The Sky at Night Clips
What is a quasar?—The Quasar Chasers
Duration: 05:05
What is a neutron star?—The Strangest Planet
Duration: 04:26
Mapping the night sky—Back to Basics
Duration: 05:33
The biggest bangs in the Universe—Big Bangs
Duration: 05:24
Our galaxy—Back to Basics:into Deep Space
Duration: 01:15
What is a light year?—Back to Basics:into Deep Space
Duration: 03:41
Carl Sagan on alien civilisations—Life in the Universe
Duration: 05:40
Viewing the Crab Nebula—Big Bangs
Duration: 03:49
Who invented the telescope?—Light Fantastic
Duration: 04:58
Kitt Peak National Observatory—Light Fantastic
Duration: 06:07
The large telescopes—Light Fantastic
Duration: 06:07
Herschel and Planck launch—Neighbourhood Watch
Duration: 05:42
What is a galaxy?—Neighbourhood Watch
Duration: 04:43
The Great Observatories—The Great Observatories
Duration: 06:00
Four ways to find a distant planet—Home from Home
Duration: 05:49
Magic black holes—Black Holes and Black Magic
Duration: 06:01
Neil Armstrong talks to Patrick Moore—Infra-Red Astronomy
Duration: 07:10
Jupiter's rings and moons—Voyager to Jupiter
Duration: 06:58
Pioneer 11 photographs Saturn—Pioneer to Saturn
Duration: 04:16
A tour of Ulysses—Europe in Space
Duration: 05:36
Robert Hooke models the Moon—Mapping the Moon
Duration: 02:26
Saturn's magnetic field—Cassini at Saturn
Duration: 03:07
Phoebe, Mimas, Tethys and Iapetus—Cassini at Saturn
Duration: 02:13