Thinking Allowed Episodes Available now
Beauty - Ugliness
Beauty and ugliness.
Suburbia Revisited
Laurie Taylor explores the latest research into how society works.
Selfies - disconnection from ICTs
'Selfies' - narcissism or self-expression? Also, choosing to disconnect from ICTs.
Gangs and spirituality
Gangs and spirituality - can religious belief lead members away from crime?
China today
China - how was it lifted out of poverty and what does the future hold?
Light and Dark
How the meanings of light and dark have changed over time in the context of urban life.
Size Discrimination
Laurie Taylor considers what it means to be very tall, very big or very short.
Business Schools
Should business schools be shut down? Laurie Taylor examines the arguments.
Law and Order
Law and Order: the drama series revisited 40 years later.
Marx and Marxism
Marx and Marxism revisited.