KS1 Science Clips Clips
Growth and change (clip compilation)—Ourselves
Duration: 01:04
Looking after a baby cheetah—Health and Growth
Duration: 02:08
Variation in nature (clip compilation)—Variation
Duration: 00:58
What do plants need to grow? (clip compilation)—Growing Plants
Duration: 00:56
What are bridges made from?—Sorting with Using Materials
Duration: 01:00
Different beetles—Plants and Animals in the Local Environment
Duration: 02:08
Electricity (clip compilation)—Using Electricity
Duration: 00:48
Light sources in your bedroom at night—Light and Dark
Duration: 01:52
The force of water—Pushes and Pulls
Duration: 00:34
What happens when a squash ball hits a wall?—Forces and Movement
Duration: 00:48
The five senses—Ourselves
Duration: 01:23
Variations in plants—Variation
Duration: 00:51
Similarities and differences between twins—Variation
Duration: 01:39
The growth of a banana plant—Growing Plants
Duration: 02:39
Day and night in the world's most northerly city—Light and Dark
Duration: 02:15
Looking after pets—Health and Growth
Duration: 00:37
Can all birds fly?—Variation
Duration: 02:14
Why do we need to eat fruit and vegetables?—Health and Growth
Duration: 00:21