Great Lives Episodes Episode guide
George Washington
British General Sir Michael Rose selects 'Father of the American Nation' George Washington
Elizabeth David
Chef and novelist Prue Leith chooses cookery writer Elizabeth David.
Brian Clough
John Motson nominates former Nottingham Forest manager Brian Clough.
Lord Denning
Blur drummer David Rowntree discusses the life of Lord Denning.
John Cage
Conceptual artist Michael Craig-Martin talks about avant-garde composer John Cage.
Sir Alec Issigonis
Engineer Alex Moulton and the Earl of Snowdon talk about the life of Alec Issigonis.
Artist and sculptor Maggi Hambling nominates Rembrandt as her choice of a great life.
Elvis Presley
Northern Ireland politician Lord David Trimble chooses Elvis Presley.
Lilian Baylis
Jude Kelly nominates legendary Edwardian theatre producer Lilian Baylis.
George Bernard Shaw
Dr Phil Hammond chooses the Nobel Prize-winning playwright, George Bernard Shaw.
Julius Caesar
Archaeologist Barry Cunliffe nominates ancient Roman leader Julius Caesar.
Claude McKay
Theatre director, actress and writer Yvonne Brewster nominates poet Claude McKay.
Mata Hari
Fiona Bruce chooses the femme fatale, international spy and exotic dancer, Mata Hari.
Billie Holiday
Singer and actress Pauline Black chooses a jazz legend, the singer Billie Holiday.
Marie Curie
Pallab Ghosh explains how Marie Curie achieved fame through her work on radioactivity.
Anton Chekhov
Author William Boyd champions playwright Anton Chekhov's claim to greatness.
Nick Danziger breaks the programme's rules with comic book adventurer, Tintin.
Joe Strummer
With Matthew Parris. Phill Jupitus nominates former Clash frontman Joe Strummer.
Pope John Paul II
Conservative MP Ann Widdicombe nominates the last Pope, John Paul II.
William Beveridge
Anne Fine nominates the author of the report that became the basis for the Welfare State.
Martha Gellhorn
Journalist Camilla Wright nominates the war reporter Martha Gellhorn for greatness.
Richard Beckinsale
Alan Davies nominates actor Richard Beckinsale who tragically died aged just 31.
Joan Littlewood
Actor Victor Spinetti explains his admiration for director Joan Littlewood.
Albert Einstein
Professor Kathy Sykes nominates Albert Einstein.
Millicent Garrett Fawcett
Feminist campaigner Lesley Abdela discusses the extraordinary suffragist leader.
John H Hammond
Joe Boyd shines a spotlight on the career of record producer John H Hammond.
Charles Darwin
Businessman and academic, Adair Turner looks at the life of Charles Darwin.
Nina Simone
Joanna Macgregor nominates the chanteuse and civil rights activist Nina Simone.
Stanley Baldwin
Former minister Lord John Biffen nominates Conservative Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.
Julia Ward-Howe
Elaine Showalter nominates the 19th-century American writer Julia Ward-Howe.