A look at Hohner accordions, instruments that have played a significant part in Scottish dance music, with accounts from musicians familiar with their unique sound.
Tha ceangal dìomhair eadar cèol traidiseanta na Gà idhealtachd agus a Ghearmailt. Tha sin tron a bhocsa, neo a melodeon agus aona chompanaidh gu sònraichte, Hohner. Tha am prògram seo a' bruidhinn ri luchd-ciùil, a' tadhal air an fhactaraidh agus a' cluich a chiùil, feuch de a sgeulachd a th'aca ri innse.
The magic of the word Hohner is explored in this programme about the musical link between a seminal instrument in Scottish traditional music and a German company. Mouth organ and accordion players explain why they treasure their Hohner-made instruments, and demonstrate their musical skills on them.
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