Episode 2
Music series exploring the place of song in the world of the Gael. Featuring performances from James Graham, Christine Primrose, Calum Alex MacMillan and Margaret Stewart.
Leis mar a bha e mar chleachdadh do na Gaidheal a bhi siubhal ge bith an ann len toil neo ri linn is nach ro roghainn aca tha gaol dutcha mar chuspair a' nochdadh gu tric is minic anns na h-貌rain Ghaidhlig. Tha Ruaraidh Macilleathain agus Mark Wringe a' meorachadh air na briathran agus na sgeulachdan air an culaibh . A-measg na tha ga seinn tha Calum Ailig Mac a' Mhaoilein, Seumas Greumach, Cairistiona Primrose agus Mairead Stiubhart.
Whether by choice or necessity, for many Gaels, taking leave of their homeland has been a fact of life down through the generations. Distance probably does make the heart grow fonder if the canon of Gaelic song is anything to go by and this programme explores how the songwriters expressed their 'longing for home'. The singers include Calum Alex MacMillan, James Graham, Christine Primrose and Margaret Stewart.
Last on
Soraidh le Eilean a' Che貌 air a sheinn le Maighread Sti霉bhart
Duration: 02:41
Baile m' 脌rach air a sheinn le Cairist矛ona Primrose
Duration: 03:51