Episode 5
Music series exploring the place of song in the world of the Gael. This episode looks at spiritual songs and hymns, featuring performances from Arthur Cormack and Catriona Garbutt.
Tha creideamh air a bhi dl霉th do bheatha nan G脿idheal ann an difir chumaidhean thar iomadh ginealach. Agus tha samhla air a sin ri fhaicinn anns na laoidhean agus na d脿n spioradail a tha a' nochdadh sa chanan. A-measg na seinneadairean tha Art MacCarmaig agus Catr矛ona Garbutt. Ag aithris tha Calum D貌mhnallach.
The place of faith and spirituality in daily life and how that is reflected in the musical tradition of the Gael is the subject of this programme. Calum MacDonald explores the hymns and spiritual songs and amongst the performers are Arthur Cormack and Catr矛ona Garbutt.
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