A Point of View Episodes Episode guide
The Price of Independence
Tom Shakespeare says that disabled people's right to independent living is under threat.
Trial by Select Committee
Tom Shakespeare thinks that reformed select committees have revitalised Parliament.
Cognitive Decline
Tom Shakespeare says wisdom in middle age is some compensation for cognitive decline.
The Nature of Time
Will Self reflects on the unsettling nature of time.
A weekly reflection on a topical issue.
The Power of Fiction
Will Self reflects on the power of our relationship with fictional characters.
The Purpose of Satire
Will Self finds himself driven to reconsider the nature and purpose of satire.
Having Children
Will Self reflects on the growing divide between people with and without children.
Losing Touch
Will Self laments diminishing personal contact as a result of the rise of technology.
The Power of Art
AL Kennedy reflects on the power of art to sustain the human spirit.
Language and Listening
AL Kennedy reflects on the importance of learning languages and listening to one another.
Charlie Hebdo
Adam Gopnick reflects on the Charlie Hebdo massacre.
The Pursuit of Happiness
AL Kennedy reflects on what it means to pursue happiness.
Monarch's Message
David Cannadine reflects on the history of the Queen's Christmas message.
Art: The Real Thing
What constitutes real art, as opposed to kitsch or that based on fake emotions and cliche?
Why the fear of producing kitsch art has led to a new kind of pre-emptive kitsch.
Faking It
Roger Scruton muses on the difference between genuine art and that based on fake emotion.
Thinking the Unthinkable
John Gray argues that 'thinking the unthinkable' means exaggerating fashionable beliefs.
Dostoevsky and Dangerous Ideas
John Gray points to lessons from the novels of Dostoevsky about the danger of ideas.
Soylent and the Charm of the Fast Lane
John Gray explores why human beings crave busy lives.
Capitalism and the Myth of Social Evolution
John Gray reflects on why the advance of capitalism is not inevitable.
Cures for Anxiety
Adam Gopnik identifies four different types of anxiety that afflict modern people.
A Lesson from Love Locks
Adam Gopnik draws a lesson on the nature of love from the eyesore of love locks in Paris.
The Football Fallacy
Adam Gopnik explains why the English are better at watching football than at playing it.
Dying with Dignity
Adam Gopnick thinks we fail all too often to let people die with dignity.
Short and Successful
Adam Gopnik thinks there is a simple reason why short men enjoy stable marriages.
Keeping Time
Lisa Jardine reflects on the history of timepieces and the power of clocks and watches.
Red Dress Sense
Red may be now fashionable, but in the past it was powerful, reflects Lisa Jardine.
The Horror of War
Lisa Jardine says commemorating a war should not mean losing sight of its horror.
When fiction comes to the historian's rescue
Lisa Jardine on how fiction can be more useful than fact in helping us understand the past