Animation. Dogstar is a spaceship containing all of Earth's dogs, lost in the move from Old Earth to New Earth. The Clark kids must find it and bring those dogs home.
2D animation. The year is 2347. Somewhere between packing up and moving the entire population of Old Earth to New Earth, all the dogs went missing on a spaceship called the Dogstar. A technical glitch? Pilot error? Who can say?
Aboard the Dogstar is every canine family pet that ever was. Every lovable terrier, every pampered lapdog, every boisterous hound, every loyal companion. And Hobart. The Clark family loves Hobart. He is a trusted, loyal buddy, a valued member of the family in every sense. The Clark kids are not going to take the situation lying down and they set out to find the Dogstar! Borrowing Dad's spaceship, the trusty Valiant, the kids embark on a journey that will take them to the farthest reaches of the universe, and beyond...
The Clark kids (and Gran) are determined to find the Dogstar and bring those dogs home. Robotics genius Bob Santino is just as determined to stop them.