Doctors Clips
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"We're so different"—Series 19, Desperately Seeking Susan
Duration: 00:35
"I've gambled everything"—Series 19, The Value of Nothing
Duration: 00:37
"You can't do this"—Series 19, The Song Without End
Duration: 00:34
"We're wasting time on you"—Series 19, Circles - Part 2
Duration: 00:35
"My husband is missing"—Series 19, Circles - Part 1
Duration: 00:36
"I think you're naive"—Series 19, A Rock and a Hard Place
Duration: 00:35
"Don't tell your mum"—Series 19, Vigilante
Duration: 00:34
"I think it's nits"—Series 19, Sense and Sensitivity
Duration: 00:34
"Where's the witch?"—Series 19, Long Haul
Duration: 00:34
"I am a robot"—Series 19, You Robot
Duration: 00:36
"Ignorant ageism"—Series 19, Dead Men Kiss No Womble
Duration: 00:35
"Welcome to the mad house"—Series 19, Suffer the Children
Duration: 00:34
"Into cougars are ya?"—Series 19, A Chip off the Old Block?
Duration: 00:34
You want me to spy on them?"—Series 19, Check Mate
Duration: 00:33
"It's getting a bit boring"—Series 19, Under My Skin
Duration: 00:34
"You don't know me"—Series 19, Staggered
Duration: 00:34
"You're an egg"—Series 19, The Inheritance
Duration: 00:35
"Things have to change"—Series 19, A Mother's Love
Duration: 00:36
"We should step in"—Series 19, Ransom
Duration: 00:36
"She's dead Dad!"—Series 19, Eric
Duration: 00:34
"A woman is an island"—Series 19, Dreams are Made On
Duration: 00:34
"I haven't touched your son"—Series 19, Boisterous
Duration: 00:34