Woman's Hour Clips
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Children of sperm and egg donors
Duration: 15:09
Anna Connell; founder of Manchester City
Duration: 08:54
Law changes for prostitution and lap-dancing
Duration: 13:35
Mothers and time alone
Duration: 08:07
The 'perfect' affair?
Duration: 17:12
Indian solar engineers
Duration: 08:35
Cook the Perfect...Mayonnaise with Arabella Boxer
Duration: 08:23
Parenting the French way
Duration: 09:36
Parents who kill their children
Duration: 11:01
Cook the Perfect...Chinese greens with Fuchsia Dunlop
Duration: 07:10
Cook the Perfect...Cinnamon Buns with Signe Johansen
Duration: 08:30
Melinda Gates: ‘Contraception is not controversial’
Duration: 03:42
Cook the Perfect...Ice Cream with Robin Weir
Duration: 11:32
Cook the Perfect...Steak with Tim Anderson
Duration: 08:51
Cook the Perfect...Simnel Cake with Mary Berry
Duration: 09:00
Cook the Perfect...Scones with Hannah Miles
Duration: 09:21
Cook the Perfect...Fish Soup with Giorgio Alessio
Duration: 07:43
Cook the Perfect...Madeleines with Michael Vanheste
Duration: 07:56
Cook the Perfect...BBQ with Clare Kelly
Duration: 10:25
Cook the Perfect...Meringue with Peter Gordon
Duration: 09:20
Cook the Perfect...Brownies with Claire Burnet
Duration: 07:10
Cook the Perfect...Shepherd's Pie with Lindsey Bareham
Duration: 08:45
What to do on the day the ex remarries
Duration: 02:08
Julie Walters on her new stage role
Duration: 02:48