary and season with salt.
Roll the meat around the stuffing.
Truss the lamb securely with cooking string, ensuring that it is completely sealed.
Tie the ends to ensure that the stuffing doesn’t get squeezed out.
Heat oil in a frying pan and sear the meat on all sides.
Once the meat has been seared, add the vegetables to the pan.
Add the wine to the pan, add the bay leaf and allow the liquid to reduce.
Transfer to another pan and simmer on a low heat for two hours.
Borlotti Beans With Red Onion
300g Borlotti beans
Bouquet garni
1 bay leaf
1 clove of garlic
Olive oil
Lemon juice
2 red onions, roughly chopped.
A few sundried tomatoes.
Chopped parsley.
Soak the borlotti beans in water for 24 hours.
Place the beans in a pan with fresh water, along with the bouquet garni, bay leaf and garlic.
Boil for approximately 30 minutes.
Fry the onions in oil, infused with rosemary, lemon juice and thyme.
Add the cooked borlotti beans.
Add the sundried tomatoes and heat through.
At the end add chopped parsley and stir through.
Slice the rolled shoulder of lamb with the beans.
Minestrone Soup
2 celery sticks
2 large carrots
2 large potatoes
1 large onion
2 cloves of garlic
4 tbsp olive oil
500ml vegetable stock
400g tin of cannellini beans (drained)
400g tin of chopped tomatoes
100g dried pasta shells
A few savoy cabbage leaves, shredded.
Pinch of dried oregano
1 tsp green pesto
Heat the olive oil in a heavy based pan.
Chop the vegetables into large chunks.
Add the vegetables and garlic to the pan and fry until softened.
Season with salt and pepper.
Add the vegetable stock.
Add the cannellini beans.
Add the dried pasta.
Add water, as required.
Add the pesto.
Cover with the lid and bring to the boil. Simmer and cook for 15 – 20 minutes.
Melba Mess
2 Meringue nests
Cooked raspberries
2 fresh peaches
Double cream
3 tbsp natural yoghurt
Stock Syrup
3 pints water
3 tbsp granulated sugar
Orange rind
Put the water, sugar and orange rind in a small saucepan.
Bring to a gentle boil and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
Poach the peaches in stock syrup until the skin loosens.
Sieve the raspberries into a bowl.
Add the yoghurt and stir through the raspberries.
Add the cream and stir through.
Remove the skin from the peaches.
Build the dessert by spooning a spoonful of the cream mixture into the meringue nests.
Top with some raspberries and peach, then spoon more of the cream mixture on top.